Category: <span>News</span>


Newsletter April, 2010

It is now six months since the last Newsletter, for which I apologise. A lot has happened during that time, the AGM and a couple of Directors’ meetings – plus I was a bit hors de combat for a few weeks. Anyway, the main good news is that your website is now ready for viewing! A few routine things firstly – –

Annual General Meeting – This was our third AGM since our incorporation. I was informed that this was uneventful as usual with a large turnout of members – 14 in all! We regretfully had to accept Alan Carlaw’s resignation as Treasurer as he wished to make way for “younger Directors”!  Apart from Alan, all the other Board members were re-elected en masse.  Jimmy McInnes remained as Chairman, Bob Bailiie as Vice-Chairman and Stuart Parker as Secretary. Bob Baillie agreed to become Treasurer. The other Ordinary Directors were Kenny Allen, Mike How, Adele Paterson, Duncan Paterson and Andy Watson. Hugh MacKinnon was elected as a Director to the Board.

The Association’s gratitude was minuted for Alan Carlaw’s years of service. Chairman Jimmy extended his personal thanks to Alan. He proposed that position of Honorary Vice-President is conferred on Alan. This was agreed unanimously.

Membership – Our membership now stands at 281, we have gained 4 new members but sadly lost two.
Tom MacMillan – Glenrothes       Alastair Muir – Houston, Renfrewshire
Bob Gillespie – Drymen, Glasgow       Margaret Lowrey (nee Mackenzie) – Winslow, Bucks.

Death of a Member – The members who have died were:
Alan Stewart, Kelvinside, Glasgow, died 17th November 2009
Roy Alexander, Balerno, Midlothian who died last October. Roy had only joined VSMA last March!


Highland Run – to Grantown-on-Spey on 7th & 8th May. Just let you know that entries for this event CLOSE ON 10TH APRIL. If you still wish to enter please contact Bob Baillie at 01290 550 696(Home), 07721 755 917 (Mobile) or email: (this is Bob’s new email address).

Knockhill Scottish Speedfair & Classic Festival, 26th-27th June, 9 to 5 daily, Unfortunately, we will NOT be there as usual in the Media Centre – all the usual stalwarts will, unfortunately, be on holiday over that weekend. I have extracted some information from the Knockhill website ( for those who might wish to attend.

The 2010 Scottish SpeedFair and Classic Festival will bring a new mix of classic and historic content to continue the growth of the popular event.  From the action on the track, off track, race cars, show cars, motorbikes, rally cars and even a stunt bi-plane, the variety will ensure a great day out for all. We will also be hosting the biggest ever collection of Ferraris at the 2010 Scottish Speedfair and Classic Festival.Here are just a few of the highlights confirmed so far. Bookmark this page and keep an eye on our latest news pages as we will be adding more and more content.Everybodyës dream car, the Ferrari, will be out on track with the visiting round of the Pirelli Ferrari Formula classic championship, catering for Ferraris built prior to 1990. Along with the open class for 355 Challenge cars and modified Ferraris, fireworks are guaranteed! Alongside the racing Ferraris, the Scottish Speedfair and Classic Festival will be the gathering point for hundreds of Ferrari Owners. Indeed this gathering promises to be the biggest ever collection of Ferraris ever seen in Scotland! If you are an avid fan of this famous marque – don’t miss monumental occasion!The first running of the Scottish Formula Ford Festival and Sir Jackie Stewart Trophy ó See some of the UKës top single seater racers battle for arguably the most prestigious trophy in British Formula Ford. We will also host two rounds of the visiting Irish Formula Ford championship. Wheel to wheel racing guaranteed!Scottish Classic Sports & Saloons ó a great variety of sports cars, from Lotus to Astons, MGs to Morgans, competing for top honours.New for this year will be an impressive display of hundreds of Classic Ford Escorts, courtesy of the îold Skool Escortsï club a fantastic display of hundreds of these iconic cars including Colin McRaeës and Ari Vatanenës escort rally cars. Not only on display but also put through there paces out on track.Returning after five years will be the visiting round of the Historic Formula Juniors. The category celebrated its 50th season in 2008, the Formula Junior Championship is booming, with the huge worldwide interest in the category for 1100cc single-seater racing cars. Although Formula Junior only existed from 1958 to 1963, it continues to be one of the most popular of all historic racing categories. Jim Clark, John Surtees and Jochen Rindt were amongst the GP Stars who began their careers in FJ.Two days of non-stop action will also see the MG Equipe GT championship taking to the track with two exciting races along with the new Ginetta Teen cup. A new series for drivers aged between 16 and 19 years old promises to be very entertaining!

VSMA Website

At long last, your website is ready for viewing. The address of the site is:


When you enter the site you will find two main areas – The Public Area (which anyone can view) and the Private Area (only open to members of VSMA).  To enter the latter area you will require a User Name and a  Password. Can I please ask that you do NOT divulge either to anyone as the information contained in the Private area is CONFIDENTIAL!! This area is much larger and contains information regarding members (you included) – addresses, telephone numbers, etc., as well as information on their motorsport career.

Your User Name is the name you are usually known by, e.g. “Stuart Parker” or Jimmy McInnes (without the inverted commas).

Your initial Password is “20aMsV01” again without the inverted commas, and please note the password is case sensitive.

The first thing you should do on entering the private area is to read “How to Use Site” which gives you important information on navigating the site. THEN CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD TO SOMETHING ONLY YOU WILL REMEMBER. I can’t stress this enough!

There are over 600 images on the site (cars, events, people, etc) ó potentially we could have 999 per member! If you hover your mouse over an image and the pointing-arrow changes to a pointing-hand, that image will enlarge by left-clicking the image. You can then further enlarge and examine details of the image. Remember always to Close the enlarged image by clicking either of the Close buttons at the top or bottom of the image page.

I have tried to ensure that the information (text and images) in both the Public and the Private areas is as accurate as possible, but there are bound to be errors and omissions. If you come upon anything, no matter how trivial and especially in your own page, that you feel requires change, I would be grateful if you would send amendments to the Administrator. If you have more information or photographs you would like to add to your own page please send them in using the ‘Upload an Itemï or îUpload a fileï facilities in the Private area. I should point out that the larger the image the better it is for the website.

Finally, I do hope that you will enjoy the site and look at it fairly regularly. Updates will happen hopefully on a regular basis. Future Newsletters, etc will be also published on the site.

That’s all for now.

Back to Archived News Items


Newsletter September, 2009

Enclosed you will find Notice of our AGM which will be held on Tuesday 6th October in the Dakota Euro Central Ltd, which is a hotel located just off the A8/M8 between Glasgow and Newhouse. It is due to start at 7.0 pm but coffee/tea will be served from 6.45 pm. I have also enclosed an extract from the accounts provided by our accountant, plus forms of Nomination to the Board.
I do hope you will come along to the AGM. You can then air your views and give your suggestions and any complaints to your Directors!

Death of a Member – I have just heard that Bobby Parkes of Bolton-le-Sands died on 15th July 2009.  Bobby was a keen Rally competitor although he did do some racing and autotests. In Rallying he seems to have tackled everything, from events such the Monte Carlo, the Alpine Rally, the Tulip Rally and numerous Circuits of Ireland, gathering numerous Class Awards along the way. He had even competed as far afield as Czechoslovakia in the 1991 International Vltava Rally where he finished 1st in Class.  In the 1959 Monte Carlo Rally, he was presented with the R.S.A.C. Cup for the best Glasgow starter.  In fact, he was 8th overall and Class winner in that event and was part of the Jaguar Team who won the Manufactures Team prize. Nearer home he will be certainly remembered by our rally enthusiasts as he was a regular supporter of Scottish events, National as well as International. From the mid-fifties right through to the late sixties, he was to be seen in almost every Scottish Rally where he won many class awards, as well as in lesser events such as 55 Car Club’s Grouse Rally and the Tour of Mull.  I got to know him during the Scottish Rallies and the Circuits of Ireland. Not only was he a keen competitor but he was a really friendly and affable man. He will be missed by many who knew him.

