Reunion Dinner 2025
Reunion Dinner 2025.
Details coming soon
Reunion Dinner 2025.
Details coming soon
VSMA Annual Dinner 2024
The 2024 Annual Dinner will be held on 25th October in New Lanark Mill Hotel.
Mill No.1, New Lanark Mills, New Lanark Rd, Lanark ML11 9DB
The venue for our two previous gatherings were unable to give us a suitable date for our 2024 Annual Dinner so an alternative has been found at the New Lanark Mill Hotel.
We are pleased to announce our guest speaker this year will be Pat Smith whose Motorsport career began in 1959 and continued until 1975 having been involved in Rallying as a Co-Driver.
Pat competed in 35 International Rallies with mostly female drivers, from the Portugese with Nancy Mitchell in 1959 to the Scottish with Margaret Lowrey in 1975.
She won five Ladies Awards and was a member of the BMC Works Team in 1960 in a 850cc Mini with Tish Ozanne.
She competed in 4 Montes, 3 Tulips, 2 Alpines, 4 RACs and 6 Scottish Rallies ’66, ’69,’70, ’72, ’73 and ’75.
Six successful Economy Runs with Margaret Lowrey.
Pat finished 18th in 1970 London to Mexico World Cup Rally with Jean Denton in a British Leyland Special Tuning prepared Morris 1800 entered by Woman Magazine.
Pat has now sorted out her World Cup Rally 1970 memorabilia so hopefully we will hear some stories from that grueling event.
click on the pictures to enlarge, Esc to return.
Please use the Entry Form to book your tickets for the Annual Dinner
The Club met once again to enjoy our Reunion Dinner, now an annual event, at the Radstone Hotel near Larkhall where 70 members were welcomed by Chris Paton who had been installed as the new Chairman of the VSMA earlier in the evening at the AGM.
We returned to the Radstone again this year as they had looked after us so well last year and the venue is ideally placed right next to the M74.
Unfortunately there were some empty seats as some had to call off due to illness. Sadly missing from the proceedings was outgoing chairman Bob Baillie who had taken ill earlier in the week and was at home recuperating and hopefully will be feeling well again soon.
The day started in the early afternoon as there was work to do setting up for the AGM and also finalising the table plan for dinner.
Charlie Young, the newly installed treasurer, had brought along the last remaining club clothing and some of his own books and was asking not for a payment but only for a donation. He raised £85 for club funds.
Before our meal was served Nancy Crichton presented a bouquet of flowers to Adele Paterson in recognition of her 18 years service on the board of directors as she and husband Duncan have both decided it is now time to step down.
As always there was a good mix of rallying and racing buffs and a few hill climb fans joining together for an excellent meal and several refreshments.
A new and popular innovation this year was an “all ladies” table to sit alongside the normal “all men” table.
Hugh MacKinnon had brought along his ex-works Mini Cooper S to display at the front door of the hotel and once again we had the on-screen display of photos taken from the Club’s website with almost every photo being connected in some way with those in the room.
Our guest speaker was Peter Scott who has had a quite prolific career in rallying as a co-driver at all levels right up to the very top with many national and International wins. He has also competed as a driver in local events. Peter is originally from Derry in Northern Ireland but now lives in England where he and his wife Victoria had travelled from to be with us.
In attendance were several important regulars of the Veteran’s Dinner including founder of the Club and Honorary Vice President, Jimmy McInnes. Our Honorary President, Sir Jackie Stewart, had sent his apologies as he had a previous engagement but he sent his best wishes for a successful evening.
Once again there was a souvenir programme with a centre spread detailing the guest speaker’s background story but also there was an excellent article written by Mike How on the career of Gerry Birrell and the recently installed memorial to Gerry and the other five drivers who perished at the infamous Six Freres corner at the Rouen-Les-Essarts circuit in France in 1973.
Click on the image below to view the Programme.
The directors have agreed that provided there is the support then the event will be held every year. Provisionally we are looking at 15th November 2024 but when a firm date is set and a venue decided we will make an announcement.
After 3 years of Covid and other issues 72 members of the Club met once again to enjoy our Reunion Dinner at the Radstone Hotel near Larkhall and all were welcomed by Chairman, Bob Baillie. Ideally placed right next to the M74 the Board hoped to attract a few more enthusiasts but those who made it had a great afternoon and evening chatting about their memories. As always there was a good mix of honorary members, rallying and racing buffs and a few hillclimb fans joining together for an excellent meal and several refreshments. Sponsors products were visible on the tables courtesy of the Club’s greatest patron, Sir Boyd Tunnock.
