I am sad to inform you of the death of Tom Donald from Fenwick, Ayrshire. Tom passed away on 15th July. He had been a member of V.S.M.A. since March 2003. Our condolences go to his wife Kim and family.
We welcome another new member since the last Newsletter – Chris Paton from Lanark. Many of you I’m sure will remember Chris from your rallying days. He was a great Mini enthusiastic and competed in EVERY Tour of Mull from the second event in 1970 up until 2009 when he had to retire his Mini. Have a look at his page to get full details of his motorsport career to date.
Database Changes:
A couple of amendments to members’ details – Alan and Audrey Carlaw have recently moved although still within the Glasgow area, while Rusty Wilson, Jimmy and Arlene McInnes have just changed their email addresses. Each of these changes can be seen in the Members and Details pages. On a similar note, if you have any change in your own details would you please let me know so that our database is up-to-date.
Highland Tour Outcome:
Members will be interested, I’m sure, in the letter below which Bob Baillie received from Gordon Clendinning following this year’s Highland Tour to Grantown-on-Spey.
Knockhill Classic Speedfair, 31st July :
Three of our girls “Sorting out the World” while waiting for customers in the Media Centre!
The Media Centre was manned once again as a “Cafe” for members at the one day Knockhill Speedfair. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to be as popular with members as it has been in the past – numbers were well down this year! Apart from the usual “Staff” (Bob and Margaret Baillie, Adele and Duncan Paterson, Andy and Fiona Watson, Stuart and Mairi Parker), there was only a handful of members turned up on the day. Next year?
Veterans still competing :
I am delighted to display a photo of a couple of our members who are still actively competing – and doing pretty well at it! At the famous Annual Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb on 23rd July, Alan Macvarish and Malcolm Wishart were both competing.
Malcolm Wishart and Allan MacVarish taken at Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb on 23 July 2011. Allan was in a Modified Production up to 2 litres Class and was driving his Peugeot 205 Gti – best time 40.52 secs., while Malcolm was in the Racing Cars manufactured up to 1971 Class in a Cooper T65 FJ and his best time was 38.34 secs. Not bad for two of our veterans.
Also flying the VSMA flag were Olly Ross and Kenny Allen. Kenny was at the Knockhill Speedfair on 31st July. Despite being shunted off in an earlier race he was 4th in the 2nd race in his Lotus Elan , while Olly was 4th in his Lotus Europa in the Scottish Classic Sports & Saloon Classes A & B.
Documents from the Archive:
Gus Carnegie kindly sent a copy of his menu of the 1969 SMRC Annual Dinner Menu which will be of interest to our racing members.
Cover of 1969 SMRC Annual Dinner and Prezentation of Awards ProgrammeInside of the 1969 SMRC Annual Dinner & Presentation of Awards Programme.
Additional photos:
Members are slowly sending in photos pertaining to their involvement with Motor Sport, some thankfully also sending recent photos of themselves (helps others not just to see who they are but to see how time has dealt with them)! I would love to receive more to display on members pages. I recently received three images of the late Stuart Brown and myself in the 1968 and 1971 Scottish Rallies. I’m afraid I don’t know the others in the photos apart from Stuart and myself – can anyone help?
Picture Puzzle:
These images below were sent to me by a Jake Butson (not a VSMA member) to use on our site if we wished. The only information he could provide was that they were from possibly the ’60s and taken at The Rest and Be Thankful and possibly at Gask. Can anyone give me any further info? The date or year? Which event? Who might be competing in what car? etc. If I had more information I might be able to put a couple in the Public Gallery.
Due to extended holidays, it is just a very brief Newsletter this month. Firstly may I welcome to the Association Geunda Young who lives in the Isle of Islay. Geunda was formerly Geunda Eadie started her motorsport career in Scotland but competed mainly in England. She was the Faberge champion in 1979 and a BTCC competitor in 1980 in a works Ford. We look forward to more details (and images) of her career later.
I have some very sad news to report – Bill Syer has died on 7th June, 2011, after a prolonged illness. You can if you wish, view his obituary in thePast Veterans section.