EMAIL ADDRESSES (again)- If you have received this Newsletter my mail, it is either because you don’t have an email address or I have the wrong one on file for you. Either you have changed your email address and not let me know OR there has been some problem with your email service provider OR perhaps you haven’t looked at your emails for some time and your “mailbox” is overfull and won’t accept any more mail OR you have been unable to download the “attachments”!! Either way, could you send me an email to confirm your present email address. It is so much easier and costs virtually nothing compared with the postal service.

If you have now only just joined the electronic age and have an email address could you please let me have a note of it, by just sending me an email, in order that I can send any communications electronically in future.

That’s all for now.

Back to Archived News Items


Newsletter August, 2009

“Blythswood Square, Glasgow” – Following the email I sent out a few weeks ago regarding the changes at the RSAC, I am pleased to say that Alan Carlaw has had a few responses already, with promises of memorabilia for display in the proposed “Rally” and “Monte Carlo” bars. Obviously, the Hotel are keen to have as much as possible so that a rota of exhibits can be displayed. The Hotel is due to be opened this coming September.
However, there has been a slight change in the arrangements regarding the donation/loan of (cinefilm, photographs, old Regulations, rally plates, etc, etc). It was felt it would be easier if these items could be sent directly to Mhairi Taylor who has agreed to act as coordinator, instead of to Alan Carlaw who would have to pass them on anyway!
Mhairi can be contacted at “Foxfield”, 10 Cramond Road North, Edinburgh, EH4 6HS,

Tel: 0131-336-5448 or

Death of Member – I have to report of deaths of two of our members.

Andrew Goodfellow, Larbert, Stirlingshire – died on 4th April. Andrew had been involved initially in racing having competed as early as 1955 at Charterhall in a 1936 Jaguar. He went on to race at Silverstone, Brands, Mallory Park and of course Ingliston, collecting a few “places” over the years. He also took past in Sprints and Hill Climbs in various machinery, having a good few FTDs as well as Class awards. He finally hung up his helmet in 1985. He was a member of Falkirk & District Car Club as well as SMRC and BRSAC.

Jack Muir, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire – died on 23rd March. Jack was involved mainly as a driver and navigator from 1950 until 1961. He was a member of Falkirk & District Car Club.

Membership – Since the June Newsletter, we have added 3 new members to the Membership. We welcome him to our ranks:

Garry Stagg, Pitlochry
Matt Mackenzie, Aberdeen
  Gordon Clendinning, New Galloway

Scottish Speedfair and Classic Festival, Knockhill, Sunday 19th July –
Fortunately, the weather held out for our third visit to Knockhill. Indeed it was sunny and warm for most of the day. We didn’t have as many members, as usual, dropping into our “tent” in the Media Centre but a few other members were to be seen walking around the many displays.

SMRC Club event, Knockhill, on Sunday 6th September – Although this is a two-day event with practice and qualifying taking place on Saturday, Sunday will be racing only. This will include at least 2 rounds of each of the 6 Scottish Championships {ie. Formula Ford, Legends (3 races) XR2’s, Saloons and Sportscars, Classic Saloon and Sports Cars and Mini Coopers (3 races) plus a 100km race for the British GT Cup cars} which will mean a grand total of 15 races. The GT Cup race will be a quality race with an assortment of Porsche997’s, Aston Martin DB9’s, Dodge Vipers, Chevrolet Corvette C5R, etc., hopefully around 25 cars, all driven by non-professional drivers.
Racing will start at about 9.00am and continue throughout the day with around a 1-hour break at lunchtime. The lunchtime is a moveable feast (sic) depending on how smoothly the programme runs. Smooth running should allow us to finish around 5.30 to 6.00pm.
Car parking will be anywhere in the outside car park, as space in the paddock is not available for road cars due to their being around 150 race cars plus transporters etc., within the paddock! No car passes will be required.
Again we will have use of the Media Centre where the usual refreshments will be supplied f.o.c.!

Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 6th October – The Official Notice, etc for this event will be sent out next month along with the accounts. However, this is just a reminder to keep this date in your diary. I do hope you will come along to the AGM where you can air your views and give your suggestions/complaints to your Directors!

2010 “Run” – Bob Baillie reports that he has secured the Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown-on-Spey for the Headquarters for next year’s “Run”.  The format will be somewhat similar but the route will be different.  Details will be issued at a later date. Going by the response to this year’s “Run” I think we may be oversubscribed. You have been warned — when the entry forms go out, get them back “by return” if you wish to secure an entry!

2010 Reunion Saturday 23rd October – Your Directors are pleased to announce details of next year’s reunion. Like the two previous reunions, it will be held in The Glynhill Hotel, Paisley.  Obviously, the format and details have still to be sorted out, but now is the time to put this date in your diary.

VSMA Website – The website is slowly coming together. If you remember from my last newsletter I had requested that if you hadn’t sent me details of your motorsport career, would you please do so, ASAP.  Although the numbers have increased the request still holds.  Similarly, with photographs, we can take almost as many as you have (last time I said a limit of 12 but apparently we can take up to 999 per member), action shots, photos of yourself (old and new), etc, etc.  Remember, all the data and photographs will only be visible to VSMA members. Ideally, if the data and images can be sent electronically, so much the better, but I can cope with “hard copy”, slides, photographs and negatives. Please, could I also ask that you put your name on the back of the photographs as well as the year they were taken, and other pertinent detail. Obviously, I will return the originals if requested.

That’s all for now.

Stuart Parker

Back to Archived News Items


Newsletter June, 2009

STOP PRESS ~ Following prompts from a few of our members, your Board has had second thoughts about the “4th Knockhill Speedfair & Classic Festival” – we will be going there after all on July 17th!!!

See below for details.

2009 “Run” 8th/9th May –

What a great weekend this turned out to be. Congratulations to Bob Baillie for all his hard work before and during the event. He was assisted in the earlier preparations by Mike How (unfortunately Mike was only able to be at the start) – our thanks to both.
Including the provider of the Scalextric stand, Gordon and Karen Clendinning, 49 members and partners arrived at Grantown-on-Spey late on Friday afternoon. We had congregated earlier at the Altamont House Hotel, Blairgowrie, where we had had lunch. The car park at the Altamont was like a Concours D’Elegance with several beautifully prepared vehicles – E-Type Jaguar, Ferrari, Maserati, MGA Coupe, MGB, MGF, etc.
Driving up from the south to Blairgowrie the heavens opened up with torrential rain! By†1.30 when we were about to be flagged≠off by Mike How, the sun had decided to appear and ‘hoods down’ was the consensus. This was fine for those who only had to press a button, but for those like your scribe (who had forgotten the intricacies of an MGB hood), this was a somewhat slow and verbally heated process. Unfortunately, the sun shortly disappeared and it was ‘hoods up’ for the rest of the trip north. Over the Lecht the rain gave way to sleet making the last leg down to the Spey valley quite exciting!
Friday evening started off with a cocktail party and then dinner during which President Jimmy and Bob Baillie made a few remarks of welcome! Thereafter, it was down to practising for the serious business of the “Highland Speed Challenge” on the Scalextric circuit. Bob had divided the group into two classes, Drivers and Co-drivers. It was thought that the men would be the more competitive but surprise, surprise it was the ladies who turned out to be extremely aggressive! So much so that Bob decided that he would have to get a Ladies Prize.
Saturday morning saw most of us up bright and breezy, although some showed early signs of post-competitive stress somewhat strangely relieved by Alka-Seltzer! The first outing was a trip to Aviemore and back on the privately owned steam train. This brought back pleasant memories for most of us. In the afternoon it was off to the Macallan distillery near Aberlour for a conducted tour and a wee dram at the end. Then it was back to the hotel to get ready for the evening.
Dinner was followed by the serious business of trying to beat the ladies on the track – an almost impossible task. It was suggested by more than a few gentlemen that “thems wimen must hive been practising”. Anyway, apart from Ian Gemmell, the men were put to shame. The final results of the Highland Speed Challenge were –
1st Driver – Ian Gemmell with a time of 1 minute 34 seconds
1st Co-Driver – Nancy Crichton with a time of 1 minute 38 seconds
1st Ladies prize – Netta Young with a time of 1 minute 36 seconds
The track closed down at 11 pm when most retired to drown their sorrows.
At breakfast, on Sunday morning the prizes were presented to the winners – bottles of Macallan whisky and Macallan jam!! After breakfast, apart from 12 souls who had decided to stay for another day, everyone made for home and a rest!
It was unanimously agreed that this had been a great venture, with the repeated plea “When is the next one?”.
Here is a list of those who took part in the “Run”:

Kenny Allen and Kenny Gunn       Fraser Anderson and Alastair Clark       Bob and Margaret Baillie
Donald and Lilian       Brown Mid and Valerie Bruce       Gordon and Karen Clendinning
Barry and Nancy Crichton       Bill and Ann Cuthbertson       Chris Edwards and Andy Fenwick
Ian and Louise Gemmell       Walter and Bette Gray       Jimmy and Arlene McInnes
Hugh Mackinnon and Olly Ross       William and Eileen Montgomery       Malcolm and Anne Noble
Stuart and Mairi Parker       Duncan and Adele Paterson       Ian and Margaret Smillie
Pat and John Smith       Ron and Elspeth Smith       Bill and Frances Thomson
Graham and Margaret Wright       Alexander and Carol Anne Young       Charlie and Netta Young

As a result of the success of the “Run”, at the recent Board meeting, it was decided to repeat the venture next year – same time, same hotel but probably a different route. Watch this space.

Baseball Caps

Those on the “Run’ will know of our new baseball caps. These are different from the earlier ones. The new ones have the VSMA logo and name properly embroidered on the cap, rather than the plastic logo which tended to quickly wear off! Fortunately, we have been able to keep the price the same, £12 which includes P&P. Get in touch with me if you wish to own one of these very attractive caps.


Since the March Newsletter, we have added another 2 new members to the Membership. We welcome the following to our ranks:

Graham Wright, Carluke       Peter Speakman, Broughton-in-Furness.

Death of Member

It is with sadness that I have to report deaths of two of our members.

Ena Paterson, Newton Mearns, Glasgow – died on 15th April 2009. Many will remember Ena as the wife of the late Ninian Paterson but she was involved in rallying in her own right as a navigator from the early 50s to 1960. She was a member of SSCC and the MG Car Club.

Mike Kean, Montrose – died suddenly on 30th April 2009. He became a member of VSMA last December. Most of his Motorsport activities were conducted either in Germany or in Singapore.

 Scottish Speedfair and Classic Festival, Knockhill, Sunday 19th July –

As mentioned above, we will again be involved this year. Knockhill has kindly made their Media Centre available to us where we can be found – where you can have a cup of coffee, etc; have a rest; meet with other members, etc. We have also arranged that members will be able to park their vehicles in the VIP car park which is only a short walk from the Media Centre.

SMRC Club event, Knockhill, on Sunday 6th September – Details of this SMRC Club event will be sent out nearer the time.

Annual General Meeting, Tuesday 6th October

This year the AGM will be held in the Dakota Euro Central Ltd, which is a hotel located just off the A8/M8 between Glasgow and Newhouse. It is due to start at 7.0 pm but coffee/tea will be served from 6.45 pm. The Official Notice of the AGM, Nomination for the Board Forms, etc., will be issued to you nearer the time but please put a note of this important event in your diary now.

2010 Reunion Saturday 23rd October

Your Directors are pleased to announce details of next year’s reunion. Like the two previous reunions, it will be held in The Glynhill Hotel, Paisley.  Obviously, the format and details have still to be sorted out, but now is the time to put this date in your diary.

VSMA Website

Following the details of our proposed website in the March Newsletter and the subsequent issue to each member the details of their motorsport data (or the appropriate blank form if they had still to submit data), I can report a somewhat slow response, which is disappointing. Only about 80 members have returned their forms or submitted photographs. If you have already sent me the forms, many many thanks. If you have still to do so, PLEASE do it soon. Regarding photographs, we could take up to a maximum of 12 images per member. Very often you recognise a name but be quite unable to put the name to a face. We would like to be able to rectify this by having “mugshots” of everyone – both recent and earlier ones, to let other members know what you look like. Please help. Remember, all the data and photographs will only be visible to VSMA members. Ideally, if the data and images can be sent electronically, so much the better, but I can cope with “hard copy”, slides, photographs and negatives. Please, could I ask that you put your name on the back of the photographs as well as the year they were taken. Obviously, I will return the originals if requested.

That’s all for now.

Stuart Parker

Back to Archived News Items


Newsletter March, 2009

Another brief Newsletter but firstly a report on last years’ AGM which was held on Wednesday 8th October 2008 in the Glynhill Hotel, Paisley. I suppose we would have been surprised if it hadn’t been the uneventful occasion – and surprise surprise it was quite uneventful. Including Chairman Jimmy McInnes, 13 members in total just managed to make it a quorum! Nothing of any great importance was decided – Bill Dryden decided to step down as a Director while Kenny Allen was elected to replace him. The other Directors remained the same – Jimmy McInnes Chairman, Bob Baillie Vice-Chairman, Alan Carlaw Treasurer; Mike How, Duncan Paterson, Adele Paterson, Andy Watson all Ordinary Directors; and myself Secretary. A VSMA Website was proposed (see later) but that was about all the business!

“The Run” 8th/9th May 2009 – Bob Baillie, who is organising this event sent me the following letter to pass on to you:
Dear Member,

The spaces are filling up for the run to Grantown-on-Spey with more than half of the rooms in the hotel now taken! If you haven’t already booked, it would be advisable to do so as soon as possible.

The entry fee for the event is £30.00 per person and this incorporates the entry fee, îplatesï for the car, the reception at the hotel, the first two entries for the Scalextric event ( the proceeds of which are going to charity ) and incidental expenditure on the weekend.

I would stress that the classes for the event refer to the date when you first became involved in motorsport and not to the car which you will be driving on the weekend. Cars in keeping with your class would be preferred but are not essential.

There will be routes provided to get entrants from Glasgow and Edinburgh to Blairgowrie on Friday 9th May where a soup and sandwich lunch will be available from 1230hrs to 1330hrs. Cars will then leave at one-minute intervals from1330hrs on a route to be provided from Blairgowrie to Grantown-on-Spey.

I would point out that this is intended to be a relaxing fun weekend and the final instructions will be issued to all entrants shortly before the event.

Yours sincerely

Bob Baillie.

In case you have misplaced the information that Bob had sent earlier (Entry Form, etc.), either Bob or I can send you a replacement. Bob can be contacted at:

Garden Cottage Tel: 01290 550 696
1 Netherplace Gardens Mobile: 07721 755 917
Mauchline Email:
KA5 5SU.

Membership – Since the last Newsletter, Membership now stands at 281. We welcome the following to our ranks:

      Roy Alexander, Balerno       Johnny Blades, Ponteland       Sandy Denham, Edinburgh
John Fenwick, Stranraer       Paul Hindle, Preston       Mike Kean, Montrose
Bob Lowe, Newport-on-Tay       Malcolm Noble, Mauchline

Death of Member – It is with sadness that I have to report on deaths of two of our members.
Amy Matheson (Nee Scott) Newmilns, Ayrshire – died on 27th June 2008 after a very short illness. She and her husband Lister had dropped into our stall at the Knockhill Classic Speedfair only a couple of weeks before she died!  As Amy Scott she will be remembered primarily by our rallying members – she was a very active member and competitor in the Kilmarnock Car Club during the sixties and seventies.

Bill Dobson, Colinton, Edinburgh – died on 13th October 2008. Bill was involved in racing in the early fifties. He raced in Scotland, England and Eire with the BMW 328. He was a Founder member of Ecurie Ecosse, driving the XK 120 Jaguar.

