I trust you have all recovered from the Xmas and New Year festivities. Mairi and I spent this time with our grandchildren, our daughter and her husband in Singapore! Hot and sticky, but very pleasant none-the-less.
In the last Newsletter I reported that Watt Gray had had a heart attack. I am delighted to report that since then he has had by-pass surgery and is doing very well. Another cardiac casualty was our Hon Vice-President Alan Carlaw who, over Xmas, developed heart problems requiring the insertion of stents. Fortunately, he too is now doing well. Everyone, I’m sure will wish Watt and Alan both a speedy and complete recovery.
On a lighter note, I have just received information from member Jack Davidson who has just created a new website, which went live on 28th January (see below). It contains images Jack has taken over many, many years. He has accumulated in the region of 50,000 negatives – mainly of motor sport, and more recently something like a further 50,000 digital images which are NOT motor sport. Not all of his 100,000+ photographs appear in the new website. Have a look, apart from the sections on Motor Sport there are many very interesting images.
I am delighted to welcome the following to membership of our association. Some details on these members can be found on clicking their name –
Rosemary Smithfrom Dublin Anthony Reid from Oxford Ken Wallace from Edinburgh Robin Wallace from Edinburgh Raddy Sarafilovic from Bearsden, Glasgow Rob Wilson from Yarm, North Yorkshire
You will remember from the email I sent out from Singapore that David Black had died just six weeks before his 100th birthday. I am pleased to report that a few of our members were able to attand his funeral in Perth. Thanks are due to Barry Crichton who provided an obituary on David.
Thanks are also due to Graham Gauld who also kindly provided information on JockRussell for writing Jock’s obituary.
Another death to report was that of Bob Flockhart from Bearsden who died on 11th August last.
Tom Coffield,jr has changed his address John Clark moved from Aberdeenshire to Fife Brian Park has moved to Alford Bob Baillie has moved AGAIN back to Mauchline !? Jack Davidson’s has a new email address David Robertson has a new email address Jim Murray has a new email address
All these changes can all be found in the Members and Details section or by clicking on the member’s name.
Apart from Jack Davidson’s new website, there is another site which Jimmy McInnes apparently has spent a few hours visiting on line – Philadelphia Motor Museum , which he highly recommends. Great details of many vintage and veteran cars.
Annual General Meeting, 28th November:
Again this was held in Boyd Tunnock’s premises in Uddingston. We were delighted to welcome a few stalwart members to swell our numbers! As you would expect from such an event it passed without any upsets or outbursts. Indeed the main topic after the election of Directors and Office bearers, was the quality of the spread Boyd had again provided – truly excellent. Bob Baillie would certainly recommend the pies! There were no changes in the Directorate – McInnes, Chairman; Baillie, Vice-Chairman & Treasurer; Parker, Secretary; Board Members – Adele & Duncan Paterson, Kenny Allen, Hugh MacKinnon, Andy Watson, Charlie Young, Barry Crichton and Donald Gordon. Boyd was duly thanked for again allowing use of his premises.
Shortly after the last reunion I posted a review of the Reunion on the November 2014 Newsletter, and as usual, urging them to have a look!. After reading the report John Stuart kindly emailed to say that he found the report interesting and the named photos very useful. He regretted that he had met very few of those present but it was good to put faces to names. He also said that he had competed in stage and road rallies in the 70s and 80s, he would go back to historic stage rallying tomorrow if he could afford to. Just now he has had to content himself with an annual outing to the 4 day Rally Costa Brava Historic, a ‘regularity’ rally likened to Motoring News events of old! 2014 would have been his 5th time but the event moved from April to October and he could not make it that time. Good to hear John that you are still active. Below is a snap of John in his vintage Austin on the event.
2015 Highland Spring Run, Friday 27th to 30th April:
In case you have deleted or misplaced the email with the details of this event, here they again-
Entry Form
Bob’s Letter
Hotel Booking Form
Click on one of the above to upload its PDF
YouTube Clips:
Just a few, which are best viewed in Full Screen and maybe with the sub-titles on.
Amusing Bits and Pieces: Just a few this time probably from our Chairman, Jimmy McInnes (I think).
Bird Strikes
Researchers for the Ministry of Transport found over 200 dead crows near greater Manchester recently, and there was concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone’s relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts. However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colours of paints appeared on the bird’s beaks and claws. By analysing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with lorries, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car.
MoT then hired an Ornithological Behaviourist to determine if there was a cause for the disproportionate percentages of truck kills versus car kills. The Ornithological Behaviourist very quickly concluded the cause: — when crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. They discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout “Cah” “Cah”, not a single one could shout “Lorry.” !!!
[At least now Jimmy wont be able to use this one on the Spring Run -one hopes.]
On a bitterly cold winter morning an Irish husband and wife in Dublin were listening to the radio during breakfast. They heard the announcer say, “We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snow ploughs can get through” so the good wife went out and moved her car.
A week later while they are eating breakfast again, the radio announcer said, “We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street, so the snow ploughs can get through” The good wife went out and moved her car again.
The next week they are again having breakfast, when the radio announcer says, “We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park….” Then the electric power went out. The good wife was very upset, and with a worried look on her face she said, “I don’t know what to do. Which side of the street do I need to park on so the snow ploughs can get through?”
Then with the love and understanding in his voice that all men who are married to blondes exhibit, the husband replied, “Why don’t you just leave the car in the garage this time.”
A young girl in her late teens, wanting to earn some extra money for the summer, decided to hire herself out as a “handy woman” and started canvassing a nearby well-to-do neighbourhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any odd jobs for her to do. “Well, I guess I could use somebody to paint the porch” he said. “How much will you charge me?” Delighted, the girl quickly responded, “How about £50?”
The man agreed and told her that the paint, brushes and everything she would need were in the garage. The man’s wife, hearing the conversation, said to her husband, “Does she realise that our porch goes ALL the way around the house?” “That’s a bit cynical, isn’t it?” he responded. The wife replied, “You’re right. I guess I’m starting to believe all those dumb blonde jokes.”
