November is upon us – and soon it will be Xmas!! Before that however, is a very important event, the Annual General Meeting of V.S.M.A. As before this will be held in the staff room of Tunnock’s factory in Uddingston on Friday the December at 6.00pm. Below are details in relation to the AGM.
An additonal item to this Newsletter is the information that Bob Baillie has just released details of the 2019 Spring Run. Here is his invitation to you and below that are PDFs of the ASRs, Entry Form and Hotel Booking Form, to allow you to enter the event. PLEASE NOTE THAT ENTERIES FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE TAKEN ON A “FIRST COME FIRST SERVED”BASIS.
November 2018
Dear Member,
Spring Run 2019. ——- Friday 26th. April – Monday 29th. April 2019.
We have reached the time of year for organising the Spring Run. For 2019 we are venturing into Cumbria with the highlight being a visit to the headquarters of M-sport near Cockermouth.
The Newby Bridge Hotel have reserved 20 – 25 rooms for us for the weekend and these will be allocated on first come first served so please get your entries in early to avoid disappointment.
The rates for the hotel per person on a Dinner, Bed and Breakfast basis are as follows :
2 Nights – £119.00 3 Nights – £169.00
The official proceedings will start with us meeting in the Dumfries area at a Garden Centre yet to be decided. We would be aiming to leave Dumfries by 11.30am. The morning run will simply be from our meeting point down to M-sport for a tour around the premises. The set up here is mind blowing.
Due to numbers, we will be divided into two groups with tours one after the other. The tours will last approximately an hour and a half and there will be a break between tours. Refreshments will be available on site before and after the tour.
On Saturday morning the run is very short taking us to Lakeland Motor Museum and this is followed by a sail from Lakeside on Lake Windermere to Bowness-on-Windermere. After time for browsing Bowness, the boat returns us to Lakeside. Transport from Lakeland Motor Museum to Lakeside and return is by coach.
Sunday will involve a trip to the Stott Park Bobbin Mill followed by the Crystal Factory at Ulverston and the Docks Museum at Barrow-in-Furness. The return from Barrow-in-Furness to Newby Bridge will be via the Coastal Route.
On Monday we leave after breakfast and, since there is no set route to follow, you can choose your own way back home.
This is just a broad outline of the weekend and could be subject to change. I hope that you find the proposed Spring Run of interest. The numbers able to attend are restricted and I would stress again the need for early booking.
Yours sincerely
Bob Baillie, Vice Chairman VSMA.
2019 Spring Run ASRs 2019 Spring Run Entry Form 2019 Spring Run Hotel Booking Form
Annual General Meeting:
This will start sharp at 6.0pm when a light snack has been laid on, courtesy of Boyd Tunnock. Here is the Location. All members are more than welcome to attend this important event. If you are unable to attend, please complete the Proxy form and send it to me. Here is the Agenda, Proxy and Nomination Forms which will give you all the information you require for the evening. Can I point out that the Nomination Form, duly completed, must be in my hands by 16th November 2018 at the latest.
New member:
I welcome another new member since last Newsletter, namely
- Graham Smith for Napton, Southam in Warwickshire
All Graham’s details can be viewed in his profile page in the Members List.
New email addresses:
- Ian Forrest’s address is now : i_forrest@bitwisegroup.com
- Kenneth Gunn address is now: williamgunn546@yahoo.com
2018 Autumn Run: – Sunday 7th October 2018 – The Story
This would be the third Autumn Run organised by Charlie Young and Eddie Hawke and the plan in moving to a Perth start was hopefully encourage VSMA members further North and East to participate. This unfortunately was not to be the case.
In starting our final reccie and on route to Perth, we received a call from our finish venue – The Boathouse Restaurant in Kilysth. This to inform us that they had ceased trading the previous evening and could we call and they would return our deposit. A good way to start the day!!
