Category: <span>News</span>


Newsletter August, 2015

Dear fellow Veteran,
As you will be well aware our website has not been running properly since the May 2015 Newsletter. I won’t bore you with the details of why this is so, but suffice to say that every effort is being made to get it back in proper order. Until then I hope to keep you posted by email on what ’s been happening in the VSMA world.

New Members

Nigel Galvin from Grangemouth and Rab MacDonald from Lasswade.  Details of these two will be found on the website in due course.

I have been asked to publicise the 50th anniversary of the Fintry Hill Climb on 15th/16th August details of which can be had at A few of our members I’m sure will be competing there!

The other hill climb in which VSMA will again be involved in is the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival. This is being held on Saturday/Sunday 5th/6th September. A number of our members will be competing and we will be manning a refreshment tent near the finish of the hill as usual. Bob Baillie will be in charge of the tent and he is looking for a few additional helpers on either day. If you think you could give him a hand please call him at 01290 550696 (Home) or 07721 755917 (Mob).

I couldn’t close without an amusing anecdote which landed on my laptop recently……… it’s what I might call a highly intellectual joke!!

The Deaf Mafia Bookkeeper

A Mafia Godfather finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000.00. His bookkeeper is deaf but that was the reason he got the job in the first place. It was assumed that Guido would hear nothing and would therefore never have to testify in court.

When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about the missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer, who knows sign language. The Godfather tells the lawyer, “Ask him where the money is.” The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido, “Where’s the money?” Guido signs back, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

The lawyer tells the Godfather, “He says he doesn’t know what you are talking about.” The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido’s head and says, “Ask him again or I’ll kill him!” The lawyer signs to Guido, “He’ll kill you if you don’t tell him.”

Guido trembles and signs back, “OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Bruno’s house.”

The Godfather asks the lawyer, “What did he say?” The lawyer replies, “He says you don’t have the balls to pull the trigger.”

Don’t you just love lawyers?

Yours aye

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter September, 2016

Dear Fellow Veterans,

I’m still in the USA but due to be back in Larkie next Wednesday.  It is less than a month since the last Newsletter but I am including the Regulations and Entry Form for the “Ayrshire Bash” an event similar to the most enjoyable last Autumn’s run organised by Barry Crichton Autumn.  This time Charlie Young is in charge and looking at the Regs is sounds as if it will be just as enjoyable. It is scheduled to run on Sunday 23rd  October.  If you have problems opening or printing the attached PDF please let me know and I will arrange to send you printed copies.

We have had another new member since the last Newsletter.  We are pleased to welcome Peter Clingan from Lochmaben into our Association.

A reminder::   The Reunion is only SIX weeks away.  If you have still to send in your entry form, get a move on!

While in the USA I have had the advantage of using my daughter-in-law’s Subaru WRX STI as a “shopping car”.  What a machine – the torque is quite amazing – in every gear!  Anyway, I thought I should include a youtube of a WRX doing a full lap of the Isle of Man flat out – obviously a still faster machine than the standard road version – worth watching click the link below and watch in full screen!

Yours aye

Stuart Parker

Back to Arkive News Items


Newsletter August, 2016

Hi everyone

I’m presently sunning myself in upstate New York but I thought I should keep you up-to-date on things VSMA.

Firstly, a few changes to members’ addresses, etc:
Ron Smith – new address is now Glentarkie Cottage, Glentarkie, Strathmiglo, Cupar, KY14 7RU
Gordon Neave address is 64 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 6JQ
Kenneth Strachan – new email now is
Graeme Henderson’s email is

Death of Members –
I got news recently that the following members had passed on:
                W.L. Ramsay Shaw died in October 2015
                Rusty Wilson died in December 2015
                Robben Christie died in December 2015

I am pleased to welcome the following as members of VSMA:
                 Laurence Doonan from Penicuik
                  Graeme McGregor from Dundee

EVENTS: VSMA will not be represented this year at the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival on the weekend of 3rd/4th September. The Directors decided to give this year’s event a bye as we had too much to prepare for the next Reunion the following month. From the literature we received from BHCR it looks to be a great weekend. There is now a change in the track layout which will help the flow of spectators considerably. A good few of our members will be competing again. So, why not go along and support them!

Just received an email from member John More, also a member of Coltness Car Club, suggesting that VSMA members might be interested in a classic cars run on Saturday 1st October. The route covers a range of interesting roads in South Lanarkshire, Scottish Borders and Mid Lothian. The start and finish (buffet ) are at the Dalserf Bowling Club, Ashgill with a lunch halt arranged at St Mary’s Loch. They are hoping for a good turn out of classic cars. If you are interested check out the details at or get in touch with John at or contact John directly at 07740 696166.

You should all have had the”Regs” and “Entry Form” for the 6th VSMA Reunion on Friday, 14th October. I can report that we already have had a few submitted. Although the entries don’t “close” until 27th September, when the entry fee goes up to £50 per person, can I ask that if you intend coming along to the event send in your entry now.  In case you have misplaced the forms I have attached a PDF of these below.

And finally from Marlyn Jack…..
Food for thought or not

I was lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age I don’t really give a damn anymore.