A few hours later the blonde came to the door to collect her money…. “You’re finished already??” the startled husband asked. “Yes,” the blonde replied, “and I even had paint left over so I gave it two coats.” Impressed, the man reached into his pocket for the £50 and handed it to her along with a £10 tip.
“Thank you,” the blonde said, and, by the way, it’s not a Porch, it’s an Audi.”
A shorter Newsletter this month, following on our spring Highland Run. A report on this year’s Run will soon be uploaded to the Events Section, so please just keep checking the Events Section.
McRae Rally Challenge: This is being held over the weekend of 16/17th May at Knockhill. It is being advertised as a special Rally festival which is taking place to mark the 20th Anniversary of Colin McRae’s 1995 World Rally Championship win. As well as a 30 mile, 10-stage Rally, in association with Coltness Car Club; this event will showcase some of Colin’s most iconic competition cars – including the 1995 Championship winning Subaru. Many famous rally names will be competing there including WRC Champion, Stig Blomqvist, Kris Meeke who recently won the WRC Rally Argentina, David Bogie and many others. Further details of this event including details of admission charges, etc., can be found by clicking here. Apart from the rally stages to see there will be lots of iconic competition cars from the past. A few VSMA Directors will also be there including Charlie Young, Andy Watson and myself, hoping to enlist some new members to our association. Maybe we will see you there!
Fintray Hill Climb: While at the recent Doune Hill Climb, Charlie Young and I bumped into member Trevor Park (son of Brian) of the Grampian Automobile club. He was keen to promote the 50th Aniversary of Fintry Hill Climb on the 15th/16th August. Being a leading light in GAC he hopes to encourage some of those who had competed on Fintry if possible 50 years ago to come along (not necessarily to compete)! Details will be issued later to those interested.
Jack Davidson’s “Fintry at Fifty”.
Interestingly, just last week I received a copy of a beautiful 30 odd page A4 sized magazine/brochure from member Jack Davidson. This production shows the ‘Half a Century of Speed Hill Climbing’ at Fintray Hill Climb. It is packed with photographs, B&W and colour, taken over the past fifty years at Fintray together with the history of the event from its early days under the auspicies of Aberdeen & District Motor Club up to the present-day organisers, the Grampian Automobile Club. The history is both interesting and at times amusing – a very good read. Of course most of the images come from Jack’s enormous collection of pictures which he has been scanning digitally over the past few months. I’m sure many of our members who had or still are competing on hills will be keen to get a copy of this publication. If anyone is interested in obtaining any of Jack’s motor sport images you only have to ask him (Te: 07736 679520). Copies of ‘Fintray at Fifty’ can also be obtained via Jack’s website – they cost only £7.50 (plus £1.50 postage) – click on the above image for details.
New Members :
We are delighted to welcome the following to membership of the Association. Some details on these members can be found on clicking their name –
Kenny Gunn, Rutherglen Tim Mackay, Edinburgh Iain Mitchell, Perth Richard Morris, Kingholm
I am sad to report the recent death on 24th March, of Rustie Wilson. He was the younger brother of Hamish Wilson, Hamilton.
Although not a member of VSMA I was also sad to hear of the death of Lance Morrison who was a member of Lanarkshire Car Club in the 1970s. A full obituary of Lance can be seen on John Fyfe’s Motor Sport Website “Jaggy Bunnet“
Amusing Bits and Pieces:
Prince Charles is visiting an Edinburgh hospital. He enters a ward full of patients with no obvious sign of injury or illness and greets one. The patient replies: “Fair fa your honest sonsie face, Great chieftain o’ the puddin race, Aboon them a’ ye take yer place, Painch, tripe or thairm, As langs my airm.”
HRH is confused, so he just smiles and moves on to the next patient. The patient responds: “Some hae meat an canna eat, And some wad eat that want it, But we hae meat an we… can eat, So let the Lord be thankit.”
Even more confused, the Prince moves on to the next patient, who Immediately begins to chant: “Wee sleekit, cowerin, timrous beasty, O the panic in thy breasty, Thou needna start awa sae hastie, Wi bickering brattle.”
Now seriously troubled, Charles turns to the accompanying doctor and asks, “Is this a psychiatric ward?” “No,” replies the doctor, “This is the serious Burns unit.”
Well, the 5th Reunion has passed and now we have the AGM to look forward to.
The Reunion certainly went very well and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Have a look at the photographs in the Past Event section which I have just uploaded to the website.
One of the photographic displays at the Reunion depicted the story behind George Cooper’s Cooper Sports MG Prototype. I have transferred this completely to the website – it is certainly worth a read. It can be found in the “Tales from the Past” section.
News just in – I got an email from Bill Montgomery to inform me that Watt Gray had to be admitted to Hospital on 1st November with a heart attack. Hopefully, Walter gets well soon.
More, the very recent news is that Jock Russell has died recently. I have no details of this but would be VERY grateful if someone could supply information on Jock to me.
Address Changes –
All members’ addresses, phone numbers and email addressescan be found in the “Members and details” section. Clicking on an underlined name will take you to that person’s page for more detail.
New Members – On a happier note, I am glad to report the addition of seven new members into VSMA. (Click on an underlined name to take you to their page)
John Cleland from Melrose. Charlie Harrison from Edinburgh. William Henderson from Falkirk Andy Kelly from Greenock. Paul Mason from Dullatur. Russell Paterson from Madderty, by Crieff. David Swinton from Morpeth.
Here are some of the other items of news this month –
Derek Palmer’s new project
Request from George Robinson
Eric Dymock’s New Website
Request from Michael Malcolm
Request from Non-members
Images from Allan MacVarish
Fifty Years Celebration
Interesting Youtube Clips
Amusing Bits and Pieces
Derek Palmer’s New Project –
You may have learned that Derek has a new project ongoing He is now running a 2 car works team in the BTCC for the Support Our Paras charity using injured guys to run the car. Have a look at the website ‘Infiniti Support Our Para’ Launch‘ to see the launch at the Guild Hall in London and get the latest news of their progress. They are based at Mallory Park and Lesmahagow and any of the members will be made more than welcome if they want to go and see what Derek does. So much for retiring Derek – next year with this new 5-year contract.