Knockhill – At a recent Board Meeting the Directors decided, as a change, to support an SMRC Club meeting later this year rather than the event we had been involved with over the past few years. We have decided instead to support the Scottish Motor Racing Club’s Club event still at Knockhill on Sunday 6th September. Details will be sent to you nearer the time.
However, Knockhill will still be running their popular Speedfair as a one-day event on Sunday 19th July. You are very welcome to go along, and although we will not be there officially there will be plenty of things to watch and see.  Stuart Gray reports that Interest is again looking good for this year’s event. He has changed the branding slightly to more accurately reflect the nature of the event. Its new title is the Scottish SpeedFair and Classic Festival and this year will have the following features;
Formula Ford Golden Helmet and Sir Jackie Stewart Trophy – See some of the UK’s top single-seater racers battle for arguably the most prestigious trophy in British Formula Ford – the Golden Helmet. Wheel to wheel racing guaranteed!
Scottish Classic Sports & Saloons and Legends racing – Great variety of sports cars, from Lotus to Astons, MG’s to Morgans, as well as our ever popular Legends, based on 1950’s American Hot Rods, compete to top honours.
50 years of Mini – Almost everyone has owned, driven or wanted to drive a Mini at some time. Knockhill will be a mecca for Mini models of all ages, from the earliest through to 2008 – a special tribute to a special car. If you have had a successful history in a Mini (of a sporting kind) and or know the whereabouts of any special Minis that have featured over the years, Stuart Gray of Knockhill would be keen to hear from you.
100 years of Morgan – An iconic car and a special gathering for this unique British marquee.
50 years of Austin Healey – there will be a display of some of these classic British Sports Cars.
SpeedFair Classic Rally – 30 classic sports and saloon cars being thrashed on the special stage, rallying from yesteryear for the SpeedFair Trophy.
Peugeot 205 demonstration – A modern classic and sneaking into the line-up this year! These modern classic rally cars are being driven by rally stars of the future – something different this year!
Motorcycles are back! A special display of these wonderful pre= and post-war machines.
Hundreds of Classic cars on display and, new for this year, paraded on the famous track.
Aerobatic display – Look to the skies as a Starduster bi-plane performs stunts that defy gravity. New for this year will be target flying – busting balloons mid-flight! The plane will also be landing on track so we can talk directly with the pilot, another first for Knockhill!

VSMA Website – As mentioned above the Directors have given me the go-ahead to develop our own Website. The general format will let people know who we are, what we are about, who are eligible to join and how to contact us, plus a little history of the Association.
However, the main part of the Website will be a “Private” area only available to members! You will be able to access this part of the site only with a “User Name” and “Password”, both of which will be issued to you in due course. If you remember when you joined our Association you were asked to provide a short history of your previous (and current) motorsport involvement. Indeed Article 3 “Objects” of the Memorandum of Association states that one of the Objects was “…to keep a database of members which would detail the nature of their previous and current Motorsport involvement.” Most members did submit such data and it is this data we intend putting on the Website along with any additions, photographs, etc. that members care to submit. An assurance was given that this data would only be available to members of the Association and this assurance remains. The data will also contain contact details – email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers.
Although most members did submit data on joining – some fairly brief, some quite extensive – some members have yet to send anything! If you are in the latter category what about letting us know a bit about you and your past exploits?  If you have lost the proforma I sent out, I will send another – just give me a call or send an email. Photographs will be more than welcome – old ones, recent ones of yourself, plus any of your motorsport activities. Ideally, if the data and images can be sent electronically, so much the better, but I can cope with “hard copy”, slides, photographs and negatives. Please, could I ask that you put your name on the back of the photographs as well as the year they were taken.  Obviously, I will return the originals if requested.
Lastly, I am conscious of the fact that, although the data on the Website will be for “members’ eyes only”, some members may not wish to have their data publicised in such a way and this is a wish we will respect. Therefore, if you are of this opinion would you please let me know by 1st MAY 2009, by email or in writing that “You do not wish your personal data to be published on the VSMA Website” and I will then ensure that your data is not published on the Website.

That’s all for now.

Stuart Parker

Back to Archived News Items


Newsletter September, 2008

Just a brief Newsletter this time. Not much has been happening on the VSMA front. We did have our usual stall at the Knockhill Classic Speedfair in June which was very well attended by members – more people had found out where we were or maybe it was the free coffee, tea and pies. Anyway, all were very welcome. Alan Carlaw with the assistance of Bill Henderson produced a marvellous board of photographs showing past activities of many of our members. This caused much interest and amusement!

Death of Member – Nigel Kennedy (1922- 2008)
It is with deep regret that we have to record the death of one of our most senior members. Nigel Kennedy was connected with all facets of motorsport from 1945 until retiring from active participation in 1980. He built three cars for competition use, the “Burdmonk”, the “Stafonak” and the “Harfeachî driving all with considerable success. He was also deeply involved in administration and marshalling being Chairman of the Scottish Sporting Car Club in 1962 and 1968. He was a fund of knowledge in relation to our sport and will be greatly missed. He did, however, leave his bound volumes of “Top Gear” magazine and collection of photographs and other memorabilia to our organisation. Nigel was known to everyone in Scottish Motorsport as he was involved in almost every branch of the sport. He will be remembered for many things – both he and his cars for being immaculately turned out; his lively wit and a tremendous sense of fun. He loved motorsport right up to the end. He had attended all our Reunions and was a regular visitor to our stall at the Knockhill Classic Speedfair. Nigel, born on 23 October 1922, was a pupil of Kelvinside Academy in Glasgow and saw war service as an Aero Engine Fitter in the RAF Marine Craft division. On demob, he joined the family laundry and dry cleaning business (Castlebank) and had considerable involvement in trade associations. He never married but involved himself in golf, yachting, curling and swimming. He also enjoyed foreign travel and cruising.
It has been my privilege to have known him.
Alan Carlaw

Membership – Since the May Newsletter, we have added another 13 new members. Membership now stands at 271. We welcome the following to our ranks:
       Tommy Dickson, Perth       Chris Edwards, Glanfarg, Perthshire       Jock Farquharson, Forfar       Andy Fenwick, Edinburgh

      Ricky Gauld, Huntley       George Gordon, Bridge of Don       Raymond Mann, Kirkcaldy       William Montgomery, Perth

      Kevin Pick, Blackhall, Edinburgh       George Robinson, Aberdeen       Steve Wallace, Aberdeen       Alex Strathdee, Portlethen, Aberdeen

      Alexander Young, Fenwick, Ayrshire

Merchandise – Those of you who were at the Knockhill Classic Speedfair in June, and who dropped into our “stall” at the Media Centre would be aware that we now have VSMA pullovers for sale to members. These are navy blue, v-necked items and come in the usual sizes similar to our anoraks. Also new are the navy blue baseball caps with the VSMA logo. Both of these items together with our anoraks can be obtained by Emailing me or just giving me a call at the number below.
48″ 50″ 52″ 54″ and 56″
Anoraks S M L XL and XXL £35 (Includes P&P)
Pullovers S M L XL and XXL £24 (Includes P&P)
VSMA Caps One size fits all £12 (Includes P&P)

An evening with Stuart Turner – I got a call the other day from Graham Henderson telling me about this evening with Stuart Turner. It is scheduled for Tuesday 4th November and will be held at Grassick’s garage premises, The Triangle, Inveralmond, Perth, PH1 3GA.  The start time is 7.30 and there will be a light buffet.  It is hoped to have 2 Works Replica rally cars ó a Mini Cooper S and an Austin Healey 3000. and maybe even a rally Ford Escort. All members of our association have been invited to attend. As you will know Stuart Turner has had a lifelong involvement with motorsport. After being British Champion Co-driver for 3 years he moved into team management, first with BMC where he led them to several Monte Carlo Rally wins and later with Ford where, as Director of Motorsport, he was responsible for their race and rally programmes across Europe. Under his leadership, Ford won both World and European Championships. And of course, he is a now a member of VSMA!  The evening is being organised by the Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club (Contact Secretary Douglas Anderson 01382 731755 ). A visit to their website at is well worth a visit. There I found details of “Friend of the Rest” a group with the sole aim of restoring the Rest and Be Thankful to return it to its former glory – at least for Classic and Historic events, something I’m sure we would heartily support.

