Saturday, 30th April 2005
Due to the demise of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club premises in Blythswood Square, we were obliged to seek a suitable venue for our second reunion. Following the success of 2001, it had to be somewhere large enough to accommodate the expected number, not too expensive and central enough for people to get to without too much travelling. After a great deal of research we settled on the Glynhill Hotel, Paisley – it was close to Glasgow Airport and just off the M8, and in addition, we had heard of good reports regarding its food and service.
As it turned out both were excellent! Following the 2001 event, the 2005 Reunion was to be run in a similar fashion. ASR’s were issued to members and the organising committee would be the same as in 2001. Entrants were divided into Classes dependent on when they had first started in the sport, and everyone was given a competition number, for use in the photographic identification competition, the latter to be held during Reception. At the end of the day, we received 151 entrants who together with partners which gave a total attendance of 230! We also received apologies from many members who couldn’t manage along.
Prior to the evening’s festivities, a special meeting of members was held to decide the future of the “Veterans of Scottish Motor Sport”. At this meeting, it was decided unanimously, that to ensure the future of the group, and as none of us was getting any younger, we should form a proper association, and to put it on a more secure footing it should be registered as a Company with Company House.
Fortunately, Renault UK had agreed to help with a donation towards the event and we were delighted to welcome Mandy Hopkins of the Renault PR department on the night. Also amongst those guests present were Sir Jackie Stewart, Paddy Hopkirk and Andrew Cowan. Hamish Wilson had arranged for a Veteran Renault to be available which was put on display within the foyer, and which caused great interest, especially to our younger members.
At Documentation, a Programme and lapel badges were issued by the “Scrutineer Ladies” to all the entrants. The Programme contained a “Route Card” giving a schedule for the evening. After the Documentation, everyone was directed to the reception area where, in addition to pre-dinner refreshments, Alan Carlaw had laid out the Photograph Recognition Competition. This caused considerable scratching of scalps and a bit of “looking over shoulders”! However, it was all taken in good spirit and very soon it was very difficult to converse due to the chat and laughter as members tried to solve the puzzles! Soon it was into dinner. Between courses, we were entertained by Jimmy McInnes with his microphone doing the rounds of tables, and doing impromptu interviews with members and guests. Towards the end of the meal, it was JYS turn to speak – he quickly gave McInnes a red face by recounting their past mutual exploits. JYS then dragged Paddy Hopkirk on to the floor where they both gave a very entertaining double act! All in all, it was felt that this reunion was every bit as good as the first one – and should certainly be repeated.
Just a few pics were taken during and after dinner
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Some pages from the 2005 Reunion Programme
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Apologies from Non-Starters
The following were some of the veteran competitors who were unable to start due to varying reasons – mechanical problems, other events, compelling domestic reasons, etc, etc.
However, all tendered their apologies and most hoped to be able to compete in any future events!
Roy Allingham, Motherwell
” I decided to give this one a miss.”
Stuart Allister, Lauder
” I will be on holiday.”
Sandy Angus, Carluke
” Please accept my apologies for the Reunion which I hope will be a great success.”
Ian Barr, Dundee
” I am unable to attend.”
David Bertram, Edinburgh
” Unfortunately unable to come to what I am sure will be a splendid event.”
Tom Bicket, Kilmarnock
” I will be mmotorcycling in Orkney at the time!”
Ian Birrell, Helensburgh
” I will be sailing in Crotia at the time!”
Stella Boyles, Garsington
” Sorting out my new business – I am just not going to make this event so please do give my apologies and best wishes to all to have a successful evening. Please keep me informed of subsequent Veterans evenings so that I can put in my diary and keep sacrosanct.”
David Brown, Carluke
” I will be on holiday.”
Mid Bruce, Annbank
” I am Organising Stoneleigh Kit Car Show that weekend.”
Dominic Buckley, Kelso
” I’m sorry that the event clashes with work again this year, and I won’t be able to attend. This is very disappointing as it would be quite interesting – to say the least – to catch up with all “the veterans”. Hopefully next time.”
Tom Clark, Bridge of Weir
” Elizabeth and I unfortunately will not be able to attend since we have already arranged to be away from home at a special birthday party. We both would very much have enjoyed being there on the night, however, it is not possible. Allow me to wish you all an enjoyable successful evening at the Glynhill.”
