Autumn Run 2025
Autumn Run 2025. Date to be announced.
Details coming soon
Autumn Run 2025. Date to be announced.
Details coming soon
Spring Run 2025. Tuesday 15th April – Friday 18th April 2025.
The Spring Run 2025 will be based at Pitlochry.
Accommodation has been arranged at the Dundarach Hotel, Pitlochry, PH26 5DJ, as follows:
3 Nights DBB Double Room, £552
3 Nights DBB Single Room, £366
The hotel requires a deposit of £250, which will be deducted from your final bill on leaving.
The run will start at Alexandra and travel to Pitlochry via a lunch stop at the Falls of Dochart, Killin.
There will be visits to:-
The Water Mill, Pilochry
Blair Castle and Gardens
The House of Bruar
There will also be Quad Biking and Clay Pigion Shooting at Dunkeld.
The entry fee for the run can not been finalised until all the venues confirm our booking but you can book your place and pay the £250 hotel deposit by clicking the following link. VSMA WEBCOLLECT. (You need to sign on to webcollect using your email address and password).
VSMA Autumn Run Report 2024.
Click on the pictures to expand, press ‘Esc’ to return.
Our 2024 Autumn Run began with entrants meeting at the New Lanark Visitor Centre on the 6th October. There was an area set aside for members to park and a great opportunity to scrutinise some of the interesting vehicles participating in the days event. A great venue to meet and chat before heading off on a route prepared by our chairman, Chris Paton.
Luckily the weather was kind and although the sun remained behind cloud, there was no need to utilise the alternative route provided in case we encountered any ‘monsoon conditions’! Fifteen crews set off on the near 70 mile journey through the upper Clyde valley which delivered some stunning views of the Lanarkshire hillsides, travelling along fabulous road surfaces. (Eat your heart out Glasgow!). The route then turned west and into Ayrshire via the spectacular Mennock pass where a couple of crews spotted an Eagle take to the sky after it caught a large fish in the Mennock Water which runs alongside the road.
Gemmell’s Garden Centre was a welcome sight for relief and sustenance for many of us. A table reservation allowed run participants a chance to discuss and compare stories. Some managed to go off-piste, whether meant or unintended we just don’t know! Never a navigator error!! A delicious and vast selection was available from the café and some retail therapy available for all to partake in. This allowed for lunch prior to our next route which took us to what can only be described as ‘The Best Secret Man cave in Scotland’.
A great photo opportunity ensued as we were treated to an amazing collection of cars and motorcycles. A photo opportunity of Ian Gemmell with the Hillman Avenger he’d had great success in. No doubt a lovely trip down memory lane for you Ian. Another of the cars found a connection as Nancy sported matching attire (picture of her posing beside the yellow car).
Some fabulous artwork along the back wall of the car room portraying some of the cars. A stunning collection of vehicles not just four wheels but motorcycles, one of which was World Champion Stunt Rider Kevin Carmichael’s limited edition, chassis no. 000 Triumph.
The cars and motorcycles were only part of the secret as everyone was in awe of the entertainments room. An F1 simulator, more terrific art work, a kitchen area designed with a ‘Snap-on’ tool cabinet theme and seating covered in racing overalls. Every corner of the room featured different motorsport artefacts. It truly was an Aladdin’s cave of motoring memorabilia done in a fun way. Such a superb end to our days trip.
So much to see in this hidden gem. (Sadly, visits are by invitation only and it’s whereabouts must remain a secret.) A huge thank you to Ian Gemmell who arranged the visit and also many thanks to Willie who welcomed us to ‘The Best Secret Man cave in Scotland’.
Report and pictures by Margaret Smillie.
Click on the pictures to expand, press ‘Esc’ to return.
This years annual Spring Run began at Moffat Woolen Mill, where entrants enjoyed a breakfast roll and refreshments whilst collecting the route directions to Slaley Hall Hotel.
A stop at the Pottery at Bardon Mill broke the journey with an informative tour around the factory and a chance to buy, if you had the car space! It’s the last commercial pottery in Britain that continues to utilise traditional practises. Fabulous garden pots competitively priced and a very enjoyable visit.
Arrival at Slaley Hall Hotel in the afternoon meant members were able to relax and recount the day.