Annual General Meeting – Our first AGM which will be held on Wednesday 8th October in the Glynhill Hotel, Paisley at 7.0 p.m.  I do hope you will come along to the AGM. It is a time when you can air your views and give your suggestions/complaints to your Directors!


Stuart Parker

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Newsletter May, 2008

As I’m sure most of you will know that Scotland has recently lost four of its Motorsport legends. A few paragraphs on each is included in this Newsletter.

Membership – we now have over 260 members in our Association which is most encouraging, although as mentioned above we have lost a few. Since the last reunion on 27th October 2007, we had welcomed the following to our ranks:

      Duncan Laing, Croftamie, Stirlingshire Stuart Turner, Chipping Norton, Oxon
      Norman Gowans, Castle Douglas Jim McGaughey, Lochgilphead
      Gordon Brown, Paisley David Leslie, Banbury, Oxon
      George Cooper, Kilsyth Stephen Cooper, Cumbernauld
      Bob Leckie, Inverurie David Ross, Aberdeen
      Graeme Henderson, Westhill, Aberdeenshire Iain Nicolson, East Calder
      David Simon, Westhill, Aberdeenshire

Knockhill Classic Speedfair – Sunday 8th June 2008
There will be another Speedfair at Knockhill this year, albeit a day shorter and earlier than before. As well as the usual exhibits and races, both Ferrari and Lotus Cars will be there in force. Races for both marques will feature, as well as races for Scottish Classic Sports Cars. The new Jimmy Stewart Trophy will be awarded to the winner of this latter event. As usual, we expect to be there at the Media Centre. So you are all welcome to drop in and see what we have to offer!!? I have enclosed a “VIP” Parking Ticket for those members who will wish to attend.

“The Run”
As it had been agreed that the next Reunion would not be held until 2010, it was suggested that we should be doing something between now and then. As a result, the idea of “An Event” was mooted! This would be a two-day affair starting on a Friday next spring and be based in Grantown-on-Spey.  Members would get there via a “Run” starting from various points in Scotland, viz: Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, etc. “Entertainments” and “visits” would be arranged for the Saturday and both evenings. Bob Baillie is in charge of planning and more details will be issued in due course.

Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival –
Some of you may have heard of the revival of the famous Bo’ness Hill Climb, Scotland’s very first racing venue. Indeed a club has been formed, namely “The Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival Club” (BHCR).and already they have over 70 members! It is the BHCR’s intention to hold their first event for cars and bikes over the weekend of 9th/10th August 2008. They have had the approval of Falkirk Council, who are sharing the costs involved in the safety upgrades required by the MSA. The vehicles must be pre1972, be on treaded tyres and without wings. This will be a closed club meeting and those wishing to compete will have to join the club. This can be done by getting a membership form from Bill Drysdale, Membership Secretary, Kirklands, Summerhill, Ayton, Eyemouth, TD14 5QZ or email The annual fee is £20. We certainly wish BHCR every success in their venture.

VSMA Merchandise –
Following the success of the VSMA anoraks (over 40 have been purchased to date), we have introduced a couple of other items of apparel which should be available to view and purchase at Knockhill. The first is a V-necked pullover in both lambswool and sweatshirt material. The second is (as requested by a member with a very wide parting), a baseball type cap to fit all sizes.

Jimmy Stewart: 1931 – 2008
As I’m sure most of you will know, Jimmy Stewart, elder brother of Jackie our Honorary President, died on 3rd January 2008. He would certainly be known to most of our older “Veterans” as one of the earliest “names” in Scottish Motor Racing, but perhaps not to our younger members. His Motorsport career began at the age of 18 in 1949 driving an MG TC at various hill climbs and sprints in Scotland including the “Rest” and Bo’ness hill climbs.  He then went on in a Healey Silverstone to compete in race meetings at the few Scottish venues at the time such as Winfield, Turnberry and Charterhall. It was at an event at the latter venue when he was noticed by David Murray who went on to establish Ecurie Ecosse. David was keen for Jimmy to become involved with Ecurie Ecosse Team but he would have to supply his own C-type Jaguar! Fortunately, Jimmy’s dad Bob, who was an Austin Agent and an enthusiastic supporter of Jimmy’s motorsport career, did just that – bought him the car! Thereafter his career blossomed, competing in events with Ecurie Ecosse not just in the UK but all over the world. He also drove for works Jaguar and Aston Martin. He was competing at the time when there were so many now-famous people around, such as Fangio, Ascari, Stirling Moss and Mike Hawthorn. Like most young men at that time, he was required to do National Service. However, his C.O. in the R.E.M.E managed to wangle his release so that he could race at meetings all over the UK and abroad, including Argentina! In 1953, in the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, in a Cooper Bristol, he crashed while lying 5th overall but also the leading UK driver at the time!
In the 1954 Le Mans, while driving the works Aston Martin DB3S Coupe, he had very high-speed accident resulting in severe injury to his right elbow. Although this took a long time to heal he was able to compete later at the Nurburgring. However, luck was not with him and he was involved in yet another crash. As a result, at the age of 24, although due to partner Mike Hawthorn in the 1955 Le Mans 24 hour race in the Ecurie Ecosse D-type, Jimmy decided to retire from motor racing.
One can only speculate what heights he might have reached if he had been able to continue his racing career. As we know, brother Jackie followed in his footsteps – and the rest is history.
Following his retiral from active motorsport, he returned to the motor trade where he worked in Sales, both in the UK and in the United States. He married, had two children, separated, eventually settled in Rhu where he lived until his death. He leaves a daughter Jane and son Ian, both of whom presently reside in Germany.

Stuart Parker, Secretary

Mike Fenwick: 1925 – 2008
Mike joined our Association at the Knockhill Speedfair only last year while acting as a Steward of the Meeting! He will certainly be known to most of our motor and motorcycling racing colleagues as a Steward at the numerous car and bike meetings throughout the UK. But perhaps he was not known so well to those in rallying. In pre-motorsport life, he had had a varied and adventurous life. He was a commando during the world war II and saw active service in the Far East. He first venture into the sport in the 1950s was at Brands Hatch where he had raced. But he soon took up marshalling instead, and eventually became a steward of race meetings. It was not long before he was acting as an RAC Steward throughout the UK, in both car and motorcycle events. This continued when he came up to make Scotland his home. He established the Scottish branch of the British Racing Sports Car Club (BRSCC); ran race meetings at Croft; was the founding chairman of the Scottish Sprint and Hill Climb committee. He helped to set up the Doune Hill Climb; was clerk of the course at Ingliston in Edinburgh; was a founder member and lifelong supporter of the Scottish Motor Racing Club. In 1998 he was awarded the Jim Clark Award for services to the sport and in the same year, his contribution to motorsport was recognised when he was awarded Prince Michael of Kent Award of Merit.
Away from motorsport and pre-retirement, he was involved in the wine trade and ran a successful wine business in Perth. On retirement from the trade, he and his wife Edna, whom he had married in 1949, moved to Biggar, where he lived until his death. Although his wife pre-deceased him, Mike continued to support Motorsport, as an active RAC and MSA steward. He was one of the UK’s longest serving stewards and had a great and lasting influence on all aspects of motorsport.†
He encouraged his sons John and Andrew to follow in his footsteps. They both inherited his motorsport “bug”, Andrew becoming the chief observer for the Scottish Motor Racing Club and John a steward for international events in England. Mike should have retired from motorsport at 65 but was still travelling all over the UK up until last year. He had signed up again for 2008!
Mike died suddenly aged 82 on 9th February 2008.
He will be remembered as a man who had time for everybody and who enjoyed life to the full. A sad loss to Motorsport.