Knockhill Classic Speedfair – Sunday 31st July
This Sunday – we can again be found in the Media Centre at Knockhill from 10 am so please drop in for a chat, a seat and non-alcoholic refreshments. We have been allocated a parking area for our members in the gravel area (on the left as you drive towards the top gate, beside the Kart Centre). If you intend coming, let me know soon and I will send you a Car Park sticker.
More information on the event itself is available on the Knockhill website.
Really not much to report since the last newsletter but here are the items of News –
Monte Carlo Rallye Historique
Death of Members
Members’ Database changes
Dates for your Diary
Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing
YouTube Clips
Amusing Bits and Pieces
Monte Carlo Rallye Historique:
About a couple of weeks after the Glasgow start of the Monte Carlo Rally, I received an email from Member Neil Barrington to the effect that he had just returned from Monte Carlo having taken part in the team supporting an Alpine Renault 110, No.115. They had started from Reims in northern France and headed south. This was, of course, the Monte Carlo Rallye Historique event, but was amazingly arduous and long over 4.5 days and covering 3,500 miles since leaving Edinburgh. Neil had no experience of this event before and was very impressed with the organisation of it and the very high regard that it endears, with scores of locals out watching at 3 in the morning. The scoring and penalty system was news to him, as he was more accustomed to the special stage approach rather than “regularities”, which require average speed rather than “balls out”!!
It was very exciting and difficult with many roads covered in snow and very very steep and precipitous, plus staggering drops into ravines if you got it wrong. He met another VSMA member, Chris Paton down there, who was an old adversary on the Tour of Mull. At least now he can say that he had personally driven around the GP circuit, even if it was in a service van complete with trailer!
This meeting with Chris Paton leads me on to Chris’s account, as he too was servicing a Mini Cooper S on the same event. Chris has sent a full report on his “adventure” on the event, complete with many photographs including details of how the event was organised. Although it is not a “Tale from the Past“ that is where this report can be found. Have a look – it is really worth a read.
Just a few pics from Chris’s Report
Death of Members:
I’m sad to report that John Falconer died on 7th March 2015. John was well known to Lanarkshire Car Club members.
Member’s Database Change:
We received an email from Ronnie Morrison recently to say that he had had to take action against nuisance telephone calls. He was obliged to block ALL calls which had withheld their number! To get over this, he asked if you would amend your phone book by putting 1470 first before his number. This should then allow you to get through to him.
Dates for your Diary:
VSMA Reunion 2016 – Although early days, I am delighted to report that our next Reunion will be held in 2016, on Friday 14th October. Due to the popularity of the Radstone Hotel just of the M74, we have booked at as our venue once again. There are lots of decisions to be made before that date – who will be our sponsors, our guests, the format, etc, etc. I will let you know the outcome of these as the months’ pass.
Bo’ness Hill Climb: The Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival will be celebrating their 8th Revival meeting on 5th and 6th September 2015. This will be the 81st anniversary of the first ever Hill Climb at Bo’ness in 1934. We will be there again. Find out full details for downloading from their website at www.bonesshillclimb.org.uk
The BHCR are keen to have a word with any of our VSMA members who had competed on the hill prior to the enforced reduction to its present length. There is word afoot that a TV programme, about the history of Bo’ness Hill Climb, is being created and it is hoped to interview anyone who took part in the event using the ‘old’ hill. So, if you fall into this category would you please get in touch with Barry Crichton who is a member of the BHRC Committee who will give you details of what is happening. (Mobile: 07928 629388 or williamcrichton@sky.com)
Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing – ready for BTCC 2015 –
The Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing Q50 that will be used in the BTCC for 2015
This year’s BTCC teams are unveiled to the public next week – among them a striking Infiniti with an eye-catching roof. It is the Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing (ISOPR) car prepared by injured vets and, by year three, according to team principal Derek Palmer, from Lesmahagow, Lanarkshire, it will be driven by an injured soldier. The car roof reflects the Paras’ beret and badge. And it is no gimmick. “We will have podium finishes in our first season,” predicted Derek. “By year two, we will be winning races on a regular basis. It is a brand new team driving a brand new car and it will not be easy, but the work ethic and the discipline of these guys is amazing. This car and this team can one day win the championship.” This season, ISOPR will have two cars racing in the BTCC in a project brought together by Derek and his friend, Colin Smith, formerly the boss of the Afghanistan Trust – now renamed.