Eric Dymock’s New Website –
I mentioned Eric’s blog in the last newsletter but he now has a new website which is certainly worth a visit if you are interested in what going on in the world of Motor Sport (past and present). Were you aware of what was going on in Europe just before the start of World WarTwo? Have a look at his article on the crisis times in motor sport just around the start of WII. There are many other articles which are also certainly worth a look such as this year’s Goodwood Jaguar.
2014 celebrated the opening of the Forth Road Bridge some 50 years ago and also the same year that Jim Clark won the British Touring Car Championship. It was appropriate that Knockhill managed to arrange an event to celebrate both these events, by showing a few of Jim Clarks’ competitive vehicles and allowing them to be driven over the closed road bridge. Not many of our members managed to get to this event but fortunately, Sandy Morrison did. Below are a few images of this event that Sandy kindly provided.
Request from George Robinson –
George is in the process of writing up his rally and race years. He is looking for information on the last Burmah International Rally (I was the CofC of that Burmah and unfortunately I shredded everything I had on the event). He is looking for List of Starters and Results. And, has anyone got a photograph of his Ford RS rally car?
A request for information regarding cars from the past.
This a Rod Brisby who is trying to trace the history of a TR2 he bought in the 60/70s. He had been looking at our site and in the 1950s section of the public Photographic Gallery, he noticed a car which he thought might have been the one he bought. The car in question is the one behind an MK2 Jaguar, a green TR2. in the photograph titled “Very early Scottish Rally. The TR2 car had been rallying in Scotland prior to his buying it in Dumfries in 1972. It was in British Racing Green with a black hood, but perhaps a hardtop (colour unknown), registration number OWK 788. It had been in a barn since 1972 and he has now started the restoration! Let him know if this vehicle is known to anyone, please.
Rod can be contacted at brisrd@aol.com, Rod Brisby, Country manager (UK) Lake Engineering, Tel: ++447922147501 or ++4571992257
Request from Michael Malcolm –
Michael emailed to request information on the identities of the people in the attached photograph. As he wrote –
“You may be aware that there is an infamous Foster & Skeffington photograph of “Team 55” taken in a field at the end of the ’67 Scottish after they won the team prize. Several of us are struggling to remember the names of all the “worthies”. One in particular is Stuart Brown’s co-driver. The oldish chap (even then) with glasses next to Stuart. All my memory has on him hat he may have been a doctor. (Ed: Don’t thinks so – he is confusing the person with me – I did co-drive for Stuart Brown on many events, maybe this one but I am NOT in this picture). Ring any bells?”
Team 55 at the conclusion of the 1967 Scottish Rally, celebrating their winning the Team Prize.
I recognise Arthur Jasper and Jimmy Rae but apart from Stuart Brown, none of the others (it’s an age thing). If anyone does recognise people in the picture, let me or Michael Malcom know.
Allan Macvarish Images – One of our still active elderly members, Allan, is still competitively active – if it’s not Hill Climbing it’s Go-Karting. We still have a few similarly active members in our ranks – Kenny Allen and Jock Miller to name just two. Anyway, Allan sent a few snaps just to prove he’s not on the scrapheap yet!
Just a couple this time probably from our Chairman, Jimmy McInnes (I think).
About this time of the year, older taxpayers will again be receiving another ‘Winter Fuel? payment. This is indeed a very exciting programme, and I’ll explain it by using a Q & A format:
Q. What is a ‘Winter Fuel’ payment ?
A. It is money that the government will send to taxpayers.
Q. Where will the government get this money ?
A. From taxpayers
Q. So the government is giving me back my own money ?
A. Only a smidgen of it
Q. What is the purpose of this payment ?
A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase petrol, electricity…..or a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy
Q. But isn’t that just stimulating the economy of China ?
This next one is again related to money matters. It came from my brother George who suggested I should forward it to Wee Eck prior to the recent referendum! I do apologize if this offends anyone!
Suppose that once a week, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to £100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this..
The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing. The fifth would pay £1. The sixth would pay £3. The seventh would pay £7. The eighth would pay £12. The ninth would pay £18. And the tenth man (the richest) would pay £59.
So, that’s what they decided to do.
The ten men drank in the bar every week and seemed quite happy with the arrangement until, one day, the owner caused them a little problem. “Since you are all such good customers,” he said, “I’m going to reduce the cost of your weekly beer by £20.” Drinks for the ten men would now cost just £80.
The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free but what about the other six men? The paying customers? How could they divide the £20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share? They realised that £20 divided by six is £3.33 but if they subtracted that from everybody’s share then not only would the first four men still be drinking for free but the fifth and sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.
So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fairer to reduce each man’s bill by a higher percentage. They decided to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.
And so, the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (a 100% saving).
The sixth man now paid £2 instead of £3 (a 33% saving). The seventh man now paid £5 instead of £7 (a 28% saving). The eighth man now paid £9 instead of £12 (a 25% saving). The ninth man now paid £14 instead of £18 (a 22% saving). And the tenth man now paid £49 instead of £59 (a 16% saving). Each of the last six was better off than before with the first four continuing to drink for free.
But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings. “I only got £1 out of the £20 saving,” declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man, “but he got £10”
“Yes, that’s right,” exclaimed the fifth man. “I only saved £1 too. It’s unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me” “That’s true” shouted the seventh man. “Why should he get £10 back, when I only got £2? The wealthy get all the breaks”
“Wait a minute,” yelled the first four men in unison, “we didn’t get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor”
The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up. The next week the tenth man didn’t show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important – they didn’t have enough money amongst all of them to pay for even half of the bill.
And that, boys and girls, journalists and government ministers, is how our tax system works. The people who already pay the highest taxes will naturally get the most benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy and they just might not show up anymore. In fact, they might start drinking overseas, where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.
If you have got this far can I remind you that the Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on Friday 28th February at 6 pm in the Thomas Tunnock Ltd premises in Uddingston.