Stuart Parker, Secretary

Ian D. Muir: 1937 – 2008
Ian died suddenly in Ireland. Ireland had become his second home for the past 18 years or so.  He started life in Motherwell being educated at Dalziel High School where he was very active in sports. After school, he qualified as a Quantity Surveyor where he worked for various concerns and projects, some of which included Disney World in Paris and others throughout the Far East and America. His involvement with Motorsport started in 1962 and continued for the next 20 years. He began by joining the Lanarkshire Car Club and remained a member all of that time. The Club’s main activities were rallying, autotests, rallycross and the occasional sprint event. Ian was drawn more to rallying where he excelled as a navigator and co-driver, although he did take part in the other events but on an official basis. He eventually became President of LCC in the 70s He quickly went from Club to National and then International events. He co-drove for many famous names including Drew Gallacher, Jimmy McRae, Pier Ekland, Stig Blomquist, etc. He took his career as a co-driver very seriously indeed. So much so, that when he was asked to partner Stig Blomquist with Saab, Ian taught himself Swedish which he was still able to speak! Although he was involved as a co-driver at all levels, he will be remembered surely as one of the sports great organisers, particularly as the person who put the Burmah Rally on the map. Ian was Clerk of Course from the first National Burmah Rally in 1970, right through until it became an International event in 1977. The success of these rallies was well known and this was due to Ian’s attention to detail and the fact that as a competitor he knew what made a good event and designed the event accordingly. He introduced many features which are today taken for granted. Perhaps his greatest asset was his ability to handle people. I was his Secretary of the Meeting for these events and was privy to Ian’s skill in this department, particularly with foresters. He retired as CoC in order that he could compete in the 1978 event with Jimmy McRae. Unfortunately, finish they did not! I have had many emails from the Motorsport community. Here are some of the comments:- “…a top class navigator and born organiser.”, “…a stalwart of Scottish Motor Sport”, “…I thought Ian was the best looking CoC in the UK (from a lady co-driver)”, “…Burmah was also one of the best organised in the RAC Championship.”, “…Ian stood out from his contemporaries in his attention to detail.” One of the other strings to his bow was his capacity as a commentator, particularly at Knockhill during the 70s. He did this for about 5 to 6 years commentating on everything from Karting, rallycross to racing. This was helped by his profound knowledge of the competitors and their vehicles. He was very proud of the fact that he did a live BBC commentary at a Formula 3 event at Knockhill.
After he moved on from active motorsport involvement he went back to his other love – Rugby. He became involved with the West of Scotland Rugby Club, coaching the under 21s. When he moved to London in 1984 he continued with the London Scottish club. He became Chairman of the Anglo-Scottish Under the 20s and was an instigator in getting people such as Matt Duncan and Rob Wainwright to the attention of the Scottish Rugby Union. Wainwright played for Scotland over 30 times and was Captain of Scotland 16 times – something of which Ian was very proud.
Ian had married Helen White from Hamilton. They lived in Cambuslang where they had three children, Innes, Ailsa and Iona. Innes followed his father’s footsteps as a Surveyor and still avidly follows Motorsport, but both girls now live in the USA.  After Ian and Helen divorced Ian moved to London. He subsequently remarried Rosalie, an Irish girl and settled with her in the West of Eire. They had a daughter Etain in 1990.
Ian was cremated in Ireland but it is the family’s intention to hold a Memorial Service for him in Scotland, towards the end of August or the beginning of September.
Our thoughts are with Ian’s family at this time. He will be missed by many people especially those in Motorsport.

Stuart Parker, Secretary

David Leslie: 1953- 2008

As we all know David died tragically in a plane accident on 30th March. My first memories of David were at Ingliston in the late sixties/early seventies where I was a commentator. Even then his undoubted talent and competitiveness were obvious, having been nurtured in the very competitive arena of Go-kart racing. The last time I spoke with him (he was always very approachable), was at the Knockhill Classic event in July last year, an event in which he went back, almost to his roots, driving a Formula Ford single seater. David had, very recently, become a member of our Association. It is with extreme sadness that I write this short appreciation.

Jimmy McInnes, Chairman

That’s all for now.

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Newsletter October, 2007

What can one add to what has already been written and said in the media about the tragic loss of Colin McRae and his young son Johnny; not just in Scotland but nationally and globally. He was known personally to many of our members, who will be especially saddened at such a tragedy.  Colin was a true sporting hero who will be remembered not just for his many sporting successes but as a genuine ambassador for Scottish Motorsport and as an example to many of our up-and-coming young drivers. Our thoughts and condolences go to his wife Alison, daughter Hollie, dad Jimmy, mum Margaret, brothers Alister and Stuart, and to all other members of the McRae family. Our condolences also go to the families of the others who died with Colin and Johnny.
On another sad note, Jimmy McInnes informed me of the recent death of Margaret Fraser the wife of Kenneth D. Fraser.

Windscreen Badges – If you were not able to be at the recent Knockhill event and if you are not a very recent member, you will find enclosed a couple of “cling” VSMA windscreen badges with our compliments. I hope you will display them discreetly “front and rear” – more can be purchased if required. What a most enjoyable event the Classic Speedfair at Knockhill turned out to be. Despite the attraction of the Open at Carnoustie, we had over 50 members drop into our “tent” in the Media Centre, where they managed to consume a fair amount of coffee, tea, pies and biscuits. One or two celebrates also called in including Stirling Moss and his delightful wife Susie. Alan Carlaw managed to persuade Stirling to become a member, as he was eligible to join our ranks having competed in a race meeting at Turnberry in the early ’50s!†† We had a nice letter later from Knockhill “………Please thank all your committee and members for the excellent help and enthusiasm for the 2nd classic speedfair event, from the Friday dinner to the finale on Sunday, it was a most enjoyable days motorsport. With best regards from Derek Butcher”.

“Winning is not Enough” – this is the title of the forthcoming book by our Honorary President Sir Jackie Stewart which Hodder Headline Publishers have kindly offered at a reduced price. To order your copy of “Winning Is Not Enough” by Sir Jackie Stewart at the special price of £16.00 including free p&p (RRP £20.00), please call 0870 755 2122 and quote offer code BSH587. Alternatively, you can send a cheque made payable to Bookshop Partnership Ltd to: “Winning Is Not Enough”, Offer BSH587, PO Box 104, Ludlow SY8 1YB. Please allow 28 days for delivery.”

“Scotland in Pole Position to Succeed in Motorsport” – That was the view of a panel of Scottish driving champions brought together by Motorsport Scotland as part of National Motorsport Week at the recent Motorsport Scotland Forum held at Bell College, Hamilton. Scottish stars such as touring car ace Gordon Shedden, rally legend Jimmy McRae and Mercedes DTM driver Paul Di Resta had been brought together to give advice to youngsters looking to break into the sport.
The forum was chaired by TV presenter and rally competitor Lee McKenzie; the panel gave the audience a humorous insight into what goes on behind the scenes in the world of motorsport. Representatives from some of Scotland’s top motorsport organisations were also present, including Knockhill racetrack, County SAAB Scottish Rally Championship, Cambuslang Karting and MSA British Rally Elite. As well as providing practical tips for youngsters entering motorsport, the event brought together industry and education. There was also guidance on how to gain qualifications for a career in professional motorsport from Bell College – the only institution in Scotland to offer a specialised motorsport engineering design course. Motorsport Scotland stated that it had plans to make Scotland a World Class motorsport destination by 2012; former WRC Rally Champion co-driver Robert Reid said “….. he had no doubt Scottish youngsters could make it to the very top of motorsport if given the right backing. In Scotland, we have some great people involved in Motorsport and we have lots of youngsters who have the talent to win at the highest level if they receive the support they need. It was generally agreed that Scotland is ideally placed to produce world-class motorsport talent that can emulate the success of stars like Lewis Hamilton. In that respect, it was fantastic to see so many experienced people on the panel who were willing to give those just starting out the benefit of their knowledge.”