The roof showing what the aim of Support Our Paras was.
The aim is twofold – to raise the profile of the charity and, in the longer term, to raise cash for wounded servicemen and their families. Derek agrees his support team has little experience but their commitment is so intense that he is completely sure of himself. He went on: “Working with these guys makes you feel quite humble. These guys have issues that would make you think twice about getting out of bed in the morning – and yet it’s not an issue. “If one can’t tighten something with his right hand because he doesn’t have one, someone else steps in and does it and just walks away. It’s incredible.This team is not like other teams, it is not about the driver, it is about everyone working together and that makes it very special.”
The cars they are using are Infiniti Q50s but totally different from the road car. The only thing they share is the 2.0-litre turbo direct injection engine. The first race is at Brands Hatch on the weekend of April 4 and 5, when both cars will have to be ready.
The Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing Q50 that will be used in the BTCC for 2015
It is a fairly short timescale for a new team to get in harness and it means that the Support Our Paras guys will be working right up to the last second. “But we should be good to go,” said Derek.
To help prepare, the ISOPR team visited the Infiniti Red Bull Racing F1 team at their factory in Buckinghamshire. The team had a behind-the-scenes tour and met staff from various departments, with an emphasis on race prep.
They spent time with the Red Bull F1 pit crew — who showed the Paras team how crucial meticulous teamwork is in Red Bull being able to replace four wheels on an F1 car in under three seconds — and had a session in the Red Bull gym.
The Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing took the opportunity to learn from the masters.
The guys were shown a series of exercises — all adapted to cope with their numerous injuries — to help them maintain a high level of fitness for the challenging 10-weekend, 30-race BTCC season. “I had to keep pinching myself today,” said former Paratrooper Mike Lewis, injured in Afghanistan after two deployments in Iraq.
“I’ve watched the Infiniti Red Bull Racing guys change tyres on the Formula One car for years on the TV, and today I not only watched them in action but worked alongside them.It’s been a privilege. These guys are the best at what they do – of that there is no question.Sure, we don’t need to carry out pit-stops in the BTCC, but we’ve all learned so much today about how important it is to work as a unit and as a team.”
The Infiniti Support Our Paras Racing Q50 that will be used in the BTCC for 2015
At present, there are eight injured Paras working off and on but the plan is for all of them to work full-time on the car. Derek’s son, also Derek, will drive one car this year and Richard Hawken will take the wheel of the other and the team will learn as they go.
Derek said: “This is not just for these guys, this is for all the guys who have been pensioned off, who have been injured and know what it’s like. It’s for them as much as us.”
Some Amusing Bits and Pieces:Here’s three from our dear leader……..
“4 Worms In Church”
Four worms and a lesson to be learned!!!!
A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars.
The first worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean soil.
At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following results:
The first worm in alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . Dead. The second worm in cigarette smoke . . . Dead. Third worm in chocolate syrup . . . . . . . . Dead. Fourth worm in good clean soil . . . . . . . . Alive….…
So the Minister then asked the congregation, “What did you learn from this demonstration?”
Maxine, sitting in the back, quickly raised her hand and said . . . .”As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won’t have worms!”
That pretty much ended the service!
The Jewish Samurai
Once upon a time, a powerful Emperor of the Rising Sun advertised for a new Chief Samurai. After a year, only three applied for the job: a Japanese, a Chinese and a Jewish Samurai.
“Demonstrate your skills!” commanded the Emperor. The Japanese samurai stepped forward, opened a tiny box and released a fly. He drew his samurai sword and *Swish!* the fly fell to the floor, neatly divided in two!
“What a feat!” said the Emperor. “Number Two Samurai, show me what you do.”The Chinese samurai smiled confidently, stepped forward and opened a tiny box, releasing a fly. He drew his samurai sword and *Swish! Swish!* The fly fell to the floor neatly quartered.