Just spent a very pleasant three weeks with my son and his wife in Ithaca, which is located in northern New York State. Unfortunately, the weather was the same as in Scotland – cool and wet for the first two weeks! However, the last week has been glorious 84 and NO clouds! However, we’re back home on Wednesday and looking forward to the next couple of months with a visit to the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival this weekend and the 5th VSMA Reunion next month. So, lots to do. The Newsletter this month is pretty brief – we have too busy!!
Address changes – All members’ addresses, phone numbers and email addresses can be found in the “Members and details” section.
You may have already been aware that when a member has died his/her entry will no longer appear in the “Members and their Details” section. All information about them where known, apart from their address details, will now have been transferred to the “Past Veterans” section. Clicking on one of the names above will take you to the appropriate place in that section.
New Member – On a happier note, I am pleased to welcome a new member from Kingswell, Aberdeen – namely John Plenderleath.
Here are some of the other items of news this month –
Eric Dymock emailed me with his daily blog which he felt might interest members. The article makes great reading even after such a number of years. In it, he relates to his escapades in the 1964 Spa-Sofia-Liege rally as a junior Motor staff reporter, and incidentally reporting on a few of our members including Stuart Turner, Johnstone Syer and Logan Morrison. Stuart Turner who was the BMC competitions manager at that time, could not conceal his delight. He had not only scored the second win with a big Healey but also “We broke the sound barrier – we got a Mini to the finish of the Liège.”
Pat Smithalso emailed requesting confirmation of a couple of photographs in her local motor museum in Moray in Elgin where some of her own memorabilia are on display. We were able to identify one of the photos as that of Tom Bicket in the 1970 Scottish Rally but the other was of a Rally plate from the 1959 Tulip Rally. It was suggested that it might belong to a F.W.Attwood (British) in an MG TF.
Tom Bicket at the start of the 1970 RSAC International Rally at the wheel of his Hillman Rallye Imp. “It is a young me WITH HAIR, my navigator was Robert (Bobby) Picken from Dundonald”. (Photograph by Foster & Skeffington)1959 Tulip rally Plate belonging to F.W.Attwood (British) in an MG TF
Unfortunately, we know no more about F.W.Attwood. Can anyone help Pat?
‘Depart d’Ecosse’
Just received an email from Douglas Anderson promoting his new book ‘Depart d’Ecosse’ which highlights on the Scottish Connection to the Monte Carlo Rally. You may not be aware that Douglas was the main instigator of the return of the “Rallye Monte Carlo Historique” to Glasgow as one of the starting points. The book will be launched on Thursday 6 November 2014 at the Blythswood Square Hotel, Glasgow in the Monte Carlo Suite, from 6 pm – 8 pm and we are invited to attend. As part of the launch, the official Automobile Club de Monaco video of the 2014 Rallye Monte Carlo Historique will be shown in the Monte Carlo Suite cinema. However, Copies of the book can be pre-ordered by on the attached PDF form for the special offer price of £30. Pre-ordered copies will be available for collection at the book launch when the book will be released. Please write on the order form if you wish to collect your copies at the launch.
Copies of the book will also be available for sale at the book launch on 6 November at the launch price of £35. After the release date, copies will be available in selected booksellers, including Waterstone’s, at the price of £39.99.There will be a print run of 1000 copies. To secure a copy, please return the order form to the publisher, Argyll Publishing, as soon as possible. Perhaps a Christmas present for a friend or for yourself. Click on the image on right to reveal a PDF for printing out the Form.
Chartered accountant, 42, seeks female for marriage. Duties will
include cooking, cleaning, plus attending business and social
functions. References required. No timewasters. Box 23/45
Bad-tempered, foul-mouthed old bastard, living in damp cottage at the arse end of Orkney, seeks attractive 21-year old blonde lady with big chest. Box 40/27
Satanist, Alloa area, seeks like-minded lady for wining
and dining, good conversation, dancing, romantic walks, and
slaughtering animals at midnight under the flinty
light of a waning moon. Box 52/07
Attractive brunette, Gartcosh area, winner of Miss Wrangler Jeans
competition at Framptons Nightclub in 1978,
seeks nostalgic man, not afraid to cry, for long nights of
comfort-drinking, and listening to Abba records. Box 30/41
Govan man, 32, muscular build, piercing blue eyes, seeks alibi for
Below is some helpful advice on how to best help the U.K. Economy by spending your ‘Winter Fuel’ cheque wisely:
*If you spend the money at Asda or Tesco, the money will go to Gibraltar, Ireland & Luxemburg.
* If you spend it on ebay your money will go Ireland.
* If you spend it on petrol your money will go to the Arabs.
* If you purchase a computer it will go to India, Taiwan or China.
* If you purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Kenya, Spain, or Morocco.
* If you spend it in your corner ‘Asian mini-mart’ no tax will be paid, it will be used in drug deals and eventually will be conveyed to Pakistan in a large suitcase.
* If you spend it on ‘cheap’ cigs it will end up in Rumania or Bulgaria.
* If you give it to Oxfam 20% only will go abroad and 80% will remain in the hands of the administrators, who will spend it on fact finding missions to Cayman Islands, Thailand & Mauritius.
* If you buy an efficient car it will go to Japan or Korea.
* If you buy a luxury car it will go to India or Germany.
* If you pay off your credit cards or buy shares, it will go to management bonuses and they will hide it offshore.
Instead, keep the money in the UK by:
1. Spending it at car boot sales 2. Going to night clubs 3. Spending it on call girls 4. Buying cider, beer or scotch 5. Getting yourself a Tatto 6. Visiting a bookie (These are the only UK businesses still operating in the U.K. )
Go to a night club with a tattooed call girl that you met at a car boot sale and drink beer day and night ! It’s the patriotic thing to do. No need to thank me……just glad I could be of help. (Ed: You can tell this is definitely from our Chairman)
The following is a series of actual quotes taken from insurance or accident forms. They are the actual words of people who tried to summarize their encounters with trouble.
“I collided with a stationary truck coming the other way.”
“The guy was all over the road; I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.”
“I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, and headed over the embankment.”
“In my attempt to kill a fly, I drove into a telephone pole.”