We had a couple of cars on display in the foyer courtesy of Chris Paton with his beautiful red Mini but also a huge thank you to Steven Cooper who still insisted on bringing the Cooper MG belonging to his father George who sadly passed away earlier in the week and was so well known to a great many of the members. Chris was also responsible for the excellent on-screen display of loads of photos taken from the Club’s website. Almost every photo was connected in some way with those in the room.
Guest of Honour and main speaker was one of our members and the twice BTCC Champion, John Cleland, who entertained everyone for about 40 minutes with his usual mix of laughs and hilarious stories. It was all delivered off the cuff without a note and he’ll be a hard act to follow next year.
In attendance were several important regulars of the Veteran’s Dinner including founder of the Club and Honorary Vice President, Jimmy McInnes and the ever tolerant Arlene making a guest appearance with Jimmy commenting how surprised he was to still be with us! Sadly not with us of course were our Past Honorary President, Andrew Cowan and his great pal, Johnston Syer but it was wonderful to see Linda Cowan there to support us along with Marion Syer. Andrew’s sidekick Logan Morrison was there as usual with wife Val although he was using a stick due to the after effects of a fall the previous week but he was in great spirits. Sadly missing from the proceedings were Board Members, Barry & Nancy Crichton after Barry had taken ill earlier in the week. Nancy was so disappointed to miss it as she had put in a massive amount of work making all the arrangements for the event and only turned up to drop off some flower arrangements before heading home to look after Barry.
We were pleased to see some newcomers to the event in the form of Hazel Galbraith, daughter of the late Norrie coming along with Billy Cater, and one of the top Scottish hillclimbers and racers in the 70’s and 80’s, Jimmy Jack along with his son David. Hopefully they will encourage a few more of the hillclimb fraternity along next year as we try to widen the scope of the Club.
The directors have agreed to have this event every year now so we will all meet again at the same venue on Saturday 11th November 2023 and hope to see more of you all there.
Mike How
Photographs by Margaret Smillie.
List of Entrants
Margaret Baillie Jim Grant Logan Morrison
Bob Baillie Graham Hamilton Val Morrison
Tom Bicket Mike How Alan Muir
Marion Bicket David Jack Duncan Paterson
Mid Bruce Jimmy Jack Russell Paterson
Ian Buttery Marilyn Jack Adele Paterson
Billy Cater Laurence Jacobson Chris Paton
John Cleland Andrew Jeffrey Mary Paton
George Cooper Robert Kelly Jim Pettigrew
Stephen Cooper Bruce Lyle Martin Pieraccini
Carol Cooper Hugh MacKinnon Harry Pieraccini
Ros Cooper Ian Marwick James Pinkerton
Linda Cowan Wilma Marwick Olly Ross
Willie Crawford Hugh McCaig Ken Rundle
Marnie Crawford Rab McDonald George Scott
Barry Crichton Sheila McDonald Ian Smillie
Nancy Crichton Jimmy McInnes Margaret Smillie
Bill Cuthbertson Arlene McInnes Meg Sword
Anne Cuthbertson John McIntyre Marion Syer
Sandy Denholm Tim McKay Sir Boyd Tunnock
Laurie Doonan Dave McNair Lady Ann Tunnock
Tony Fleming Laura McNair Malcom Wishart
Hazel Galbraith John Melvin Dan Wright
Ian Gemmell Bill Montgomery Charlie Young
Louise Gemmell Eileen Montgomery
email received by VSMA Secretary Nancy Crichton on Monday 21st November.
Good morning Nancy,
I cannot let the opportunity pass to thank all the Committee members who contributed to the success of our dinner. I know that the numbers were far down on the 200 who assembled at the old RSAC in Blythswood Square so long ago, but it was a very happy number for circulating among and not missing any opportunity to renew old acquaintances in the time available (of which there were many)! Anyway Marnie and I both thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and also the value for money that The Radstone presented us with.
It was great to see Bob enjoying himself so much after being through the wars, so to speak, recently. Particular credit to Chris for producing such a detailed and professional brochure to celebrate the event – the internet site is the same these days as well!
To the Board members – looking forward to seeing you all again next year!