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter September, 2007

If you were not able to be at the recent Knockhill event and if you are not a very recent member, you will find enclosed a couple of “cling” VSMA windscreen badges with our compliments. I hope you will display them discreetly “front and rear” – more can be purchased if required. What a most enjoyable event the Classic Speedfair at Knockhill turned out to be. Despite the attraction of the Open at Carnoustie, we had over 50 members drop in to our “tent” in the Media Centre, where they managed to consume a fair amount of coffee, tea, pies and biscuits. One or two celebrates also called in including Stirling Moss and his delightful wife Susie. Alan Carlaw managed to persuade Stirling to become a member, as he was eligible to join our ranks having competed in a race meeting at Turnberry in the early ’50s!

Following the event we had a very nice thankyou letter from Knockhill……”Please thank all your committee and members for the excellent help and enthusiasm for the 2nd classic speedfair event from the Friday dinner to the finale on Sunday it was a most enjoyable days motorsport.
With best regards from Derek Butcher”…..

I recently learned from Gus Carnegie of the death of Dr John Butson. In July, while swimming in Cyprus he had a massive fatal heart attack. John competed on many Road and Forest Rallies during the 1970s and was club champion of Dunfermline Car Club more than once. He scored many class wins in his Escorts and Avenger. Quite often he would do a forest event on the Saturday and then go on to do a navigational event the same night. He also competed in the Motoring News road rallies series and was Sector Marshal for the RAC rally when it visited the Tweed Valley. He is survived by his second wife Rose and his 2 children Kim and James. He had been planning to attend the Reunion Dinner in October.

Membership – Since the June Newsletter, we have added 30+ new members to our ranks which is indeed most encouraging.

Missing people – may I thank those who kindly gave me the whereabouts of some of the “missing people” in the June Newsletter. I was able to track a few of them down. However I still get some mail returned. Here are two of the most recent:
Bob Barnett, 30 Inchkeith Avene, Broughty Ferry – this seemingly was the wrong Bob Barnett! !!??
Iain McLaren, 3 Greenfield Avenue, Alloway, Ayr – addressee “gone away”

Email addresses – Of our 230+ members, almost 180 have supplied email addresses which is great for getting information out to members easily and at no cost at all. It would be great if the 50+ members were also to join the electronic community. Emailing is very easy and great fun, plus it is secure. When I send out a “bulk” email to our members I make sure that the email addresses are not available to anyone other than the individual recipients.
One problem that does arise occasionally – when people change their email address and don’t let me know about the change! So, can I make a plea, if you have changed to your addresses (email or otherwise) please let me know.

VSMA Anoraks – Those at Knockhill would have noticed that some of our members were displaying our new VSMA badged anoraks. Indeed we took orders for more than 1 dozen there and then! If you would like to be a proud owner of such a garment please get in touch with me. They are lightweight, waterproof, water resistant and windproof garments manufactured to a very high standard, complete with concealed hood, several pockets including a very handy “mobile” pocket. The colour is dark navy and costs only £35 which includes P & P. All sizes are catered for: Small, Medium, Large, XL and XXL.

Motorsport Survey – as a follow-up from the paragraph in the last Newsletter I received the following from Motorsport Scotland:

“At the end of April, an online survey was sent to over 300 people involved in some way with motorsport in Scotland. When the survey was closed 220 responses had been collated. The following hyperlink details all the responses and comments received.
From the results, we are encouraged to see that the findings wholly support our objectives for Motorsport Scotland. The level of support for the specific objectives gives us some direction on which areas to target. The written comments give us a valuable insight into the views and passion that there is for our sport. We are grateful to those who forwarded our initial e-mail and would ask if you could do the same with this mail detailing the results of the survey”.

Reunion – Entries are coming in at a steady pace for our October bash. We have decided not to have the photographic competition this year but we will have the usual photographic displays of old events, memorabilia, etc. Indeed if you have any such items you feel would be of interest to members drop Alan Carlaw or me a line. As you know the main purpose of the Reunion is to renew old acquaintances and meeting new friends. We think we have prepared an interesting and hopefully enjoyable evening for everyone.

Arkive – For some time now the idea of keeping an archive of Scottish Motorsport memorabilia has been mooted between some members. This has taken a step further by the very kind gift to the Association by Nigel Kennedy of some of his collection of motorsport photographs plus other memorabilia. One of which is bound copies of “Top Gear” Magazine going back to …………. ???? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????/ ???????????????? Thought has to be given to storage of such items plus the availability to our members. Photographs can certainly be stored electronically but magazines, etc., are another matter. More on this later, but if you think you have anything of interest to our members and would wish to donate them, please let any of the Directors know.
Annual General Meeting – Enclosed you will find a Notice regarding our first AGM which will be held just before the Reunion Dinner in the Glynhill Hotel. Do come along. It shouldn’t last very long – hopefully – but you may find it interesting. More importantly, it is a time when you can air your views and give your suggestions/complaints!

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter June, 2007

Up to now, we have been circulating over 500 people with the Association’s Newsletters. But it has been decided, due to the cost of postage, that after this issue we will only being sending information out to members only. Our Membership is now over 200 but there is always room for more. If you haven’t already joined I would you urge you to do so now. Please send your membership application form, along with a cheque for the one-off Registration fee of £20 to Treasurer, Alan B. Carlaw, “Anworth”, 15 Rozelle Drive, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, G77 6YU. If you have misplaced your form get in touch with me or Alan, (Tel:†0141-616-4143 or and a form will be sent to you. Just to remind you – membership of the Association is open to anyone “…….who had an active involvement with any branch of Motorsport held in Scotland 25 years prior to the current year. This would include competitors, organisers, officials and those involved in vehicle maintenance”.

Missing People – May I thank those who gave me some of the missing addresses in the last Newsletter. Regrettably, I still get a number of Newsletters returned to me “addressee unknown”. Below is the up-to-date list of names and their last known addresses – if you know of any of their present whereabouts, could you please let me know.

Alan Ainslie, 4 Ashloaning, Denholm Nr. Hawick Bob Barnett, 30 Inchkeith Av, Broughty Ferry
Tommy Dickson, Dickson’s of Perth, Perth Tom Haley, 26 Reid Street, Hamilton
Ian H. Hawthorn, 68 Neilson Rd Uplawmoor George Marshall, 3 Lochend, Tweedbank, Galashiels
John McCallum, 91 Bothwell Rd, Hamilton Douglas JS Miller, 24a Murrayfield Rd, Edinburgh
Ian Thomson, Red Car Sales, E. King St, Helensburgh

Reunion Saturday 27th October, 2007 – Hopefully this one will be even better than the 2005 event. The format will be similar to the last one with lots of time for members to get together and reminisce. Members will find enclosed an Entry Form for this year’s reunion. May I remind members that they will only be eligible to purchase two tickets and that entries will be accepted on a “first come, first served” basis! If you intend staying the night, after the event, we have arranged concessionary rates with the Glynhill Hotel. Please quote the reference code (on the Entry Form) when you are making a reservation.

Annual General Meeting, 27th October, 2007 – Our first AGM will be held prior to the Reunion in the Glynhill Hotel at 6.00 p.m. The official notice of the AGM along with the Agenda will be sent to members in September.