Gordon Clarke, Giffnock
” Another engagement at the time.”
Tom Coffield, Jnr, Callander
” I regret I will be out of the country during the time of this year’s event. Could you keep my details on file.”
Ian Coutts, Edinburgh
” As I will be abroad at the time! Keep me on the list.”
Bobby Crawford, Milnathorpe
” He and Wink are recovering from a serious car crash.”
Alan Douglas, Glasgow
” Sorry to be missing it. Will be on holiday that weekend.”
The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, Dunfermline
” …wonderful sounding get-together.. Alas, I am tied up at the end of April and will not be able to join you, but please accept my very best wishes.”
Mick Fenwick, Biggar
” I will be Stewarding at Ingliston that day!”
The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, Dunfermline
” Otherwise engaged that date.”
Grant Fleming, Uddingston
” Unfortunately I can’t manage!”
Heather Fleming, Cheltenham
” Sorry, unable to attend – have a great day!”
Andrew Fletcher, Pencaitland
” My regrets, I am unable to attend. Do have a good meeting.”
Iain Flett, Larbert
” Regret to register a DNS as racing Formula Junior Historic at Donington Park that weekend. John Fyda is racing my Lotus 22!”
Nigel Gibb, Glasgow
” Unable to attend.”
Gordon Hastie, Torbex
” Unfortunately, family commitments that weekend.”
Bill Henderson, Falkirk
” I will be attending a Wedding that day in Galway!”
Colin Hope, Helensburgh
” Unable to come due to family illness.”
Marion Hopkins, Airdrie
” I will be the Competition Secy. of Monklands Sporting CC’s Forrestburn Hillclimb on 1st May”
Jim Ironside, Bearsden
” Sorry, will not manage. Best wishes for a successful event.”
Peter Jeffrey, Dunrobin, Ontario
” Unfortunately I will not be able to attend – we are in the middle of moving to Vancouver Island. I know that Charlie Bruce Miller will be coming down from Aberdeen and I hope my brother Martin will also be able to attend. I know that it will be a memorable evening.”
Douglas Keenan, Lochwinnoch
” Hopefully I can manage the next one!”
Kenneth Le May, Paisley
” Unable to manage”
Graham Lees, Lendalfoot
” Unfortunately or should it be fortunately we will be in Bath at the end of April for our son’s wedding. Maybe it will be third time lucky – for us to get to the reunion that is. Our very best wishes for another successful reunion.”
Tom Legget, Kilwinning
” Unfortunately I will be unable to attend.”
Bobbie Longmuir, Portugal
” Living in Portugal now.”
Jonathan Lord, Paisley
” Don’t think I’m going to manage this time, but have a great evening.”
Margaret Lowrey (Mackenzie), Winslow
” Much as I would enjoy renewing auld acquaintances, Joe does not go too far afield these days. It would have been nice to see Arlene and Co. and the gang ( I know diminishing, from the 55) again. Remember me to Andrew Cowan, I hope the Imp is enjoying its new master on the road now. Best wishes for a successful occasion, Yours in spirit.”
Tony Luck, Perth
” Unwell for months – so won’t manage this one. Hopefully the next one.”
Rab & Sheila McDonald, Lasswade
” Unfortunately we will not be able to enter this time as we are away on Motorsport Business. I trust you all will have a great night. Next time I will look forward to a entry form as usual. Have a good night.”
Robert McKenzie, Barrhead
” Will be abroad at the time.”
Colin McNae, East Kilbride
” At a wedding that day.”
Duncan & Dorothy McPherson, Newton Mearns
” We will be unable to be with you at the reunion. Duncan is now blind and walks with great difficulty. Our good wishes for another successful event.”
Ian McRae, Gartcosh
” Not for me this year?”
Bill Millar, Glasgow
” Other commitments at that time.”
Jock Millar, Drumclog
” Involved in Monklands Sporting MC’s Hill Climb on 1st May!!”
Hector Monro, Lockerbie
” I am sorry I will not be at your Veterans weekend. It is just too complicated and my arthritis makes at quite a trial to drive a 3/4/2 Bentley! Getting in is OK, but getting out is not! I am sure you will have great fun and I wish I were there to meet old friends. Good luck.
