14th Oct 2021
Dear Member,
Consolidation of the Veterans of Scottish Motorsport Association
There has been quite an upheaval within the Association with a new Chairman, Secretary and a change in Board Members. One thing that became clear was that the funds of the Association were very limited and, in order to sustain and progress the Association, it was decided to introduce an annual subscription. This was voted for at the AGM held via Zoom on Thursday 4th August 2021 and to which all members were invited.
It was decided that the annual subscription would be £20.00 becoming payable on 1st January 2022 and on 1st January every year thereafter. Payment can be made by bank transfer to:
Account Holder: The Veterans of Scottish Motorsport Association.
Sort Code: 80-08-77. Account No: 00137949
or by cheque payable to V.S.M.A. and posted to:
Robert K. Baillie, 11a, Arran View, Mauchline, Ayrshire KA5 5BB
I trust that you will continue to support V.S.M.A. by taking up the annual subscription and by returning your membership details by email to vsmasec@yahoo.com or by Royal Mail to: Nancy Crichton, Secretary V.S.M.A., 42 Turnberry Gardens, Westerwood, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G68 0AZ.
One of our new Board members, Chris Paton, is doing a sterling job of updating the website and I would ask that you visit the site to keep up-to-date and update your personal information. The intention of the board is to produce quarterly newsletters with details of upcoming events and snippets of news and information which will be of assistance to members. This will be on the website and if necessary sent to a small number of members who do not use the internet.
Chris has also set up a Facebook page initially only for members which can be found by searching “Veterans of Scottish Motorsport Association”.
Please complete the accompanying form asking you to confirm your name, address, email address ( if you have one ) and the best telephone number on which you may be contacted – either landline or mobile. It is hoped that most correspondence will be carried out via email but if you don`t have an email address then it will be via Royal Mail.
With Kind Regards
Bob Baillie
Chairman, V.S.M.A.