If walking is good for your health the postman would be immortal.

A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat.

A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn’t run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years.

And you tell me to exercise?? I don’t think so.

Just grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, and the good fortune to remember the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Now that I’m older here’s what I’ve discovered:

1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

2. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.

3. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.

4. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

5. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

6. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?

7. It was a whole lot easier to get older than to get wiser.

8. Some days, you’re the top dog, some days you’re the hydrant.

9. Kids in the back seat cause accidents.

10 Accidents in the back seat cause kids.

11. The world only beats a path to your door when you’re in the bathroom.

12. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knees.

13. It’s not hard to meet expenses . . . they’re everywhere.

14. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

15. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter . . I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I’m “here after“.

16. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.


Yours aye

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter June, 2016

Dear Fellow Veterans,

I thought I should let you know that there has been a little progress on the website front.  Don’t check it just yet as apparently still a lot of work to do on it.  The gentleman who was looking after the technical side of things has been unwell for some considerable time – hence the delay.  I will certainly let everyone know when the site is up and running again.

In the meantime, just a little news.  The Run we had down into Northumberland was very successful.  Our base was in Alnwick and from there we visited several historic sites as well as Andrew Cowan’s marvellous collection of rally cars.  These included most of his personal rally cars but also many of the World Rally cars when he was Competition manager of Mitsubishi.  All were in immaculate condition.  Linda, Andrew’s wife provided a light lunch for everyone – most enjoyable.

I recently received an email from member Eric Dymock requesting that I publicise his most recent blogs, one of which contains information on the late Alistair Ford.  Those of our members from the immediate post-war years will remember Alistair as a motoring correspondent – he was often to be seen in the back seat of various competition cars during events where he claimed to get the best info for his articles.   I’m sure everyone will enjoy Eric’s piece on Alistair.  Another piece on Stuart Turner’s latest book – which is not about motorsport but interesting none-the-less.  Both of these blogs can be found at and at

Finally, a remarkable video clip I received from Bill Barr which I’m sure will amaze you.  One lucky trucker


Yours aye

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter September, 2017

Hello there,

We are just a few days back from our annual trip to visit our son who lives just outside Ithaca, a lovely town at the bottom of one of the American Finger Lakes in Upper State New York – an area well worth a visit.  We were lucky to have avoided any of the storms that have struck the US in the past couple of weeks.   However, they did delay our departure by a full day.

Since coming home I have been busy sorting out VSMA business – so hence the September Newsletter!

New Members:  I am delighted to welcome the following into our fold:

                         Fred Damodaran from Blairgowrie

                         Ian Higgins from Elderslie

                         Catherine Higgins from Elderslie

Change of email addresses for your address book:

                  George Dean now at

                  Fulton Beaton now at

                  Alex Strathdee now at strathdees

                  Iain Gemmell now at

Directors’ Meeting

Your Directors are due for a meeting within the next couple of weeks when they will be discussing several topics, including the Autumn Run, the next Reunion, the website and the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (sometime in December) among other things.  If you have any reasonable suggestions you may wish the Directors to discuss, I would be pleased to receive them before the 20th September so that I can present them to the Board.

Autumn Run, Sunday 8th October

Charlie Young asked if I would remind you of this event (if you haven’t already entered) to consider coming along to what promises to be a very enjoyable social afternoon’s run in Ayrshire.  I have attached a PDF below of the Regulations and Entry Form.  Hope to see you there.

Anyway, that’s all for this month – sorry for it being so brief….

However, here is a link to something you could well be interested in – especially those of you with an eye to the future…… Take a look Here  

Yours aye,

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter June, 2017

Dear Fellow Member,

It’s about a couple of months since my last bit of VSMA News. A few things have happened since then but I will commence sadly with the death of one of our original members – my elder brother George Parker.
George died on 16th April after a short illness. He had been living in Bourne End, Buckinghamshire for the past 50 odd years and would have been 88 on the 21st April.

George and I started motorsport together in the early ‘ 50s when we were both at Glasgow University. We rallied in various vehicles including an Austin Atlantic and a converted Ford Van. The former was our father’s car which we used on an SSCC’s Highland Three Day Rally along with Eric Dymock – quite a memorable occasion in many ways. We did a few other events with the Lanarkshire Car Club with the Ford van. We had purchased this as there was no Purchase Tax (VAT) to pay for a van!! Side windows were inserted, an Aquaplane Head fitted along with a vacuum induced overdrive which certainly improved the performance of the van – in both directions – it could do 50+ in reverse. However, it lacked decent suspension and or for that matter brakes! This made for some very exciting and hairy moments – but we were quite successful. I think we only competed as a team for about three years when George went on to his other interests – I continued to compete with other drivers including my wife to be Mairi Cooper, Jimmy McInnes and the Brown brothers (IanT. Brown and younger brother R.Stuart Brown).