“That is skill!” nodded the Emperor. “How are you going to top that, Number three Samurai?”The Jewish samurai, Obi-wan Cohen, stepped forward, opened a tiny box releasing one fly, drew his samurai sword and *Swoooooosh!* flourished his sword mightily, but the fly was still buzzing around!
In disappointment, the Emperor said, “What kind of skill is that? The fly isn’t even dead.” “Dead?” replied the Jewish Samurai. “Dead is easy. Circumcision…THAT takes skill!”
And finally, some from our Leader, which might raise a smile from your grandchildren….!
I bought my wife a wooden leg for Christmas! It’s not her main present, just a stocking filler……
Two Aerials meet on a roof – fall in love – get married.The ceremony was rubbish but the Reception was brilliant……..
Two women called at my door and asked what bread I ate, when I said white they gave me a lecture on the benefits of brown bread for 30 minutes. I think they were those Hovis Witnesses………
Just had my water bill of £175 drop on my mat. That’s a lot. Oxfam can supply a whole African village for just £2 a month! Time to change supplier I think………
A mummy covered in chocolate and nuts has been discovered in Egypt. Archaeologists believe it may be Pharaoh Roche……..
My friend just hired an Eastern European cleaner, took her 15 hours to Hoover the house. Turns out she was a Slovak……..
Since the snow came, all the wife has done is look through the window. If it gets any worse, I’ll have to let her in……….
Interesting YouTube Clips:
Just a few, which are best viewed in ‘Full Screen’ and maybe with the sub-titles on.
This is an earlier Newsletter than I had intended but as I had received numerous bits of information and photographs I felt it was right to get it to you before it became too out of date. I have received numerous photographs from people who were at this year’s Spring Run to Grantown-on-Spey. The report on this run will be able to be seen in the “Previous Event” section – but not yet! I will let you know when it is available.
Can I remind you that all the images within this Newsletter (and all previous ones) can also be viewed in the “Picture Gallery” by the various methods of searching.
Malcolm Parkin seems to have set memories alight and caused some cross-member discussion. However, peace seems to have settled – read below.
Address changes –
Our Gordon Brown (not the political one) has moved to West Kilbride. His new Address and phone numbers can be found in the “Members and details” section.
Here are some of the other items of news this month –
Interesting Stuff from Members
The 6th Flying Scotsman, 4th to 6th April 2014
Scottish Malts Classic Tour – 28th April to 2nd May 2014
More on the “Thoughts from Malcolm Parkin”
Interesting YouTube clips
Bits and Pieces which may amuse
Interesting Stuff from Members:
Brian Harrison: Got an email from Brian which will be of interest. You may recall that the HaldaneHD-100 and HD-300’s cars were manufactured in East Kilbride during the 80’s and 90’s, the company was run by Brian Harrison and Alasdair Scott. Actually, one of the last HD-300’s made is now stuck up on the wall in the Glasgow Transport Museum! Recently he was contacted by an enthusiast/owner in Holland and asked to contribute details of the history of Haldane Developments for a website the Dutchman was producing. Have a look at the ‘History’ and ‘Register’ chapters at this site www.haldane.nl to get the story behind the Haldane’s production, etc. This is an excellent effort and makes interesting reading. Isn’t it amazing just how many of these cars have survived and are still enjoy an active life !
With more family and business responsibilities, Brian retired from racing in 1975 and took up something less expensive and less dangerous ………………………. Hang-Gliding.! Check out Brian’s own site showing now his involvement in gliding. His present company is X-C Aviation where he is currently working on the development of an electric powered glider with a company in Poland. Changed days!Brian had over 7 years direct involvement in motorsport, 7 years in Haldane Developments and 8 years in Karting with his son Kenneth, during which time he also developed an award-winning performance logging system for karts and race bikes under the name Datalap Racing Systems. Karting at that time was full of fathers who were co-competitors of his and several friendships were renewed including with Jimmy Sime who is currently finishing the rebuild of his original 1970’s Mini and is about to go racing again! As he said, “once a competitor, always a competitor, I guess!”
Willie Crawford:
Got an email from Willie including the photographs below for inclusion. He mentioned that “Funnily enough since I retired some years ago I have satiated my desire to fly around the place on four wheels by having a part-time job driving a small car transporter, collecting and delivering hire cars all around Scotland. Does not pay much money but keeps me happy….”