There were a number of variations on the routes taken as unplanned detours occurred, with one unlucky breakdown which ended happily with only a stone in the brake disk. Dinner ended a great start to the event and our first evening.
Day 2
Following breakfast the route to Raby Castle with some stunning views, alas no pictures! The run was just under an hour with tour guides awaiting our arrival.
A cold day with everyone well wrapped at the start of the tour prior to entering the castle.
Once inside all listened carefully to the guide as we moved through some fabulous rooms each with their varied stories, portraits and furniture.
Many stairs linked the different parts of the castle.
Guide Stephen took the first group who were very interested to learn that Lord Barnard had one of the first motorcars in Britain. Stephen had done some research when he heard of our visit. He elucidated the delivery driver was hired as Lord Barnard’s chauffer and went on to work in the post for over 40 years. There was a copy of a wage slip from 1908 for the ‘Motormen’. A 4 week wage was £8 for the driver.
Raby Castle was full of varied rooms and stories. A visit that was enjoyed by all. Some pictures from our tour give an impression of its splendour and interest.
To round off the visit we enjoyed a packed lunch in the servants quarters.
Day 3
This saw many members taking the morning to explore the surrounding area. Some utilised the route instructions to visit the Discovery Museum in Newcastle. A few members met others whilst exploring the quaint historic town of Corbridge. A lovely little town with an abundance of coffee/gift shops and quite a few antique emporiums.
The afternoon was taken up by a choice of activities:
Clay pigeon shooting; Chris Paton, Hugh MacKinnon, Tony Fleming and Gordon Hood took part in the clay pigeon shooting. The final scores showed Chris and Tony equal best on 16 hits so the instructors organised a shoot out based on both guns trying for the same clay, on a ‘first hit wins’ basis. Chris buckled under the pressure missing all four shots with Tony scoring a hit on his fourth to win.
Archery; The rescue of Maid Marion from the evil Sheriff of Nottingham.
Robin Hood (Mid Bruce) and Little John (Charlie Young), complete with bows and arrows were sent off on a quest to rescue Maid Marion from the evil Sheriff. Unfortunately, at this point neither of our two heroes had any idea what Marion looked like!!
However, practice with the Bows and arrows was essential if they were to have any hope of success.
Heading for the range in the forest and despite the totally inclement weather our intrepid heroes took to their task like a duck to water, literally.
Quicker and quicker, the arrows were slotted onto the string and quicker and quicker the arrows flew past their targets!!!
Not a great start!!
However, once Little John put his specs on and Robin started to gauge the correct flight line, things improved, a little!!
Having run out of arrows and having to restring their bows on several occasions, and being soaked to boot, the heroes reluctantly agreed to call of their quest and just allow the evil sheriff should just have his way with Marion, which we are sure suited all concerned.
Thus the story ended. (archery report by Charlie Young)
Quad Biking; Suitably equipped with overalls, wellies, a helmet and gloves, Margaret Smillie, Pat MacKinnon, Hugh MacKinnon, Tom Bicket, Bill Montgomery, Mid Bruce and Chris Paton set off on a quad biking adventure among the extensive grounds of Slayley.
They tackled rough ground, deep puddles and some open land where a good turn of speed could be achieved. Everyone enjoyed the experience with one or two being surprised at the power produced by the 250cc engined quads.
Our Chairman thanked our organisers and members for their camaraderie. All had enjoyed the visit and look forward to doing something new in 2025.
The hotel and route runs were organised by board members Mid Bruce, Meg Sword and Charlie Young. Many thanks for another enjoyable event.
List of entrants:
David Allison / Marie Allison
Tom Bicket / Marion Bicket
Mid Bruce / Meg Sword
Carol Cooper
Nancy Crichton
Billy Cuthbertson / Anne Cuthbertson
Tony Fleming
Ian Gemmell / Louise Gemmell
Gordon Hood / Margaret Hood
Jim Howden / Margaret Howden
Hugh MacKinnon / Pat MacKinnon
Ian Marwick / Wilma Marwick
Bill Montgomery / Eileen Montgomery
Chris Paton / Mary Paton
Ian Smillie / Margaret Smillie
Charlie Young / Elaine McPhee
Report and pictures by Margaret Smillie.
This year’s Autumn outing features a trip to “The Best Classic Car Cave in Scotland”
A private collection of classic cars and memobilia owned by Willie Hamilton of “Hamilton Tarmac”.