Anyway, to the event and starting at Dobbies Garden Center just to the West of Perth proved an excellent venue, where the management could not have been more helpful for the assembled lowly fourteen crews. The numbers were to be further reduced when firstly Chris & Mary Paton phoned to say that his Cooper S had ground to a halt near Kinross whilst heading for the start. Removing the rocker cover revealed a sheared rocker shaft and hopefully no further damage. Second casualty was the Porsche Boxster of Margaret & Ian Smillie – simply they got their dates wrong and were convinced that the event was the following weekend. So, we are now down to twelve starters.
The Route:
The first car left at 12.00 on the dot, heading West past Huntingtower to turn right onto 8083 at Methven. The promise of sunshine in glorious Perthshire was not forthcoming with the weather starting to deteriorate and rain falling. From Methven they turned left left signposted Fowlis Wester then straight on over the offset crossroads at Fowlis Wester, past Quarter Bank and Raith before turning right at Kinkell Bridge and left at the next T junction and almost immediate left at Drumness – still no road numbers!!
From Drumness straight over the crossroads with the A823 (a road number at last) and then T junction left onto the A822 and almost immediate right on the unmarked road at Kaims Castle and the old Roman Fort before turning left at the crossroads onto the old Military Road and down into Braco.
Side road right in Braco onto the B8033 took the crews down past Wester Feddal and Mid Cambushinne to Kinbuck. Continuing on the B8033, then a hard left onto the main A9 next to the Queen Victoria School for a short drive down to the main roundabout at Dunblane. Taking the second exit, they were heading now on the old A9 for Bridge of Allan and looking for a sharp right onto the unmarked road sign posted Old Keir. This was a cracking piece of road taking crews past Craigarn Hall / Easter Row and Hillside of Row before T junction left onto the B824, and then T left onto the A820 into Doune. Through Doune, crews were looking for the B826 on the right and heading for Thornhill. Before Thornhill, they took a left at the T junction onto the A873, turning right onto the B8031 past Craighead and South Mid Frew,and turning left onto the A811
Passing Boquhan Home Farm they were then onto a side road right to an offset crossroads left and right. Past Glentirranmuir / Auldhall, down past Craigend and then T left onto the B822 and then T left in Fintry onto the B818. Continuing left on the B818 the crews were now onto the Carron Valley road before taking a right turn onto the Tak Me Doon Road
Located almost at the end of the Tak Me Doon road was the new finish venue – Kilsyth and Lennox Golf Club where again the Club Manager and staff were very extremely help full .
The choice of several one courses with tea and coffee was well received and the day was finished off with a quiz.
All in all a good run, on good surfaces and some seventy plus miles enjoyed by all. The promised views of glorious Perthshire had not materialised with the weather turning really nasty by the time the crews had reached the finish. Good luck to next year’s organisers!!
Charlie Young
Many, many thanks to Charlie and Eddie for another enjoyable run – pity about the numbers, and of course thanks for the above narrative.
Stuart Parker
Goodwood Festival of Speed:
Eric Dymock sent in this YouTube video for your interest.
Amusing YouTube Clip:
This I’m sure will make you laugh!
I’m running out of “funnies” but here is an old one from/for our beloved Charman:
Perks of reaching or being over 65
Perks of reaching or being over 65 and heading towards 80 and beyond!
1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
2. In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first.
3. No one expects you to run — anywhere.
4. People call at 9 PM (or 9 AM) and ask, ‘Did I wake you?’
5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac.
6. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
7. Things you buy now will never wear out.
8. You can eat supper at 4 PM.
9. You can live without sex but not your glasses.
10. You get into heated arguments about pension plans.
11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge.
12. You quit trying to hold your stomach in no matter who walks into the room.
13. You sing along with elevator music.
14. Your eyes won’t get Much worse.
15. Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off.
16. Your joints are more accurate than meteorologist or the national weather service.
17. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either.
18. Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.
19. You can’t remember who sent you this list. And you notice these are all in big print for your convenience.
Forward this to everyone you can remember right now!
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT THING: NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill, and a laxative on the same night!
That’s all folks………………. ! Stuart Parker, November 2018