Eric Dymock:
Eric emailed to say that he was recently celebrating his 80th birthday! Also, he attached the couple of photographs below which he had received from Andy Morrison. This shows Eric competing in the 1964 Scottish Rally with Graham Birrell as his co-driver in a borrowed Works Cortina.
The 6th Flying Scotsman, 4th to 6th April 2014 –
Organised by the Endurance Rally Association. The event this year, which was a Vintage Reliability Trial, broke with tradition and moved further north. Starting at the Forest of Arden which is near Birmingham, the Competitors drove north into Lancashire and Yorkshire on the first day. On day two they moved into Scotland finishing at the Gleneagles Hotel on day three, having driven much more on Scottish roads than in previous events. To be eligible the cars had to have a pre-war chassis and a pre-war engine design. However, they did allow an HRG, which was essentially a pre-war car, and an MG T-Type as it had two leaf springs at the front. It was a Regularity Road Rally with off-the-public-road time trials. There were 98 starters, of which 94 managed to finish which is quite remarkable considering the age of these vehicles. Again the vast majority were from Great Britain (61) but there were entries from Ireland (5), Holland (8), Switzerland (2), Germany (4), Belgium (7), Luxembourg (2), Spain (2), Canada, USA (3) and Australia (1). Have a look at the ERA website to see the huge variety of vehicles entered. The photographs below are only a few of the ones taken at the control near Carron. Again we are grateful to Bill Barr who sent in these photographs of himself and Harry Merry still doing their bit for Motor Sport as Marshals at that Time Control.
These Photograph below are with the courtesy of Bill Barr
Scottish Malts Classic Tour – 28th April to 2nd May :
This was an event run by the Classic Endurance Rallying Organisation. They have been running this particular event annually since 2007 tending to be based in places like Gleneagles or Turnberry, as well as visiting a number of whisky establishments en route. I must admit it was the first I had heard of this event. Bill Barr and Harry Merry were both involved in manning the Rest and Be Thankful section. Having just finished their stint with the 6th Flying Scotsman Rally, and having been involved with running events in Scotland for many years, they were not amused by the dreadful organisation at the Rest. Anyway, Bill sent these photos he took on the Rest for your interest. For those who would like more detail of this organisation click here.
More on “Thoughts from Malcolm Parkin“ from the April Newsletter:
What a flurry of emails following “Malcolm’s Thoughts” in the last Newsletter! Here is a précis and hopefully a conclusion to what has turning out to be a bit of a saga. Interesting none-the-less…..!
Extracts from Emails
21 April, 14.34 hours Donald MacDonald emailed to state that “regarding JYS’s demonstration of Tyrrell 003 at Ingliston, features (with photographs) on page 90 of Graham Gauld’s book ‘Scottish Motor racing and Drivers’ and according to the report, the August meeting was in 1978.”
30th April, 23.35 hours Iain Nicolson from the Ingliston-circuit website wrote: “I was interested to read Malcolm Parkin’s thoughts in the recent VSMA members newsletter of Jackie Stewart bringing his Tyrrell 003 up to Ingliston on a demo. He suggests that it may have been in 1971, and that may have been so, however, I can vouch for the fact that JYS did indeed bring Tyrrell 003 up to Ingliston for the August 1979 meeting – and I also had the sense to take some photos (although surely others did too?). A couple of these are onmy website but I’ve also attached a few more to this email, for your enjoyment…”
1st May, 9.58 hours Malcolm Parkinresponded to Iain as follows: “Many thanks for that 1979 information about Tyrell 003. Jackie Stewart has demonstrated twice at Ingliston, and the earlier occasion – which is the one I was thinking about – was 1969 when he demonstrated the Matra Cosworth F1 car, in which he won his first world championship. The engine was fluffing due to a mixture problem, and he stalled the car while doing a racing start in front of the grandstand, much to his embarrassment. He later went on to give a tremendous drive, and it was interesting to note that he was still accelerating round the left-hander at Clock, leaving his braking to the entry point at the right-hander before the grandstand. Very impressive! The Clerk of the Course on the day as I recall was the late Ernie Herrald.”