Best wishes: Willie
(Willie and Marnie Crawford)
It is hoped that in the coming years we will be able to organise an Annual Reunion or equivalent event.
The 8th Reunion of the Association will be held on Saturday 19th November 2022 in The Radstone Hotel, Ayr Road, Larkhall, ML9 2TZ.
We are proud to announce that one of our own, John Cleland, will be our guest speaker.
John is a retired British racing driver best known not only for winning the British Touring Car Championship in 1989 and 1995, but also for the controversial last round incident which denied him the 1992 championship. He is also known for his very entertaining repartee.
The cost of the event will be £45.
Unfortunately all the hotel rooms allocated to us have been taken up but if you do require accommodation please let us know and we may be able to arrange something nearer the time.
There are a few more Hotels in the vicinity.
If you wish to attend please Download and Print this Entry Form
OR Contact: Bob Baillie, Chairman, at bobbaillie287@btinternet.com
OR Nancy Crichton, Secretary, at vsmasec@yahoo.com
As you will know by now this was our 7th Reunion since the first one which was held in 2001 in the RSAC Club in Glasgow. Up to now, all of the past Reunions have been in and around the Glasgow, mainly because our founders were rally-folk from that part of Scotland. We now have many members from much further afield and It was felt that this latest Reunion should be held closer to the east and particularly the north-east. After a fair bit of research we settled on the above Dunblane Hydro Hotel as the venue.
This move has had a double-edged sword effect! We certainly have attracted a few members from the North-East but there has been a slight drop in numbers from the south and west. There are possibly a few reasons for this which we hope to investigate before the next Reunion.
We finally had 100 members with partners signed up to come along but there were a couple of last minute retirals due to illness. So we started with 96 people (see the entry list below). We did have a number of apologies from members who could not attend. The entry included our main sponsor Sir Boyd Tunnock and his wife Anne. Boyd had helped VSMA in many ways over the years, for which we are very grateful.
The event start with “Signing-on”, and a Reception from 6.0pm. Thereafter we had dinner the the Hotels Strathmore suites.
Our principal Guest this time was Brian Culcheth and his wife Sheila. Brian would have been well know to our rally members. Other guest included Stephen Scott, his wife Jane and their son Ewan. Stephen runs the large family business Gleaner Oils from Elgin.
I must give my sincere thanks to our “resident ” VSMA photographers, Margaret Smillie and Sandy Morrison who provided several hundred photographs taken at the Reunion, of which only a few have been used for this article.
We had all been saddened by the very recent death of our Vice-President Andrew Cowan. Just prior to has admission to hospital and his subsequent death, Andrew had insisted that his London to Sidney Hillman Hunter Rally car should be brought to the Reunion as he had promised.
We had arranged for rally cars and photographic display boards to be installed in the function suite during the afternoon of the event. In addition to Andrew’s car, Chris Paton had brought along his immaculate Mini-Cooper S, and Robin Hamilton had brought his Metro 6R4 rally car for display. We had carefully measured the entrance doors into the venue so that the cars could be brought in. Measurements had been taken on two occasions, just to be sure the cars could get in. As it turned out there was quite a struggle with the Metro – In fact both off-side wings and the door had to be removed to allow the car to be edged into the venue. Robin fortunately was quite happy for this to be done and have the car rebuilt, plus going through the whole process in reverse the following morning. The end result can be seen in the attached photographs.
John Brownie had also brought his rally Opel which was parked just inside the rear entrance to the Hotel’s function suite for all to see. In addition Charlie Young and Jack Davidson had arranged the erection of display boards holding numerous motorsport images which were of great internet to all present.
Some of the photos on the display Boards
As per usual this was a very friendly and noisy affair, as members renewed acquaintances, old and new.
This commenced with Boyd Tunnock giving the Celtic grace.
Here are a few photographs taken during dinner.
Following dinner Chairman Jimmy McInnes said a few words prior to introducing our principal guest, Brian Culcheth, who is a well known character in Motor Sport having begun rallying in 1960, he retired the end of the 1979 season. Probably best known for his long association as a works driver with BMC/British Leyland. He considers these his most notable achievements – 2nd Overall in the 16,500 mile London-Mexico World Cup Rally, Class win in Finland’s 1000 Lakes (the first ever by a non Scandinavian driver) and winning his class in all seven rounds of the 1978 British Open Rally Championship for Opel.