“I had been shopping for plants all day and was on my way home. As I reached an intersection, a hedge sprang up obscuring my vision. I did not see the other car.”
“An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my vehicle, and vanished.”
“The indirect cause of this accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth.”
“I was unable to stop in time, and my car crashed into the other vehicle. The driver and passenger then left immediately for a vacation with injuries.
If you have got this far, can I remind you to get your entry in for the Reunion next month. If you already have, my apologies. If you have misplaced you entry form, just let me know and I’ll send you another one.
Andy Watson being presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award by His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent at an MSA Council Dinner.
The first piece of news is that one of our fellow Directors, Andy Watson, has just been honoured by the MSA by being presented with a Lifetime Achievement Award. He was presented with this award by His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent. The award was given “in recognition of his unrivalled and unique contribution to British motor sport.” Everyone in VSMA will wish to congratulate Andy. WELL DONE INDEED ANDY.
Some things you may not have noticed – the updated public Home Page just before you logged into the members’ section, it now shows a few details of the forthcoming Reunion in October. In the Links section of the Home Page I have added the link to Ian Provan’s online magazine which details what’s happening in Scottish Motor Sport.
Here is a list of other items of news this month –
Members’ Database updates
Thoughts from Malcolm Parkin!
New Jim Clark Museum
Knockhill Anniversary British Touring Car Event
Photos from an early le Mans event
Interesting YouTube clips
Bits and Pieces which may amuse
Members’ Database Updates:
Please note that the following members have now got new email addresses which can be seen in the Members and details section or just click on each name below to get to their page – Bob Callander, Jim Grant, Jock Millar, Martin Pieraccini, Johnnie Thomson and Donald Carslaw.
Following the article in the 2014 January Newsletter on Graham Millar’s 40 years in Motorsport, you may have noticed that the article has now been populated with some of Graham’s images. These images can also be seen on Graham’s own page on the website and a few are also in the Public Picture Gallery.
Bob Gillespie has now updated his page with a few photographs and have a look at some interesting entries in the results page from the 1986 Valentine’s Rally!!
Thoughts from Malcolm Parkin:
I was thinking back to when our Honorary President brought the Tyrrell 003 F1 car to Ingliston in 1971(?), at his personal expense I believe, to give a demonstration. He actually stalled it twice on the line, in spite of his mechanics putting some very low gearing into the car when they saw the circuit, but he eventually got into the swing of it and put in a cracking couple of laps within 0.5 of the outright Formula Libre record, which I think Tommy Reid held at the time.
What was interesting, was that he was actually accelerating through the Clock left hander, before the right hander in front of the grandstand, where most people were either maintaining speed or braking. It was absolutely astonishing to watch.
The Clerk of the Course on the day was the late Ernie Herrald as I recall. The date may be wrong, so some research with members such as Graham Birrell or Ian Scott Watson could confirm.
I don’t think anyone had the sense to take photographs at the time. I have never seen any.
This ventured is being planned by the Jim Clark Trust in partnership with The Scottish Borders Council and hopefully will be opened during 2018. It is the result of the continued interest in one of the greatest drivers of all time and a hero in Scotland. Expansion of the present site was deemed necessary. I have attached a PDF of the letter we received from our own Doug Niven and Ian Calder explaining in more detail their plans for this worthwhile venture. Click here to read it.
Also, Doug and Ian have just opened The Jim Clark Trust website on Monday 7th April, 2014, which shows in graphic detail what they have in mind. Do have a look.
Knockhill Touring Car Event – Sunday 24th August 2014:
Although V.S.M.A will not be there officially at this event, I’m sure many of our members will be attending. As you can see from the attached flyers from Knockhill, the event will celebrate the 40th year of Knockhill racing and also the 50 year celebration of Jim Clark’s BTCC win. Knockhill are kindly donating 20% 0f the BTCC ticket sales towards the Jim Clark Trust Museum development. So if you are going please remember to quote the code JIMCLARK50 when purchasing your tickets.One special item may be of interest………..The Forth Road Bridge is being closed for Knockhill on Thursday 21st August for a parade of six Jim Clark’s cars (F1, F2 and Lotus Cortina’s) across the Bridge at 11am. There will be a public showing of the cars from 9am to 10.30am, then the spectators will be asked to move to their vantage points from 10.30am onwards with the parade taking place at 11am.In addition Knockhill hope to have the 2014 cars crossing side by side!
Pat Smith (Pat Allison as she was then) was at Le Mans in 1959, hanging around the pits with friends at Lotus and Ecurie Ecosse. Wendy Jones and she shared a room in a pension that year. Below are a few of the photographs she recently unearthed from her loft which she thought would be of interest to members.
A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child’s work. As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, ‘I’m drawing God.’ The teacher paused and said, ‘But no one knows what God looks like.’ Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied, ‘They will in a minute.’
Five Pearls of Scottish Wisdom
1. Money cannot buy happiness but somehow, it‘s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than on a bicycle.
2. Forgive your enemy but remember their name.
3. Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you when he is in trouble again.
4. Many people are alive only because it’s illegal to shoot them.
5. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then neither does milk
Birds of a feather flock together . . . .and then poop on your car.
A penny saved is a government oversight.
The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat have got to be really good friends.
The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement.
He who hesitates is probably right.
Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are XL. If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame.
The sole purpose of a child’s middle name is so he can tell when he’s really in trouble..
Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words ‘The’ and ‘IRS’ together it spells ‘Theirs…’
Ageing: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know ‘why’ I look this way. I’ve traveled a long way and some of the roads weren’t paved.
When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to your youth, think of Algebra.
