New Members:
May we welcome the following new members to our Association.
Brian McLuckie, from Larbert and Donald Gordon, from Paisley
Details for each can be found in the Members and Details section.
Website amendments:
Details of these changes can be found in the Members and Details section.
Sandy and Helen Morrison have flitted to a new address in Stirling – however, they still have the same telephone number and email address as before.
Bob and Margaret Baillie have moved from Mauchline and now live in Kilmarnock. See Bob’s page for their new address and telephone number.
Sammy Colman has now flitted from Wishaw to Douglas
Death of two members:
Noted in the Glasgow Herald was the death of member Colin Hope who died on 15th September 2012.

Alastair Findlay died in the Stranraer Hospice on 18th September 2012. He had returned home in early August from the Yukon having been diagnosed there with terminal cancer. He will be well known to the rallying fraternity especially those in Ayrshire. Over the two years in the Yukon he emailed his diary almost weekly, recording his doings and thoughts, plus many amusing anecdotes which might be worth reproducing sometime in the future. Read more in the Past Veterans Section on the above deaths.
The 5th Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival, 8th and 9th September 2012:
Details of this event can now be found under the “Previous Events” section
Phantoms and Shadows –
some weeks ago I was approached by an Alan Dalton to request the use of one of the images on our website, one of Boyd Tunnock competing in his MGA, on a book he was writing on the history of Motor Sport around Edinburgh. On checking this with Boyd the image has been duly inserted in his ebook “Phantom and Shadows”. This can now be downloaded from Amazon. The Kindle edition costs a mere 77p. Having obtained a copy I can confirm that it is certainly worth this small price. I’m sure it will be of interest to those who been involved with motorsport around the Edinburgh.
Finally, may I remind you of the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of our Association which will be held on Sunday 2nd December at 2.00pm. Boyd Tunnock has kindly offered his premises in Uddingston as a venue for this event. Hopefully we will see a number of our members there.
That’s all folks………………. !
Stuart Parker, November 2012