1st May, 15.23 hours Iain Nicolson responded: “Aha, this is getting interesting! I’m not sure you are entirely correct about the date and the car Malcolm. Jackie Stewart did demo his March-Cosworth (not the Matra in which he won the championship) at Ingliston at the May 1970 meeting – see photos attached, including my autographed programme cover! As you see below, the car was covered up in the paddock before I managed to get my photos, presumably because this was a current Grand Prix car at the time, which Jackie was actually racing that season, and so perhaps they didn’t want it to be seen too closely…?! Correct me if I’m wrong, but to the best of my knowledge the Tyrrell Matra-Ford was never demonstrated at Ingliston.
1st May 17.38 hours
Malcolm in reply to Iain: “Well, I think you could be correct! I am copying this into my good friend Douglas Thomson who had it as the Matra in 1969. Doug also mentioned to me that Tyrrell used the March chassis in 1970 until they could develop their own car. What a game of trivial pursuit I have started, except it isn’t trivial! Douglas, would you like to comment please?“
1st May, 20.57 hours Douglas Thomson reply:“Oh dear, oh dear, curious and more curious!! The car in the photograph is unmistakably a March 701, the driver is unmistakably Jackie Stewart, and the track is unmistakably Ingliston. That would make it early 1970 because the Tyrrell 001 first appeared at the Gold Cup non-championship Formula One race meeting at Oulton Park sometime in the Summer of 1970, and the March chassis was abandoned after that. Tyrrell, of course, ran the Matra chassis in 1969, powered by a Cosworth DFV engine, and Stewart won the World Championship that year. The Tyrrell team wanted to continue using a Matra chassis in 1970, but Matra insisted that if Tyrrell wanted their chassis, they also had to run Matra’s own V12 engine which was heavier and underpowered compared to the DFV. As Tyrrell and Stewart were committed to using the (Ford) Cosworth DFV engine because a lot of their money came from Ford, the team were forced into running a customer March 701 chassis for the start of the 1970 season, until they could get their own car up and running. I think I am right in saying that Stewart was the only person to win a Grand Prix in a March 701, the Spanish GP if my memory serves me right, although you might want to look that up. However, I am glad to see that all the pieces of the jigsaw are gradually coming into place.”
2nd May, 09.53 hours Douglas to Malcolm : “Shortly after sending off the e-mail to you last night, I had a phone call from my photographer friend Eric Bryce who went to most of the Ingliston race meetings. He said he had found a photograph he took of Jackie Stewart at Ingliston with the March 701 in 1970, but no record of Stewart being there with the Matra in 1969. That would tie in with the photos you e-mailed to me yesterday. So it seems I was quite wrong about the Matra, and I am very sorry for sending you off on the wrong tack with that possibility. The facts seem to be, therefore, that Jackie Stewart’s two visits to Ingliston to demonstrate a Formula One car were in 1970 with the March 701, and in 1979 with the Tyrrell 003″.
2nd May, 10.13 hours Finally, Malcolm replies: “After some clever investigation, and thanks to Iain’s eyewitness, photographs, and autograph, we have clarified the position with Sir Jackie’s Ingliston demonstrations.“
Editor: Well done if you have got as far as this. We know now who we could have in our Pub Quiz Team…….. or maybe not!
Interesting Youtube clips:
Just a few, which are best viewed in ‘Full Screen’
A quite topical and amusing advert from France for the use of paper
The children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic elementary school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note and posted on the apple tray: ‘Take only ONE. God is watching.’ Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A child had written a note, ‘Take all you want. God is watching the apples….’
A Sunday school teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six-year-olds. After explaining the commandment to ‘honour’ thy Father and thy Mother, she asked, ‘Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?’ From the back, one little boy (the oldest of a family) answered, ‘Thou shall not kill.’
Shampoo Warning
I don’t know WHY I didn’t figure this out sooner! I use shampoo in the shower when I wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body, and printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning,
No wonder I have been gaining weight! Well, I got rid of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Palmolive dish-washing liquid instead because of its label reads