Hector, The Rt Hon Lord Monro of Langholm AE DL”
Ronnie Morrison, Helensburgh
” Can’t manage.”
Sandy Morrison, Stirling
” Helen and I will be on holiday abroad at the time.”
Ian Muir, Glasgow
” on holiday”
Iain Mungall, Cupar
” Thank you for the invitation. Sadly I’m not going to be able to attend. I have been trying to rearrange a prior family arrangement. But unfortunately, the date could not be changed. I hope you all have a good time and I’m sure that if it is anything like the last one it will be a big success.”
Euan Murray, Edinburgh
” Unable to attend on 30th April – best wishes”
Charles Nichol, Newquay
” Sorry but D Keenan and I will now not be able to make it. Hopefully, we can arrange it for the next one”
George Parker, Bourne End
” Regrettably planning for the yet another Lion’s Tour, this time in New Zealand, which prevents me from joining you all! Have a great time.”
Wilson Paton, East Kilbride
” Will be in Texas on business at that time.”
Peter Rae, Balerno
” Regret I shall be away on the 30th April – wish you every success.”
George Sangster, Montrose
” Have to go to a wedding!!?”
Ian Scott-Watson, Greenlaw
” Not going to be able to attend. Best wishes for a successful event.”
John Semple, Giffnock
” on holiday”
Jimmy Sime, Paisley
” Unfortunately will be at Thruxton that weekend of the 30th so I will not be able to attend. Hopefully, the next reunion will be at a time I can attend.”
Douglas Steedman, Bothwell
” Unfortunately on 30th April, I am unable to attend. I very much enjoyed the previous “get-together”. Where have all the years gone? — I’m sure you all will have a most successful day. Regards to all”
David Stevenson, Glasgow
” On a holiday that weekend.”
Ian Stewart, Crieff
” Love to come but unable to cope with such late nights”
Ken Strachan, Cupar
” Have a prior engagement that day.”
Ian Sutherland, Leven
” Please give my apologies for absence.”
Bill Syer, Dunfermline
” I will be in Spain at that time.”
Tim Thomson, Skipton
” Giving away niece at her wedding in Sydney!”
George Topp, Lanark
” Other commitments that weekend, unfortunately!”
Neil Turner, Glasgow
” I will not be present at this year’s reunion. I trust the evening will be a great success although only graced by the presence of lesser celebs than myself !”
Brian & Carol Wilkinson, Kincardine
” On holiday”
Malcolm Wilson, Cockermouth
” Unfortunately I will be in Sardinia for the 5th round of WRC on this date, so will be unable to attend. Despite this, I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable event.”
Malcolm Wishart, Glasgow
” Competing at British National round at Prescott.”
Dan Wright, Dalry
” I can’t make it this time but please keep me on the list for the next one.”
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Photographic Identification Competition – see how you get on
Answers below
Here are the answers to the quiz.
Q1 – Jowett Javlin on the Bo’ness Hill Climb.
Q2 – Rest and Be Thankful Hill Climb.
Q3 – Boyd Tunnock on the Bo’ness Hill Climb.
Q4 – St Andrew’s beach.
Q5 – Chrissy and Andy Neil. Start of Monte Carlo Rally.
Q6 – ACE Plates
Q7 – A Messerschmitt car.
Q8 – Peter Hughes and David Murray.
Q9 – RSAC Veteran Run. Eric Dymock.
Q10 – Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
Q11 – The winning drivers in the 1956 Le Mans were Ron Flockhart and Ninian Sanderson. The picture shows Ron in the dark shirt, Ninian in the white shirt with David Murray on the right and Wilkie Wilkinson in his white overalls (hand partially raised) on the left.
Q12 – Logie Hill north of Stirling.
Q13 – 1957 Le Mans. Winning car driven by Ron Flockhart and Ivor Bueb, followed home by a second placed car driven by Ninian Sanderson and John Lawrence, all in ‘D’ Type Jaguars.
Q14 – Windscreen motor.
Q15 – Ninian Paterson and navigator Jimmy Brown.
Q16 – Brig Morris and Allard
Q17 – The Top Gear journalist, the late Alistair Ford
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