George will probably not be remembered for his motorsport exploits but more for his University activities and his golf. While at University he managed to become the President of the Students University Union in 1956 and where he very much involved with the GU Debating team. He was a scratch golfer and represented both the University and Scotland as an amateur golfer on many occasions. Indeed he got his blue at golf and also entered the Open at least once (but never made the cut)! Later in life he became very much involved in Rugby being the Chairman of his local club at Beaconsfield for many years. Until last year, he would made an annual trip to Murrayfield to lend support to the boys in blue. He was on three trips with the Lions to Australia and New Zealand. On his 80th birthday he ventured into flying when he was given a present of flying lessons! He had lead a full and an eventful life right to the end. George will be missed by all in our family and especially his wife Joan and daughters Jane and Lorna.

NEW MEMBER – In error, I omitted another new member in the last Newsletter, namely Iain MacDonald from Kilmacolm. Sorry about that Iain.

NEW EMAIL ADDRESS – Bill Thomson new email is

2017 SPRING RUN – Once again Bob Baillie and Mid Bruce outshown themselves. What a great location in Portavadie turned out to be. The accommodation at the Marina and Spa was just fantastic; the food was good and the weather!!! How do they do it? We had 41 members and partners this time which almost filled the Marina. The start, on Friday morning, was from Balloch – not the Lomond Shore this time but from the Antartex Cafe where a light snack was provided. We had a choice of two routes to get us to Portavadie – one was via Inverary and down to the ferry at Tarbert in Loch Fyne which could take us directly over to Portavadie. The other, shorter route, took us down to Tighnabruaich and then over to Portavadie on the east side of Loch Fyne.
Arriving in mid-afternoon we all ate together in the evening following a reception. On Saturday, again we had a choice of two routes. One, up to Inverary to see visit the Duke of Argyll’s Castle and back again via the Tarbert Ferry or down, almost to Dunoon, to visit the Benmore Gardens off the A815. The other route allowed the more adventurous to use the “rally” roads up the east side of Loch Fyne and hence to Benmore and finally back via Tighnabruaich to Portavadie. The evening was a repeat of Friday’s but a lot more friendly.
It was an early start on Sunday morning to allow us get the Colintraive Ferry to have a day in the Isle of Bute. The main occasion on that day was a visit to Mount Stuart House, the set of the Stuarts of Bute. As most Motorsport people will know this was the family home of Johnnie Dumfries but he no longer resides there. The house was open to the public is was a very worthwhile visit. Following lunch there we took a tour around the Island before heading back via the ferry at Colintraive to Portavadie.
Sunday evening was concluded with dinner followed by a singalong conducted by our own troubadour, complete with guitar, Mr Roberto Baillie, esq. I think all who were there enjoyed the three days and certainly thanks were given to Bob and Mid, and their long-suffering wives, for a wonderful three days. Roll on to next spring.
Numerous photographs were sent to me which I will, in due course, upload to the website along with the list of participants.

UPCOMING EVENT – Charlie Young has had communication from Ian Higgins who is organising the “Jock’s Run” on behalf of the Monte Start Committee (MSC). Apparently this is an event similar to the one which was attached to Charlie’s Ayrshire Bash last year. They have sent VSMA members an invitation to join them. It is being held on Sunday 18th June (sorry for being a bit late in letting you know). It is a 120 mile amble through Ayrshire on B Class and “Yellow” roads starting in and finishing in the Kilmarnock area. I have attached the Regulations and Entry Form documents giving you the necessary information.
Ian Higgins (Clerk of the Course) Tel: 01505 322854 Mobile: 07867 548973    e-mail:

I have just received the email below from the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival giving an update on what’s happening this year. It sounds really good. Unfortunately, I will be unable to be there – family calls from the USA once again. I’m sure many of our members will be there either competing or in an organising capacity. If youv’e never been before I can strongly recommend it to you – you are bound to enjoy what they are offering over both days. Already they have 82 entries for the Hill Climb – due to the size of the paddock their maximum for entries for the Hill Climb is 110 and only 8 weeks to go.

Update: The Bo’ness Revival Classic

With just 3-months to go to the Revival and 8-weeks to the final closing date for entry to the Bo’ness Classic it is good time for an update as to the current situation.
Club and Individual entries are now coming in at a steady rate so if you are considering entering the Classic please do not hold off for too long, as when the available spaces are filled the entry list shall be closed, even if that is prior to the noted closing date. We are on target to meet our maximum number of entrants, which is 400-cars in the Showfield on Sunday 3rd of September.
The Bo’ness Classic is a full weekend event, starting off on Saturday morning when the Bo’ness to Balmaha Road Run and Bo’ness Saltire Trophy depart from Bo’ness town centre from around 10.00. The Road Run is a gentle convoy type drive whereas the Saltire Trophy shall be an MSA sanctioned event, but without the requirement for a competition licence. The Trophy shall consist of a Road Book with Code Boards and other references to identify, Autotest type competitons and Regularity sections, it all promises to be an interesting concept with a wide range of competing cars spanning almost a century of motoring. Plans are well advanced for road closures in the town and when the expected 60 or so cars have departed there will be a Street Fayre event in the town centre. Due to Saturday being an active awayday there will not be as many cars on display in the Showfield at the Hillclimb track as there will be on Sunday, so please bear this in mind if you are specifically visiting the Classic on Saturday.
Sunday will be a busy day with the focus on the Arena which will see action by way of the ‘Carkhana’ competition, plus interviews and presentations all under the control of our knowledgeable MC’s. An interesting feature will be the final element of the Bo’ness Saltire Trophy, a Regularity drive up the Hillclimb track during the Hillclimb lunchbreak, which shall see some unlikely cars tackle the Bo’ness hill. There will be a wide array of cars on display on the various club stands, ranging from a Triumph TR3S which has competed at Le Mans on the TR Register stand, to the Jaguar Heritage Trust Jaguar XJ220 on the Jaguar Drivers Club Stand. There are numerous trophies up for grabs and the day will round up with the presentation of all awards in the Arena.
The Bo’ness Revival is a truly unique event with the Bo’ness Hillclimb and the Bo’ness Classic running side by side and providing a range of interest for spectators and entrants alike.
If you would like to enter the Bo’ness Classic, participate in the Bo’ness to Balmaha Road Run or enter the Bo’ness Saltire Trophy please contact Cliff McKinnon at for any information and an entry form.