Starting at the New Lanark Mill Cafe situated in the visitor centre where tea/coffee and a filled roll can be purchased. The 70 mile route will head across to Ayshire using scenic country roads to arrive at Gemmell’s Garden Centre near Stair in time for lunch. A large selection of hot food, soup, sandwiches and cakes will be available.
After lunch we will make our way to Hurlford to visit “The Best Classic Car Cave in Scotland”.
The cost of the outing will be £5 per person to cover administration costs.
The Regulations can be downloaded or printed HERE.
The entry form can be downloaded or printed HERE.
Dumfries House Lunch and Tour of the House – 7th October 2023.
This year’s Autumn outing features a trip to Dumfries House.
Starting at Caulders Garden Centre in Newton Mearns where tea/coffee and a filled roll will be served, the 35 mile route will head down to Ayshire using mainly scenic country roads to arrive at Dumfries House in time for lunch, consisting of soup, sandwiches and cake.
After lunch we will be treated to a 1 hour tour of Dumfries House which is part of the Prince’s Foundation having been purchased in 2007 by a consortium led by HRH The Prince of Wales and, in doing so, saved the house and one of the most important collections of Georgian Scottish and English furniture for the nation.
Note: We have been requested that flat shoes (i.e. no high heels) are worn for the tour of the house to avoid damage to the fragile floors.
From Dumfries House participants are free to choose their own route home as there is no set finish venue, however there is a recommended route for those returning to near the start of the run.
Full details of Dumfries House can be found on the website HERE.
The cost of the outing will be £35 per person and will include tea/coffee and a filled roll at the start venue, lunch at Dumfries House and a guided tour of the house.
The entry form can be downloaded or printed HERE.
Spring Run 2024. Tuesday 16th April – Friday 19th April 2024.
For the Spring Run in 2024, we have initially reserved 16 rooms at Slaley Hall Hotel Spa and Golf Resort, near Hexham, Northumberland. We decided at the board meeting on Tuesday 4th August to go for midweek since those taking part in the run are mainly retired and the rate midweek is substantially less than the rate for the weekend.
From Slaley Hall, Beamish, ” The Living Museum of the North”, Hadrian’s Wall and several other venues are readily reachable.
The cost for 3 nights dinner, bed and breakfast is £514.25 for double occupancy of a double or twin room and £422.45 for single occupancy. In each case a deposit of 25% is required for the booking (£130 for double occupancy and £105 for single occupancy). This will require to be sent A.S.A.P. since the hotel are holding the rooms for 4 weeks in the first instance and at that time bookings will require to be confirmed by the Association.
The entry fee for the Spring Run will be £65.00 per person which will include tea/coffee and filled roll at the start (location yet to be decided), Tuesday evening reception, wine with dinner each evening and entry to venues.
All monies are to be paid to the Association and NOT to the hotel.
Payment details can be found on the Entry Form.
NOTE: Entries filled up very quickly and all 16 rooms are now booked. If you have not submitted your entry and would now like to do so please submit your entry form to allow us to contact the hotel. If aditional rooms are available we will ask you to pay the entry fee and room deposit so that you can join the run.
Entry form for the Spring Run and Hotel booking are HERE.
The Autumn Run will be held on 8th October – details to follow
Spring Run 2023.
The Run took place April 21st – 24th staying at the Old Manor Hotel, Lundin Links, Fife.
Our meeting point for the start was at Caulders Garden Centre in Cumbernauld. There was tea and coffee served to members, along with a breakfast roll.
The route plan and information for the weekend were distributed to all participants prior to departure from Caulders.
Prior to departure we enjoyed a bite of breakfast and chat.
Setting off for the Fife coast and a quick look at our route instructions before departure.
Our first port of call was Morris Leslie Auctions where we had a very interesting tour of the site. It was fun and informative.
Some members of the VSMA have a go at being an auctioneer. Not sure what they were selling!
A quick visit to the Jim Clark statue at his birthplace before heading to the hotel.
Jim dons a cap.
Could this be an aspiration to being a member of the VSMA?
Back at the hotel.
Dining at the Old Manor Hotel with a chance to put on best bib and tucker.
Saturday took us on a trip and visit to the Fisheries Museum in Pittenweem.