He has competed in 112 International rallies through 53 countries and also had works drives for BMC, Opel, Mercedes, Lotus, Rootes, Triumph and Rover pre BL days.
A great supporter of British Motor Clubs and during his career spent a considerable amount of time travelling all over the UK giving after dinner speeches and talks on his experiences to motor club gatherings.
He worked from within the British Leyland International Marketing Division who funded the BL rally programme for 1973 and 74. He was a Member of the BL new model development committee 1976/77
Click on any of the images provided by Brian Culcheth to enlarge
A brief summary of Brian’s Motorsport Successes >>- – Brian Culcheth’s MS CV
The Vote of Thanks was given by Bob Baillie with especial thanks to those who had arranged the Displays and the exhibits of Rally Cars.
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have been received from the following non-starters
Iain Bennie, Milngavie
Andrew Bruce, The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to make it. So, regrets, I am sorry to say but best wished for a good event.
Eric Dymock, Lincoln
I am not going to be attending the 7th Reunion. Life is kinda hectic at the moment.
Marilyn Jack, Bothwell
Sorry not able to attend the Reunion this year as we are down south at a Championship dog show.
Jamie Gibbon, Cumbernauld
Regrettably it is unlikely it is unlikely I shall manage to the Reunion. With every good wish for a successful and enjoyable evening, and with kind regards to you.
Gary Mickel, Newton Mearns
I regret that I will not be able to attend the Reunion. I have read the list of invites with interest. It reminds me of some of those I used to do battle with in the forests some fifty plus years ago. Best wishes for a succcesful gathering,
Charlie Bruce Miller, Cults
Once again I must sibmit my apologies for the Reunion – I’d planned my holidays to avoid October to enable me to finally attend the Reunion but due to problems in the USA and travel issues I have had to rearrange my complete holiday plans …I will be away for most of October. Itrust the event will run smoothly as always – please pass on my best wishes toanyone who remembers me.
Robert McKenzie, Barrhead
With regret, Lindsay Kerr and I will be unable to join you and our friends at Dunblane on the 25th. We do hope however to make the next one.
Alasdair Pearson, Streatley, Berks
I hope the Reunion goes well and please tender my apologies or my absence.
Ian Scott-Watson, Greenlaw
I regret I will be unable to attend the Reunion (or anything at presnet) due to a nasty surgical procedure.
Peter Speakman, Cumbria
Regretfully, I am unable to attend this or indeed any future events of this kind, as I am sure you will understand as I am 95 years old, and this event is now of no interest to me.
Jean Stenhouse, Bearsden, Glasgow
We would have loved to have joined you bit it is a bit to come from Burgundy and, sadly, that is where we will be on October 25th. We will raise a glass to you.
Ron & Elspeth Smith, Strathmigio.
That’s all folks !!
Stuart Parker, December, 2019
Firdstly, I must apologise for the contents of this report as it has streched my memory of the event which was held over 17 months ago. Some of the contents are a bit vague and the images too are shorter than usual, having misplaced most of them!
Following the success of the previous Reunion in 2014, it was decided to go back to the Radstone hotel, near Larkhall. The numbers however were down since 2014 but did have 96 people attending. We also had a number of Apologies from members who could not attend. The format was very similar to the previous year with the addition of a raffle for the Charity “The Race Against Dementia” which had been founded by our Honorary President. Several members had denoted prizes including paintings by Arlene McInnes. One of the main items on the programme was the presentation to Kenny Allen after dinner. This was in recognition of his many years supporting Motorsport by competing in Scotland and abroad.
Instead of the room holding cars, as earlier events, we had display boards showing images of members’s past motorsport achievements, etc. We also had a table showing the prizes to be one on the raffle.
The Radstone again produced an enjoyable meal. During dinner Adele Paterson and some of the Reception “Staff” were busy going round the tables “encouraging” members to buy tickets for the Raffle. Their efforts were very successful as we were able to pass on £665.00 to the “Race Against Dementia” Charity.
Following Dinner, Chairman Jimmy McInnes chaired a discussion on the stage with Kenny Allen, Johnstone Syer and Andrew Cowan. This was quite a lively affair, especially when Johnstone related his many adventures as a co-driver with some of the world’s best Rally Drivers, including Andrew Cowan. At the conclusion Kenny Allen was presented the award from VSMA for all his efforts over the years, in supporting Motorsport.