The Bo’ness Revival Classic
The action event for enthusiasts, organised by enthusiasts

DATE FOR YUR DIARY – THE AUTUMN RUN – Just heard from Charlie Young that our own Autumn Run will be held on Sunday 8th October – details later.

Finally, some amusing stuff from members:-

Alasdair Pearson Irish joke
Overweight Paddy goes to see his doctor for dietery advice. Doctor tells him about a highly effective diet that involves eating normally for 2 days, skip a day, eat normally for two days, and so on for two weeks. “If you stick to this Paddy says the doctor, I would expect when I see you in two weeks’ time that you will have lost several pounds”.

Paddy duly returns to see the doctor, a shadow of his former self. The doctor is shocked to see that Paddy appears to have last a couple of stone and asks how he is feeling. Paddy tells him “I thought I was going to die” – “what, of hunger?” asks the doctor.

“No says Paddy, of the feckin skippin!!”

McInness’s Irish Jokes:
The reason there are so many Irish jokes is because the Irish have a quaint way with words.

Like the Irish patient who hobbled into the Surgery waiting room. “I hope to God the doctor finds something wrong with me because I’d hate to feel like this if I was well!”

Murphy dropped dead the moment he arrived home from a vacation in the tropics. He was laid out in the coffin for friends and neighbours to pay their last respects.
He’s got a great tan,” Mrs Doolan from next door mused. “The holiday did him the world of good.”
“And he looks so calm and serene,” said Mrs. McGuness. “That’s because he died in his sleep” explained Mrs. Murphy, and he doesn’t know he’s dead yet, but when he wakes up, the shock will kill him!”

That’s all folks………………. ! Stuart Parker, June 2017

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Newsletter February, 2017

Dear Fellow Veterans,

It’s some months since I last sent you information about what’s happening in VSMA land. Mairi and I were away again over the festival season to our daughter in Singapore – hence the delay.

According to my records, the last Newsletter was away back in September!! As you will know we have had a few events since then and a number of changes to our membership.

NEW MEMBERS: We are delighted to welcome the following to the Association since the last Newsletter, all with their contact details which normally you would find on our website-

Stan Bernard, Towerwood, Stewarton Road, Patterton, Newton Mearns, G77 6NP
0141 639 1708      07771 680601
Peter Clingan, 16 Mossvale, Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, DG11 1QB
01387 811986       07742 572635
Derek House, Easter Gartchonzie, Invertrossachs Road, Callander, FK17 8HW
01877 330103       07718 970969
Bill Cater, 24 Lanark Road, Carluke, ML8 4HE
07903 508575
Ian Marwick, Tanderlane, 2 West Point, Garvald, East Lothian, EH41 4LN
01620 830391.     07908 818762
Andrew Tywkewycz, Nettlingflat Steading, Heriot, EH38 5YF
01875 835391.    07905 415913
Ken Sutherland, 9 Pidmyre Road, Newton Mearns, Glasgow, G77 5AN
0141 639 6835.     07979 144244
Iain MacDonald, Herdsmanhill, Knockbuckle Lane, Kilmacolm, Renfrewshire, PA13 4JS
01505 871935.    07803 612777

Alisdair Gibson new address – 72 Roods, Kirriemuir, DD8 4H
Billy Cuthbertson new address – 1 Laurieston Court, Dundonald, KA2 9JE New Tel: 01563 851 491
Martin Pieraccini new address – Kessock Lodge, 39 Kessock Road, Inverness, IV3 8AJ
Ron Smith new address – Glentarkie Cottage, Glentarkie, Strathmiglo, Cupar, KY14 7RU
Gordon Neave address is 64 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 6JQ

Stephen Cooper –
George Gibson  –
Bill Taylor
John Coyle         –
Alan Sproul       –

It saddens me to report the death of the following members;
Stan Sproat died 7th May 2016
Freddy Stang died 28th August 2016
Roy Allingham died peacefully on 19th October 2016 following a major operation and chemotherapy
some months earlier. He is survived by wife Georgie and daughter Hazel.
Bill Henderson died 26th October 2016

On Friday 14th October we held our 6th REUNION in the Radstone Hotel again. Over 100 members and guests attended. As usual, it was a noisy but enjoyable evening. Our principal guest this time was Johnstone Syer who entertained us with stories of his rally exploits over the years with many well-known drivers. The main item of the evening was certainly the presentation we made to Kenny Allen (King Kenny as he became to be know) in recognition of his many many years supporting Scottish Motor Sport.