A fabulous place and our excellent guide, Ronnie took us around this tardis of fascinating exhibits. Ronnie pointed out some terrific art work and told stories giving a real feel of how hard it was, and still is, for fishermen and women then and now. He spoke with real knowledge as he was a skipper himself and his talk was enthralling.
Mid found the ‘Dress up’ box!
Mosaic by a staff member made from sea glass found on the shore.
This full size boat, which was undergoing renovation, was brought into the museum through the service area on a trailer! It was maneuvered in one movement by the driver, without assistance.
Some of the apprenticeship models show the variety in boats.
Scottish whaling was also on display!
Ronnie describes the use of the navigation equipment and it’s evolution with a captivated audience.
A dangerous and difficult occupation but humour is seen here too.
Apologies for darkness of pictures as although photography was allowed, the use of flash photography wasn’t. Some pictures have been lightened.
After Anstruther and the Fisheries museum a visit to the Kingsbarns Distillery.
Sunday was a free day to enjoy the Fife Coast at leisure and then dinner at the hotel. A suitable end to a thoroughly enjoyable Spring Run.
List Of Entries.
Billy & Ann Cuthbertson
Chris & Mary Paton
Ian & Louise Gemmell
Ian & Margaret Smillie
Bill & Jean Montgomery
Ian & Wilma Marwick
Tom & Marion Bicket
Duncan & Adele Paterson
Jim & Margaret Howden
Barry & Nancy Crichton
Hugh & Pat McKinnon
Bob & Margaret Baillie
Mid Bruce & Meg Sword
Tony Fleming
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This years Autumn Run was a 70 mile route starting outside Biggar and ending in Moffat organised by Charlie Young and Eddie Hawke.
We gathered at the Carmichael Bistro & Tearoom, where the friendly staff served up bacon rolls and other goodies while Road Books and final instructions were handed out.
There was a large car park and it was great to see a variety of “real” cars like Mini, Imp, Lancia Fulvia among others. Some members had opted for their “grown up” cars, leaving the “toys” at home with feeble excuses like “my backʼs too bad to get into the car” and “the carʼs in a worse state than me”! We are the Veterans, I suppose! The staff, leaving the washing up till later came out to photograph us being waved off by Charlie and Eddie, with “itʼs a Run, not a Race” ringing in our ears!
Right from the start, the minor, mainly single-track roads were just great. There was almost no traffic and despite overcast but dry weather, wonderful scenery to behold. Must be spectacular in the sun. Most of us were lusting after the excellent road surfaces on almost the whole route and would kill for similar on our major roads in own areas!
We passed signposts to Kirkfieldbank, Sandilands, Douglas Water and then through Wiston to Lamington and then east to Drumelzier before turning south and heading to Tweedsmuir. Here we turned left to cross the river Tweed and travel along the side of the Talla reservoir before ascending the steep Talla hill that would make a great hillclimb that would have rivalled the Rest and be Thankful. It was then up to Meggethead and along the side of the Megget reservoir and out to St Maryʼs Loch in the Scottish Borders.
The finish was in Moffat at the Moffat House Hotel who put on an excellent afternoon tea. There was a happy and relaxed atmosphere as everyone had enjoyed the Run. Charlie took a bit of good natured leg-pulling over some spelling in the Road Book which caused wrong-slotting and u-turning!
Thanks to Charlie and Eddie for organising this excellent event. We all went off in our separate directions, looking forward to meeting up again at our Reunion in November.
Ian Smillie.
Colin Laird and Brian Shute (Hillman Imp)
Ian Marwick and Wilma Marwick (Lexus LUX)
Tom Bicket and Marion Bicket (Porsche 944)
Nancy Crichton and Barry Crichton (BMW)
Margaret Smillie and Ian Smillie (Porsche Boxter)
Chris Paton and Mary Paton (Morris Mini)
Bill Cuthbertson and Anne Cuthbertson (Jaguar XK)
Linsey Giles and Dan Wright (Aston Martin DB7)
Jim Howden and Margaret Howden (TVR Chimaera)
Rouben Phillips and Hope Phillips (Audi TT Roadster)
Anne Head and George Head (BMW Convertible)
Ian Gemmell and Louise Gemmell (Ford Sierra Cosworth)
Craig McGibbon and Kirsten Brown (Lancia Fulvia Coupe)
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