You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being young. Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
Lord, Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth . . .. . . . .AMEN
Firstly, a somewhat belated Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you have not been too badly affected by the unusual weather we have had over the past couple of months. Here is a list of the items of news this month –
The 2014 Monte Carlo Historique UK Start
The Neil Sisters
New Members
Database Changes
2014 Spring Run – letter from bob Baillie
AGM Snippets
Report from Derek Palmer
Bill Henderson’s Collection Update
Graham Millar’s 40 years in Motorsport
Amusing and Interesting Bits and Pieces
Paisley’s UK start of the 2014 Monte Carlo Classic on Thursday 23rd January:
Once again the Start of the UK leg of the Rally Monte-Carlo Historique and the CC&HMC’s Heritage Run (The Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club) was in Scotland, in the town of Paisley. The start took place in front of Paisley Abbey. As usual Historique Entrants being flagged off first en route to Monaco via 1960+ miles while they were followed by the Heritage Run entrants en route to Luss via the Trossachs. Wielding the Start flag was none other than Paddy Hopkirk the Monte Rally legend of the 1960’s. This was very appropriate as it was 50 years since Paddy had won the Monte in his works Mini Cooper S. Another rally and Irish “celebrity starter” followed the route opening car, namely Rosemary Smith in a Hillman Imp. There were 10 entrants making for Monaco while another 70 + cars made up the remainder who left the start ramp.Among the latter there were only four VSMA entrants this year en route to Luss. These were as follows
Tom Bicket and Malcolm Noble in their Ford Anglia
Gordon and Karen Clendinning in Vaxhall Chevette
Donald and Catriona Gordon in thier Austin Healey 3000
Ian Gemmell and David Fotheringham in their Cosworth
The following are photographs taken by member Bill Barr of a few of the starters. Unfortunately out of the four VSMA representatives Bill only managed to get Donald and Catriona Gordon’s start!
Paddy Hopkirk flagged them all off including the Celebrty 1st Car driven by Rosie Smith just after 6.00pm. After Rosie are just six of the ten Starters who were destined for Monaco !
After the Monaco entrants were flagged off, it was the turn of those whose destination was a bit nearer home – Luss!
It was obvious that Paddy had enjoyed his “Official” duties in Paisley !
Pat Smith while sorting out hundreds of her Dad’s coloured slides, and scanning some to keep, came across some from motor sport in the 1940’s and ’50s. One was of the famous Neil sisters who were one of the very early competitors in the Monte Carlo Rallies after World War II. She sent it to VSMA to see if we could through some light on them. Being a member of Lanarkshire Car Club I was able to confirm some details. You can see the photograph which I have added to the Public Photographic gallery on the website – have a look. Pat’s Dad had met the pair of them through the late Bill Watson, his great friend at Watson’s of Airdrie. Any more detail on either Chrissie and Andy would be welcome.
New Members:
We are delighted to welcome Ricky Gauld from Huntly, Aberdeen and Ian Cook, from Linlithgow into the VSMA fold
Members’ Database Changes:
Email address is now available forFulton Beaton and George Cooper. In addition to now having an email address, John Stephen has moved from Glasgow to Northumberland. Address changes: The following members have changed their email addresses – Lindsay Kerr, Derry Dickson, Ken Hutchison and Ronnie Morrison.
Details of the above additions and changes can be found in the Members and Details section.
We have reached the time of year when the Spring Run requires to be organised and, once again, it has been decided that we will return to The Grant Arms Hotel, Grantown-on-Spey.
Those who have already been on one of our “Highland Tours” will agree that the hotel offers an ideal base for our activities and the Management and Staff have always been very welcoming and helpful.
The official proceedings will start around 10.00am on Friday morning with a run mapped from Lomond Shores at Balloch (on the south side of Loch Lomond) through the Trossachs to a lunchtime halt either in Pitlochry or The House of Bruar. The afternoon run will start from House of Bruar car park at around 2.00pm. There will be a small reception in a Lounge at the hotel at 6.30pm on Friday evening giving a chance for everyone to meet up before dinner.
We are waiting to find out if Gordon Clendinning will be able to attend the weekend with his Scalextric track. This depends on his commitment to Top Gear. As before the evenings will be informal and will provide a chance to meet and chat with old friends and competition rivals. Is there a piano?
There will be tours and visits arranged on the Saturday and Sunday and details of these will be provided nearer the time of the event.
Additional Supplementary Regulations, Entry Form and Hotel Booking Form are in PDF format below. Click on each PDF to open them, then each should be printed out. As usual, bookings will be on a “first come first served basis”.
There are limits to the numbers that we can cater for so apply early. The last weekends at Grantown-on-Spey, Stranraer and Peebles have been successful and I trust that you will find the details of the proposed weekend to be of interest.
Yours sincerely
Bob Baillie, Vice Chairman
2014 Spring Run – ASRs 2014 Spring Run – Entry Form
Back to the top of this Newsletter
A.G.M. Snippets:
I would like to say that we had an overwhelming attendance at our AGM last 15th November but the 14 members who did attend fortunately gave us enough for a quorum. Thanks are again due to Boyd Tunnock who kindly gave us the use of his premises in Uddingston to hold our AGM, as well as providing us with a welcome buffet reception.
Immediately prior to the AGM, a Special General Meeting was held to amend Article 32 of our Articles of Association which would allow the numbers of Directors to be increased from a maximum of six to eight. The AGM itself went smoothly as usual with reports from the Executive Directors on the past year’s activities and our accounts – we are still solvent! There was no change in the election of the Executive – Jimmy McInnes remains as Chairman, Bob Baillie as Vice-Chairman and Treasurer, while Stuart Parker is still your Secretary. The following members were elected as Ordinary Board Members – Kenny Allen, Barry Crichton, Donald Gordon, Hugh MacKinnon, Duncan Paterson and Andy Watson. They join Adele Paterson and Charlie Young who had remained as Board members from the previous year. So in addition to our Executive, we now have the full complement of eight Ordinary Board members.
Bill Henderson Website Collection update:
The Collection now has an Ecurie Ecosse page and a corresponding gallery of photographs. Click here to view the Bill’s Gallery. Interestingly, some of Bill’s period photographs of the Ecurie Ecosse cars and transporter featured in the Bonham’s catalogue for the recent sale of the Dick Skipworth collection of Ecurie Ecosse cars. The importance of the Ecurie Ecosse team in motor racing history was reflected in the prices achieved at the auction.