The second was the AYRSHIRE BASH on Sunday 23rd October. which was organised by Charlie Young. In all 15 VSMA couples took part in an assortment of cars including a Jaguar XK150, an E-Type, an Aston Martin, Porsche 924 Boxster, Austin Healey 3000 and a Healey Sprite, various BMWs, Audi, Mercedes, Mazda MX5 and a Honda Tourer, etc. From Gemmell’s Garden centre to the finish at the Ballochmyle Golf Club House, the route was very circuitous involving a ball & arrow Route Book with “Picture” puzzles thrown in for good measure. There was no timing involved and the roads were really marvellous – just like we were used to in days gone bye. Everyone seemed to enjoy the “Bash” and hoped there would be something similar in the future. We were joined by members of the Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club’s Jock’s Run who did the last few miles of our route. Unfortunately, their organisation was not up to Charlie’s and a few of them got a bit lost. None-the-less we all met up at the Golf Course for a welcome supper.

Our next “Big Event” will be the 2017 Spring Run to Portavadie on the weekend 21st to 24th April. I think Bob Baillie has almost a “Full House” for this one but if you are still interested to get in touch with Bob at 07721 755917 or 01290 550696

That’s all folks!

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter August, 2017

Dear Fellow Veterans,

Just back from a week in Islay enjoying typical Islay weather – sun(2) rain(5) days. You may have still to have your hols OR you may have had them. Either way I do hope you enjoy them. Here are a few pieces of information from VSMA land to update you on what may, or may not know.


Andrew The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine now at
Alistair Brearley now at
Keith Butler now at
Andrew Cowan now at
Alex Graham now at
Derek House now at
Jonathan Lord now at
Rab McDonald now at OR
Trevor Park now at
Raddy Sarafilovic now at
Oliver Tomlins now at
Harry Simpson now at
Dan Wright now at

Tom Sleigh has moved from Wishaw to :
Dr Tom Sleigh, 14 Vernonholme, Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD2 1QT
Landline 01382 645848 ; Mobile 07803 688022 ; email – still same

Please note that all the above changes can still be viewed on the website under “Members and their Details” Section.

I have just received information that David Bertram from Edinburgh – died in July 2017

You may have missed that Alan Carlaw, one of our Honorary Vice-Presidents and past Treasurer, had died on 6th July. There was Service of Celebration held in the Netherlee Parish Church on Tuesday 18th July 2017 which was very well attended by family, friends from Alan’s RAF days and a few of our VSMA members. He is survived by his wife Audrey, his daughters Alison, Sally and Debbie, plus respective husbands and seven grandchildren. Our thought go to them. He will be missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

“An Appreciation” of Alan in a recent Glasgow Herald by a good friend of his Dugald Cameron which gives an insight into many of Alan’s interests other than Motorsport is available in Alan’s entry in Past Veterans.

Three Lochs on Sunday 20 August 2017

Jonathan Lord asked if I you could make a small addition to the RSAC Motorsport entry on the VSMA website? “It would be good if I could say that we organise the RSAC Scottish Rally and the Three Lochs Classic each year. He stated that he supposed the majority of members are a bit long in the tooth for the Scottish these days but hoped to see some of them on the Three Lochs on Sunday 20 August 2017”. I told him of the current problems with the website, but attach PDFs of the Regs and Entry Form below. Entries (free) close on 12th August.

As mentioned in previous Newsletters Charlie Young and Eddie Hawke have been busy organising their Autumn Run. I have been assured that there will be a minimum of route checks! As last year it will start at Gemmell’s Garden Centre (Stair) and will finish in Fenwick. The Regs and Entry Forms will be out very soon.That’s all folks.

No Funnies this time.
Yours Aye

Stuart Parker

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Newsletter April, 2017

Firstly, the sad news I read in the Glasgow Herald yesterday that Ian Stewart had recently died. Ian was an early member and supporter of VSMA. Many of our older members will remember him well. The last I saw of him was being interviewed at the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival a couple of years back having driven an immaculate ex-Ecurie Ecosse C-type Jaguar. The car had been restored by Gregor Fisken in 2001 but was originally was Jimmy Stewart’s car, but it soon became one of the three ‘common-user’ team C-Types during the 1953 season. Ian had driven it at several events previously. I have taken the liberty of copying Ian’s obituary in yesterday’s Herald for those who live without the Glasgow area. As you will note it gives an excellent account of the man and his connection to Scottish motorsport…..