Knockhill Classic Speedfair 2007, July 20/21/22 – The format will be similar to 2006. However, Knockhill promises that it will be “bigger and better”. Unlike last year both Saturday and Sunday will be exclusively devoted to Classic events. There will be a full race programme featuring around 60 Formula Fords; Tin Top Touring Cars; an Invitation Sports Car Race; Morgans; Scottish Sports and Saloons; Classic Rally; motorcycle displays and demonstrations; an aero display by a starduster by-plane; approximately 400 show cars, lorries and buses. Special exhibits will include Ecurie Ecosse, a guest appearance by Sir Stirling Moss driving a Vanwall; F40 celebration; children’s fun fair and many other period exhibits.
Graham Cowie, a VSMA member, is running the Classic & Thoroughbred Hillclimb stand at the Classic Speedfair so hopefully, some Association members will go along and give him a visit. After all, if he can still compete, then maybe some of our members could still compete and relive their lost youth!!!
The event really kicks off on the night of Friday 20th with a “Drivers Dinner” at the nearby Forrester Park Golf and Leisure Resort (a lovely venue). However, the dinner is open to anyone and tickets are available from Gemma Baird at Knockhill for only £40. She can be contacted at the Knockhill Racing Circuit. Tel:01383-723-337 or Fax:01383-620-167 or by Email: For full details, it would probably be easier to call Sasha, Gemma or Stuart Gray.
The VSMA involvement will start on Saturday morning right through to Sunday evening. As before we will be manning a tea/coffee meeting place next to the “Media Centre” in the paddock – just follow the signs. Members are being given access to a car park immediately behind the paddock but you will require the enclosed Car Park Pass to get in.
Admission will be at a much-reduced rate for our members and their guests, on the production of their membership card at the gate or they can apply in advance to Knockhill at an even lower rate (contact Emma)!

All in all, it promises to be a great couple days of nostalgia. If you didn’t manage along last year, I would strongly recommend that you do try and get along this year. You wont be disappointed.

Motorsport Scotland – You may or may not have heard of this organisation which has come about since the demise of the RSAC. The following is their first “communication”, which you may find of interest, which was recently sent to me:-

In early 2004 the Motorsport Industry Association, as a host of Brian Cameron, visited Knockhill to meet with some Scottish based businesses to review the motorsport industry in Scotland. The findings of that review showed, amongst other things that the motorsport industry in Scotland is fragmented and ill-defined with no coherent or strategic development in the sport, facilities, industry or competitors. The lack of strategy has meant little government interest or investment.
At the same time, a group of folk, who had been trying hard to find ways to help develop the sporting side from grassroots up, had come to the same conclusions about the state of the sport itself. This group included Jimmy McRae, Bruce Lyle, Gordon Hastie, Gavin Miller, Robert Reid, Stuart Gray(Knockhill) and Dave Kennedy (Bells College). To make any kind of sense of it, a radical rethink was required, and the opportunity which then presented itself to bring together all of the stakeholders from the sport, the industry, and the educators, to work together towards one common purpose, was too good to turn down. It was soon apparent, however, that to bring everyone together in the most effective way, was not as easy as it first appeared. We will only get one chance at this, so we have to get it right first time.

Key Research – In spring of last year the Scottish Executive through its Scottish Development International organisation commissioned some research into the automotive sector in Scotland and, in particular, the motorsport sector. The key findings of the report, which identified over 200 motorsport related companies from F1 suppliers to small race and rally teams, were finalised in May of last year and concluded the further needs to be a strategic plan for growth of motorsport in Scotland
A project agreement with DTI
A mapping of education and university R&D
Further research be conducted to establish current capabilities in comparison with other regions of excellence, labour force.
That the sport engage with Scottish industry and encourage cluster forming

In Stirling in November 2006 a group of over one hundred people from Scottish companies, individuals from the sport and some representatives from colleges and universities that offer motorsport related courses met at the UK launch of the Motorsport Academy. Also at that event a vision of what Motorsport Scotland could be in the future was explored and the start of a tangible process to create a meaningful set of objectives for Motorsport Scotland was started ≠ rooted firmly in the belief that, whatever Motorsport Scotland should be it must not be an `exclusive club’ but an `inclusive venture’ whose membership only requires the belief and will to bring to reality a strong commercial future for the business of motorsport in Scotland.

The term `Motorsport Scotland’ has, up till now, been loosely used to mean a body formed to create and deliver a vision for motorsport in Scotland. Now we have something tangible ≠ the structure of a plan that brings together the motorsport industry, education and our sport for the benefit of all. The UK first.
The Purpose of Motorsport Scotland is very simple. It is to make Scotland a World Class motorsport destination ≠ and to do that by 2012. A huge task and one that will require the coordinated effort and input from every Scot who has motorsport in their business, their leisure or their blood. It will involve bringing together commerce as well as the sport for it is only through sound business projects that bring value to Scotland that funding, critical to the development of the sport, can be obtained.

Objectives – To deliver this future we have developed five key objectives for Motorsport Scotland.

  • 1. To develop a secure future for motorsport in Scotland with government and legislators
    We will create a motorsport strategy for Scotland that encompasses tomorrow’s as well as today’s issues. We have to consider motorsport as a leader in `green’ issues ≠ alternative fuels etc, a problem solver and not a creator for social issues and we need to build on Scotland’s assets of technology (R&D) and environment (tourism).
    We also need to be the managers of an open and regular dialogue with the plethora of governmental bodies in addition to the legislators and regulators of the sport.
  • 2. To create a greater awareness of motorsport within and outside Scotland
    We shall seek alignment and market Scotland with the Motorsport Foundation to maximise fundraising from events such as National Motorsport Week. We should endeavour to find new Scottish events with an international profile. We should also maintain an excellent Centre of Communication ≠ with open and easy access. This would ultimately be the focus for any sport-related question, from how to get into the sport, either as a marshal, competitor, or apprentice, to when, and what kind of events are being run.
  • 3. To support initiatives that bring new people, talent and business into motorsport in Scotland
    We will promote Scotland internationally as a motorsport destination for sport, business and education and promote inward and outward trade business opportunities through affiliation with the MIA. We will also provide a process through which new (and old) sporting disciplines can be embraced, provide support to Motor Clubs, and other organisations such as Volunteers in Motorsport to assist with marshals, rescue crews etc and work with Colleges and Universities to bring them together with our sport
    4. To provide a platform for creating alignment in Scotland’s motorsport community
    We have already started to engage the most senior members of the Scottish motorsport community and will continue to build this network. We will create a working party/forum on sporting initiatives and issue resolution and be the focal point for coordination of motorsport in industry and education as well as adopting a co-ordination role within the sport to ensure the sharing of best practice.
  • 5. To run Motorsport Scotland as an efficient and self-sustaining organisation
    We shall seek funding from public bodies wherever possible through alignment to high-level government objectives. We shall also promote and manage fundraising events and work towards longterm sustained, committed commercial funding secured from the industry, government and, through charitable means, support from key individuals and trusts.

`Motorsport Scotland’ shall be a `not-for-profit’ organisation. At the outset it will be incorporated as a limited company however it will explore charitable status in the future for some, or all, of its operating activities.
It shall be a promoter, rather than an organiser, of activities which meet its operating objectives which, cumulatively, promote the brand of `Motorsport Scotland’. It will engage in operational partnerships for each of its core processes of developing the sport, the industry and the education sectors where they extend into motorsport. Partners in these sectors shall include, but not be limited to:

      Sport: The Scottish Regional Associations and the governing bodies
      Industry: The Motorsport Industry Association
      Education: The Motorsport Academy

The Motorsport Foundation is also a key partner with common National objectives and similar operating processes. Initially, the prime focus will be on four-wheeled motorsport however an open dialogue will actively pursue all motorsports activities so that maximum leverage for common objectives can be had.

Governance and Operations
Motorsport Scotland will be governed by an operating executive team. Also, patronage shall be sought from key motorsporting Scots and established figures from the target development sectors of sport, industry and education. The inaugural operating executive team shall be fixed for the initial period whilst the operating processes are established and thereafter a system of ordered change will be used to maintain a balanced and representative `executive. The `executive shall give their time freely to Motorsport Scotland.
It is not envisaged that Motorsport Scotland shall have a permanent staff, however, Motorsport Scotland shall create arrangements with its partners to provide the facilities and resources for core administrative functions. It is envisaged that to deliver objectives, it may be required to enter contractual arrangements for specific projects with third parties ≠ this will be at the discretion of the operating executive.

For further information contact:
Industry & Education: Brian Cameron +44 (0) 1340 810436 e-mail
Sporting: Bruce Lyle +44 (0) 7771 717517 e-mail ”

Obviously, the aims of this organisation are very commendable. I’m sure, like me, you would wish them well, and would wish to support them in their endeavours.

That’s all folks.

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