Kenny’s “Trophy” was a clock in the centre of a refurbished crankshaft wheel. I think he might have appreciated his connection with this piece of hardware!
Here is an excerpt from the evening’s Programme which explains what everyone felt about Kenny. He is surely one of the unsung heroes of Scottish Motor Sport and it was time that this was recognised.
As many will know Kenny, at the ripe young age of 79, is still competing successfully in speed events in his Lotus Elan. He is ever popular and a local hero in the eyes of Scottish Motorsport fans in particular, and has gone on to achieve enormous success over the years. We wish Kenny well for the future so we all Salute ’King Kenny’.”
Here are photographs of Kenny’s past exploits in Motorsport. These were provided by many people who knew Kenny –
Photographs from Jack Davidson
Photographs from Jim Moir
Photographs from Graeme McGregor
Assorted Images
That’s all I can remember about the 2016 reunion.
“Thank you for the note about the dinner and I love the reference to being “over the hill” I don’t think I will be able to come over for the October affair but I may be able to reschedule the recce for our Ecurie Ecosse event to near that weekend but I also have to be down in Modena around the same time so as you can see I am still climbing the hill and not yet over it !!!!!”
Graham Gauld, Claviers, France
“I regret that I shall not be able to attend the Reunion on October 14th (my birthday!). Have a great party!
Derry Dickson, Sherbourne, Dorset
“Father Bill is unwell at the moment and it doesn’t look as if he will be fit enough to attend the reunion so, I think we’ll decline the offer to attend.”
William Henderson, Falkirk
“My wife has organised a reunion of all her old pals from water skiing in the 70’s at Lochearnhead on the Friday and Saturday the VSMA Reunion weekend. So please pass on my apologies to all and have a great night.”
Mike How, Edinburgh
“Regretfully I will not be able to attend but please pass on my regards from Vancouver Island to all. I am sure it will be another very successful evening.”
J Peter Jeffrey, Vancouver Island BC
“I was just about to fill in the entry for the Reunion, but it unfortunately falls on the same weekend as Mull. Maybe the next one !!! “
Jimmy McRae, Lanark
“I shall not be able to come to the Reunion as I will be in Devon on that date. I hope you have a most successful and enjoyable evening.”
Gray Mickel, Newton Mearns
“ I regret that the date clashes with another commitment and I will be unable to attend. I’m really sorry as I thoroughly enjoyed the two I’ve been at meeting up with friends made some fifty plus years ago. Wishing you a great evening.
Charlie Bruce Miller, Cults
“We are unable to join you for the Oct16 reunion due to a clash with a previously arranged event, the 125th Anniversary of the Association of Scottish Master Bakers. All the best for the night and hope to meet up.”
Bill and Eileen Montgomeey, Perth
“Sadly I’m out the Country from the 13th until the 20th of October,
so I will be unable to attend. Maybe next time? Have a wonderful evening. Best wishes to all in attendance“
Innes Muir, Rutherglen
“Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the reunion in October and send my apologies. Best wishes.”
Gordon C Neave, Edinburgh
“This is an event in which I would dearly love to compete, but my lack of mobility and stamina now sadly puts it beyond me. Could I give my best wishes to you, and all the lucky entrants, for what I know will be a cracker of an evening.”
Malcolm Parkin, Kinross
“Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the Reunion as the date clashes with the Mull rally. I no longer compete but this will be my 47th consecutive trip to the island for the rally.”
Chris Paton, Hyndford Bridge, Lanark
“While young at heart and mind the “chassis” lets the side down. I wish all attending members a very pleasant evening. I will be thinking of you.”
Ken Strachan, Ladybank, Cupar
“Sorry – won’t be able to make the Reunion this year as have an after-dinner commitment on that date. I hope BOTH functions go well!”
Stuart Turner, Chipping Norton
“As I will be racing my Formula Junior Cooper at Portimao on the 18th of October I will be unable to attend the reunion. My best wishes to you and all attending what I know will be a splendid evening.”
Malcolm Wishart, Glasgow
“Unfortunately I am sorry to say that my wife and I will be touring South Africa at that time. I hope the event is a great success and I’m sorry we will miss it.”
Mr Alex Young, Fenwick
The second was Mike Wood, a well-known rally co-driver during the late 1950s right through to the late 1990s! He had competed in at least over 100 International Rallies and was involved in numerous outright wins! His last event was in 1998 when as a co-driver to Tony Fall he won the Mini Monte Rally outright!