Ian Stewart

Racing Driver, farmer, hotelier and publican
Born: 15 July 1929
Died: 19th March 2017

IAN STEWART, who has died aged 87, excelled in a number of different fields. Had he only raced cars, he would have been worthy of great praise. He was one of Scotland’s first Grand Prix drivers; some judges rate him as good as his fellow son of the soil, Jim Clark. He was one of the original Ecurie Ecosse drivers, designing the team’s famous badge and suggesting his blue racing colours before he retired, aged just 24, leaving a potentially wonderful career incomplete.
But he flourished on the land too, becoming a notable cattle breeder and stalwart of the Luing breed, while also running a flourishing chain of pubs and finding time to become Scotland’s first Ferrari dealer. Add a spell as a mess colleague of author George MacDonald Fraser during national service with the Gordon Highlanders and you have a true renaissance man.
Born Ian Macpherson McCallum Stewart, his father ran the famous Millhills herd of pedigree Shorthorn cattle in Perthshire and Ian, an only child, seemed set for the life of a well-to-do farmer’s son. He did not enjoy school at Cargilfield or Edinburgh Academy, while his parents’ divorce when he was in his teens was a blow. However, he went to Canada with his mother, who was South African and enjoyed school at Selwyn College and ice hockey.
He then accompanied school friend Raymond Nairn to Repton School, where he was a house captain, excelling at swimming and cricket.
He was set to go up to Cambridge, but opted instead for national service with the Gordon Highlanders, having been denied his ambition to be a Spitfire pilot by the RAF incorrectly diagnosing him as being colour blind. Service in Berlin during the Airlift in 1948, in which the
Western Allies dropped food and supplies to the people of West Berlin, greatly touched him and, on completing his two years, he decided against Cambridge, enrolling instead at Edinburgh Agricultural College, with a view to eventually taking on the family farm.
However, after an initial outing in his mother’s MGA, he discovered his penchant for fast cars, and took part in Scotland’s first motor-racing meeting, at the Winfield airfield circuit in Berwickshire. The MG gave way to a part-share in a Jaguar SS100, which led him to Merchiston Mews, David Murray’s Merchiston Motors and becoming, with Bill Dobson and Sir James Scott Douglas, the founders of Ecurie Ecosse.
He stood on 37 podiums during his racing career. Twenty-five times he was on the winner’s top step. He finished fourth at Le Mans, driving for the Jaguar works team; he was second overall and first in cars eligible for the world championship at the Nurburgring 1,000km; while he won the last ever Jersey International Road Race, having “run in” his new works Jaguar C-type between the factory and the circuit.
However, perhaps the best indication of his talent was the day he beat Stirling Moss at Charterhall. They were driving near-identical C-types; however, Moss was in the newer, disc-braked model, while Murray’s car still had the less reliable drum brakes. He also won the Wakefield Trophy in Ireland and competed for Ecurie Ecosse in the 1953 Formula One British Grand Prix, his only World Championship outing, at Silverstone, driving a Connaught. Stewart always claimed he holds the record for crossing the finish line backwards at Silverstone.
Stewart was not a gentleman racer, he was a full-time, professional driver, and during his career was elected to full membership of the exclusive British Racing Drivers Club. However, his career was to end after he was injured when competing in a long-distance road
race in Argentina in 1954.
Stewart’s father was also in Argentina on cattle business, leaving before the race and receiving a message that Ian had been killed in his accident. So, when he got back to Millhills, he was given the ultimatum – racing or farming. With his father’s health declining, Stewart made the only possible choice and hung up his crash helmet.
His father died two years later and Stewart was left, aged 26, to run the family farms and the public houses. The bank forced him to break up the famous Shorthorn herd to meet death duties but, uncomplaining, he did this and started afresh. He retrenched at the family’s hill farm at Glen Lochay, where he added Luing cattle to the existing sheep operation there.
He became a director of the Luing Breed Society, serving as chairman in 1976-77, while he rebuilt the family’s farming operation, adding a couple of properties before, in 1984, he consolidated the farming operation at Woodburn Farm, near Crieff.
He never gave up on his fast cars though. His father stymied his attempts to persuade him a Porsche 365 was a good farm car. But he was driving a Mercedes 300 gullwing when he courted and married the love of his life, Mary Alexandra Kent. In the 1970s, he became the first Ferrari dealer in Scotland, enjoying driving the demonstrators and, while the venture was successful, he decided he could not spare the time from his other interests and allowed others to take it over.
He continued to drive exotic cars, but had to hand over day-to-day management of the businesses to his sons, retaining the chairmanship, while he cared for Mary Alexandra during her lengthy battle with heart disease, which eventually claimed her in 2010 – he never really got over this blow.
Ian Stewart was an old-fashioned gentleman. The word “grace” sums him up perfectly. Smoothness and elegance of movement, stylishness, poise, finesse and charm, courteous goodwill, politeness, good manners, civility, decency, propriety and respect – that was Ian Stewart.
He is survived by sons David and Christian, and grandchildren Rosie, Constance, Robert and Daniel.


On a brighter note, I can welcome a new member, Mr Ronnie Martin from Newton Mearns. Many of the rallying members will remember his brother the late Jim Martin. You can see details of Ronnie’s motorsport career in his page on the website.


On the website side, I can report that we have had some luck and have managed to obtain the help of a “Professional”. We did have someone earlier but he proved to be a non-starter and may have mucked things up a bit more. As I may have mentioned before the problem with our site was the fact that it had been written with a now redundant Microsoft package which has now stopped being supported by Microsoft.  Apparently, this will involve rewriting whole sections of the software and trying to untangle what is still serviceable. The data on the server hopefully is still intact. The new chap has only just started looking at it. Apart from telling us that there needs to be a lot done to re-establish the whole site, he has managed already to fix a few things.