News from Derek Palmer Team Manager at Pro Motorsport (Scotland) : To keep you up to date It would seem their attempt on the 1,000cc Land Speed Record which Derek hoped to put to bed in 2013 had to be shelved ‘till 2014 as the Salt at Bonnieville had been wet since they last tested in August 2012 (it was a lake for a month). The final nail in the coffin was that, despite the salt starting to dry, the American budget deficit has meant all parks department staff have been laid off and they had been forced to cancel their permit as the salt flats are closed – so it is 2014 for the record. It will be a good year to do it as it will be 100 years since the first use of the salt for a record attempt LSR racing. In the meantime the Classic Super Touring Car racing has taken off big time with a big season planned by all for next year so they hope to run their 2 Nissan Primeras in that for the full season. So with the salt, the Monte, the Touring Cars, Tour Auto and Tour Britannia they should have a good season.
2013, a year of celebration………
Graham Millar – 40 years as a competitor, 30 years as a constructor
40 years ago Graham Millar took part in his first motor race at Snetterton circuit. This resulted in the “bug” biting hard and over the next forty years, plenty of motorsport events were undertaken as a competitor, race engineer and team owner. 1973 saw 3 race meetings in a Jim Russell race school car. A third, second and first place saw him being taken aside and told by the manager of the school that he should invest in his own car for the 1974 season. Money was tight so no race car was purchased but thanks to a generous bank manager a loan was granted for a Clan Crusader road car and soon navigation rallies were being undertaken. The 1975 season saw more action with the Clan before it was replaced by a Singer Chamois sport. Plenty of navigational events followed before in 1976 it was converted to a stage rally car. Various rallies were undertaken including a couple of trips to Mull for “the best rally in the world”.
By 1979 the racing bug had come back and a Dulon FF1600 car was purchased and raced with backing from Lander Alarms. The following season saw a Hawke FF1600 car being used but in 1981, at a wet Knockhill, the car was damaged against the banking. The team were in shock when the parts required to fix the car came to £350 but after gaining some help from a friend who was a welder, the team made the parts themselves and managed to repair the car for £3.50. Lander Alarms was sold to the RMC group shortly afterwards and as a result, no further backing was forthcoming. With very little money available to buy a better car, the team decided to build a FF1600 car to their own design for the 1983 season. This was achieved by April 1983 but there was nothing left in the budget to race the car, which the team had called the RoToR JT1. After a premium bond win and some backing from a local haulage contractor, John Watson, the car took to the track in June. The car was raced 4 times by Graham Millar before Roy Low had a run in the car. Roy confirmed the car had pace but the teams’ engine let go during his race. For the final round of the championship, Tom Brown loaned the team an engine and drove the car winning the last race of the season from pole and in so doing, clinched the Scottish Championship.
Over the next few years, Rotor Racing built cars for Formula Ford, Ford 2000, hill climbs and sprints and was competing all over the British Isles. In 1987 the team leader, Graham Millar, was injured at work while trying to rescue a woman from a house fire. Momentum was lost on the racing front but a few road car Rotors were designed and part-built as the team broadened its horizons. Early retirement from the fire service for Graham in 1995 meant a new chapter in the teams’ history when Rotor Racing ran BMW M3s in the Scottish saloon car series for Sandy McEwan and John Kyle. The team also finished the design and build of a minimalist sportscar, the Rotor JT7, that year. British GT racing with a Venturi followed the BMWs as the team expanded into new areas. The loss of a major sponsor in 1999 saw the team withdraw from GT racing but return to club racing. Later a Mini Cooper driven by John Kyle and supported by Cardowan Creameries was purchased for the 2003 SMRC Mini challenge. Meanwhile, Graham Millar returned to rallying and a few events including a return to the Tour of Mull were undertaken in a Golf GTI.
The first Rotor for the road was registered in 2000 and purchased by a long time supporter of the marque. For 2006 the team helped David Brown, the son of a former Rotor owner, to victory in the Scholarship class of the MSA British Formula Ford Championship. During this time a Rotor Sports 2000 car was built up using a JT7 chassis that the team had kept as a spare. For 2007 a Dallara F3 was purchased for David Brown to race in the British championship but this came to an abrupt end when others out-with the Rotor team failed to do what they said they would and the backer withdrew his support. 2008 saw Graham undertake a couple of S2000 races before the team got the go-ahead to design and build a new car. This was raced in 2010 and the team had a great season before officials of the S2000 club decided it had “an unfair aerodynamic advantage”. No mention was made that the driver was seriously overweight and close to getting his bus pass. As old age beckoned the team went back to their youth and a race and a rally Clan Crusader was built. A broken leg for the driver of the cars put paid to that plan but who knows perhaps one day soon they will be out competing.
They say time flies when you are enjoying yourself and so it must be because when Graham and his team of unpaid helpers discovered that 2013 was a year of anniversaries, 40 years as a competitor and 30 as a constructor of Rotor Road and racing cars, they could not believe where the time had gone. Longtime backers John Kyle and Cardowan Creameries agreed to support the boys in a year of celebration. John loaned the team his JT7 and it was used in the Lowland Speed championship where it won its class and was runner-up in the competition car class. The team hoped to have another more competition Rotor out in the events later in the year but instead found a way to get around the new rules imposed by the Sports 2000 club and raced their modified car in the Pinto races at Donnington and Brands Hatch.
The team also managed to fit in a reunion party in November for all those who have helped them over the years. Past drivers, sponsors and mechanics turned out in force to celebrate their involvement with the team. The venue was good, the buffet was tasty and the stories were excellent.
What of the future? Well, the unpaid group of amateur racers that are Rotor Racing are hoping to continue enjoying their motorsport. Plans are underway to build a new generation of Rotor racing car and if the team, who are all getting on a bit, have the health to continue, will be out on events as they have done for over 40 years.
Some More PARAPROSDOKIANS: I’m sure, like me, you’ve never heard of these. Apparently, they are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected – frequently humorous. Winston Churchill loved them!
War does not determine who is right – only who is left.
We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory.
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine
One day at kindergarten the Teacher said to the class of 5-year-olds, “I’ll give £10 to the child who can tell me who was the most famous man who ever lived”‘
A little Irish boy put up his hand and said, “It was St Patrick, miss.” The Teacher said, “Sorry Sean, that’s not correct.”