Unfortunately, I am still unable to upload any new items, and there is a considerable number which has accumulated since May 2015! However, I have managed to update the data on new members and any changes to members’email addresses, etc. As yet I have been unable to upload any images, but hopefully, I will, in the future, be able to catch up on the website all that has been happening with VSMA in the past TWO YEARS!

  • Recently I received a letter from member Eric Dymock regarding the update on his publication on Jim Clark – Tribute to a Champion above. Here are a few comments on the work……
  • Classic Cars nominated Jim Clark Book of the Month:
    “Rich with anecdotal reminiscences from those who raced
    with Jim Clark. Dymock has clearly done his research and
    brings riveting details alive.” Five stars.
  • Classic and Sportscar: Jim Clark is Best Book of the Year:
    “Eric Dymock’s celebration of Jim Clark a totally inspired
    publication. The combination of handsome layout, Dymock’s
    elegant prose and the personal insight into life of Scottish
    racing legend great value.”
  • In 2004 the Association of Scottish Motoring Writers,
    honouring Scots who have achieved excellence in the field
    of motoring, presented Eric Dymock with the Jim Clark
    Memorial Award.

The book Jim Clark – Tribute to a Champion by Eric Dymock is a revised and updated version published in 2017 by DOVE PUBLISHING LIMITED, 5 Abbey ParkTorksey, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN1 2LS – Available through Amazon and from all good bookshops.
A Royalty on every copy is being donated to the Jim Clark Trust.

Finally, on a lighter note –

One from our Chairman………. Paddy and Shamus were hitchhiking.
“It’s best if we split up,” said Paddy. “I will meet you in the next city under the town hall clock.”
later that night Shamus was waiting at the appointed place when Paddy drove up in a big swanky car
“Where the hell did you get that?” Shamus exclaimed.
Paddy explained that he had just walked a little way when a beautiful woman picked him up. She drove into the woods, got out and took all her clothes off.
“She said I could have anything I wanted, so I took the car,” said Paddy. “Good choice too,” said Shamus. “You’d look ridiculous in her clothes.”

One from Marlyn Jack……

Food for thought or not

I was lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realized that at my age I don’t really give a damn anymore.

If walking is good for your health the postman would be immortal.

A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat.

A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn’t run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years.

And you tell me to exercise?? I don’t think so.

Just grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, and the good fortune to remember the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Now that I’m older here’s what I’ve discovered:

1. I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.

2. My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.

3. I finally got my head together, and now my body is falling apart.

4. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

5. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

6. If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?

7. It was a whole lot easier to get older than to get wiser.

8. Some days, you’re the top dog, some days you’re the hydrant.

9. Kids in the back seat cause accidents.

10 Accidents in the back seat cause kids.

11. The world only beats a path to your door when you’re in the bathroom.

12. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he’d have put them on my knees.

13. It’s not hard to meet expenses . . . they’re everywhere.

14. The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

15. These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter . . I go somewhere to get something, and then wonder what I’m “hereafter”.

16. Funny, I don’t remember being absent-minded.

Forty-one one us are off to Portavadie in a few weeks – it looks as if Bob Baillie again has laid on a very interesting weekend. Can’t come soon enough.

That’s all folks………………. ! Stuart Parker, April 2017

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Newsletter July, 2010

New Website Section

It’s only three months since the last Newsletter. The V.S.M.A. website is now “live” and we have had a good response to it from members which is very encouraging after the many months of putting it together. This Newsletter can now be found on the website where the intention is to keep back-copies of the Newsletter in future. You can also find there details of all our members, including contact details and in most cases summaries of their motorsport careers. Plus there are over 500 images submitted by our members scattered throughout the site.  Several members have updated their own page, either with data or images or both.   These include Gus Carnegie, Alastair Findlay, Murray Grierson and Ian Stewart.  If your own page is somewhat flimsy, now is the time to think about updating it.  You must have lots of photographs lying about in drawers – get them out and send them in. You may already have noticed a new section on the purple side-bar “Tales from the Past“.   We hope this addition will give more interest to the site and be an area which members will be able to present their views, submit articles.  The first three of the latter are anecdotes from Alastair Findlay on his earlier rally travels/travails!

Sir Stirling Moss – Following the horrendous accident sustained by our fellow member a couple of months back, an email was sent to Stirling on your behalf wishing him a full and speedy recovery.  He thanked us for our concern and wrote: “I am glad to say that apart from being stuck in bed, I am repairing slowly and hope to walk early in May”.  Watching him recently on Channel 4, he is now obviously on the way to what will hopefully be a complete recovery.

John Allan – Although not a member of the Association, we were sad to hear of the death in May of John Allan from Oban. As his friend David Hockey said “For a guy with only one eye, he couldn’t half pedal a rally car. To me, John was one of the real characters of Scottish rallying. His soft, laconic, Lorne area accent†hid a fierce competitive nature. When the RACMSA tried to take away his licence, they soon were aware what a Tiger he could be. Not only was he quick behind the wheel, he was quick to help anyone, quick to get his hand in his pocket for a round and quick with a remark, or rebuff, that usually had the place in hysterics.  I recently spoke to him on the phone, and he was keen to get away and do some events, possibly abroad again, “for the crack”.  Never a word that he was fighting cancer again. It must have been a terrible shock for his wife when John passed away so quickly in front of her.  I believe, trust John, that he was working on his car at the time, and fell over the bonnet dead.  Knowing him, if he could have made a remark, he would probably have said, “Told you that cars would be the death of me!.  To those who knew him, and revelled in his company, he will be sorely missed.

New members:

We have added another four members since our last Newsletter in April, bringing our total living membership to 285.  These new members are –
Tom Bicket, Symington, Ayrshire               John Barr, Auchterarder, Perth
Iain Provan, Barrhead East, Renfrewshire       Donald MacDonald, Seamill, W. Kilbride
Their details can be viewed in the “Members and their details” section.

Highland Run, 7th & 8th May, Grantown-on-Spey – Another great weekend in Grantown enjoyed by 30 members and partners. Numbers were down this year as a result of clashing with other events, particularly a Knockhill Race meeting. However, this didn’t detract from the fun. This included trips up Cairngorm on the new funicular railway on Saturday morning and a visit to the Battle of Culloden Centre on the afternoon. Typically the morning was very cold and cloudy with the afternoon being the exact opposite – warm and sunny. Anyway, both trips were very enjoyable. The evenings, after drinks and dinner were as usual taken up with the Scalextric Highland Challenge. The competition this year was much more fierce – it was obvious that people had been practising over the past 12 months! Gordon and Karen Clendinning had laid out a very competitive circuit. Last year’s Gentlemen Driver’s winner, Ian Gemmell was relegated to 4th, the winning Gentleman being Duncan Paterson, with 2nd Bob Ballie and 3rd David Fotheringham. The Lady Driver’s winner was Susan Gould with Margaret Wright and Mairi Parker 2nd equal. (If they had been combined with the Gentlemen the Ladies would have been 2nd, 3rd and 4th!! – as I mentioned a lot of practice had been done by the fairer entries – at least that was the gentlemen’s considered opinion!)
Prizegiving took place after breakfast on Sunday morning. What with a surplus from the event and with monies from the Highland Challenge entries, etc we were able to donate around £400 to the Glasgow University Leukaemia Research Trust.
Thanks are due to several people not least Bob Baillie who organised the whole thing; Gordon Clendinning for providing the Scalextric layout and running the Highland Challenge; Macallan’s Whisky for donating several liquid prizes: Tim Thomson of Guyson , who was unable to attend donated and Hugh Mackinnon who donated £50 to the drinks fund! Thanks were certainly due to the management and staff of the Grant Arms who looked after us so well.
It is certainly our intention to go back next May to Grantown-on-Spey and we hopefully we can avoid any potential clash with other events. However, if anyone would like to organise a similar event to a different location and at a different time of the year, we would be delighted to hear from them.
Here is a list of those who took part in the Run:

Kenny Allen & Kenny Gunn     Bob & Margaret Baillie     Tom & Marion Bicket
Mid & Val Bruce   Gordon & Karen Clendinning     David Fotheringham & Susan Gould
Ian & Louise Gemmell        Walter & Bette Gray             Jimmy & Arlene McInnes
William & Eileen Montgomery       Stuart & Mairi Parker          Duncan & Adele Paterson
Ian & Margaret Smillie             Pat & John Smith               Graham & Margaret Wright

Knockhill Scottish Speedfair & Classic Festival, 26th-27th June:

As mentioned in the last Newsletter VSMA would not be represented in the Media Centre as all the usual stalwarts would be on holiday. I did hear that the event was up to its usual standards particularly the display of some marvellous Ferraris. Regrettably, for the organisers, the turnout was as not as great as was expected!

4th VSMA Reunion, Saturday 23rd October 2010:

The Regs and Entry Form are included with this Newsletter. Preparations for the event are well advanced. You will see that the entry fee is only £40 (same as the 2007 Reunion) if you pay BEFORE 3rd September – after that £45 per entry will be required. Again we were delighted to receive a very generous donation from Renault UK. The format will be similar to previous events. We are to be entertained by John Cleland and Mike Wood, both famous for their exploits in past racing and rallying events, and both are renowned after-dinner speakers. We look forward to seeing you at the Reunion. I almost forgot the Annual General Meeting of VSMA will take place just before the Reunion commences – later on this.

SSCC Economy Run, Sunday 23rd August 2010
As I was composing this Newsletter I received an email from fellow member Iain Provan (a leading light in Scottish Sporting Car Club) inviting our members, if they wish, to take part in this event. It starts at the Pond Hotel, Great Western Road, Glasgow returning there for brunch after a route of approximately 62 miles. This is a fun social event for all types of standard road cars. Regs and entry forms can be obtained from Iain at 0800 161 3221 (office) or 07766 256 600 (mobile).

That’s all for now.

Stuart Parker

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