Then a little Scottish boy put up his hand and said, “It was St Andrew, miss.” The Teacher replied, “I’m sorry, Hamish, that’s not right either.”
Finally, a little Jewish boy raised his hand and said: “It was Jesus Christ, miss.” The Teacher said, “That’s absolutely right, Marvin. Come up here and I’ll give you the £10.” As the Teacher was giving Marvin his money, she said, “You know, Marvin, since you’re Jewish, I was very surprised you said ‘Jesus Christ'”.
Marvin replied, “Yeah. In my heart, I knew it was Moses, but business is business”.
A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale. Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible. The little girl said, ‘When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah’. The teacher asked, ‘What if Jonah went to hell?’ The little girl replied, ‘Then you ask him’.
And finally: Another from Chairman, Jimmy McInnes –
A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, “I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.”
‘Dad, what are you talking about?’ the son screams.
“We can’t stand the sight of each other any longer,” the father says. “We’re sick of each other and I’m sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her.”
Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like hell, they’re getting divorced!” she shouts, “I’ll take care of this!”
She calls Scotland immediately and screams at her father “You are NOT getting divorced. Don’t do a single thing until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don’t do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up.
The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. ‘Sorted! They’re coming for Christmas – and they’re paying their own way.’
Firstly, I have done some housekeeping on the website. Regular events such as the Spring Runs, Reunions and more recently the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival events can now be found in the Previous Events Section. Indeed the recent Bo’ness event has just been posted there today!
Dates for your Diary:
Latest News – It’s official! The next VSMA Reunion will be held in 2014 on Saturday 18th October in the Shawlands Hotel near Larkhall. The Directors were delighted when Boyd Tunnock agreed to sponsor this, our fifth Reunion. More details later, but for now put the date in your diary…………..SATURDAY, 18th OCTOBER, 2014
As reported in the last Newsletter the “2014 Spring Run” will be going back up north – to be based again at Grantown-on-Spey – this will be be our 5th spring run that Bob Baillie has organised – from FRIDAY 25 to SUNDAY 27th APRIL, 2014
Members’ Database Changes:
New email addresses are available for the following members – Alan and Audrey Carlaw, Walter Gray, Denis Scott and Charlie Young. In order to amend youryour address book these changes can be found in the Members and Details section.
Death of Members:
Since the July Newsletter, I am sad to report the death of three of our members – John Sword from Dullatar, Ian MacKay from Glasgow and Bruce Pettie from Stirling (originally Dumbarton). More details of these three, supplied by members, can be found in the “Past Veterans” Section.
New Members:
I am delighted to welcome the Margaret Smillie, Milngavie and Derek Hastings, Elsrickle Biggar, into the VSMA fold.
Annual General Meeting:
Although some weeks off, you should put the date in your diary. The AGM will be held on FRIDAY 15th NOVEMBER, 2013. Boyd Tunnock has again given us the use of a room in his Uddingston factory to hold this event. Further details will be emailed to members nearer the time.
A few members have mentioned that they have appreciated the odd YouTube video I have included in the past Newsletter. So, here are a few more …. I hope you are entertained by them! Best to watch them in full screen.
Here is one which proves that it is not just lads who get up to extreme activities! This is worth a watch – Awesome Ladies
For lovers of Porsche cars here is a video giving a short history of their development from the North Carolina Museum of Art – Click here.
Amusing Stuff from Members:Mostly from James W. McI this time!
This is a gem …… A woman friend went to Beijing recently and was given this brochure by the hotel. It is precious. She is keeping it and reading it whenever she feels depressed. Obviously, it has been translated directly, word for word from Mandarin to English???.
Getting There: Our representative will make you wait at the airport. The bus to the hotel runs along the lake shore. Soon you will feel pleasure in passing water. You will know that you are getting near the hotel because you will go round the bend. The manager will await you in the entrance hall. He always tries to have intercourse with all new guests.
The hotel: This is a family hotel, so children are very welcome. We, of course, are always pleased to accept adultery. Highly skilled nurses are available in the evenings to put down your children. Guests are invited to conjugate in the bar and expose themselves to others. But please note that ladies are not allowed to have babies in the bar. We organise social games, so no guest is ever left alone to play with them self.
The Restaurant:Our menus have been carefully chosen to be ordinary and unexciting. At dinner, our quartet will circulate from table to table, and fiddle with you.
Your Room: Every room has excellent facilities for your private parts. In winter, every room is on heat. Each room has a balcony offering views of outstanding obscenity! You will not be disturbed by traffic noise since the road between the hotel and the lake is used only by paederasts.
Bed:Your bed has been made in accordance with local tradition. If you have any other ideas please ring for the chambermaid. Please take advantage of her. She will be very pleased to squash your shirts, blouses and underwear. If asked, she will also squeeze your trousers.
Above all:When you leave us at the end of your holiday, you will have no hope. You will struggle to forget it.”
A tale from Scotland:An Arab Sheik was admitted to Hospital for heart surgery, but prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his blood in case the need arises. As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn’t be found locally, so, the call went out. Finally, a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman as appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW, diamonds & US dollars. A couple of days later, once again, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery. His doctor telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate his blood again. After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card & a box of Quality Street chocolates.The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had anticipated.He phoned the Arab & asked him: “I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me a BMW, diamonds & money……… but you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of Quality Street.” To this, the Arab replied: “Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in ma veins”.
Following the Border Run, it’s back to the daily tasks of gardening, thinking about holidays and of course putting a VSMA Newsletter together. As usual in this task, I am indebted to several members who regularly send me some very interesting stuff. Not all of which do I publish for reasons of propriety! Anyway, I have included a few pieces this month which I hope you enjoy. Our Border Run has not long past and you can read what went on by clicking here or going to the Past Events section. It seemed to be enjoyed by those who were there. However, next year the consensus was that we return to the North – probably Grantown-on-Spey again. Anyway, on with the Newsletter – a few pieces of VSMA news and more funnies (which I hope you enjoy) but firstly, some sad news……..
Death of Members:
Once again, I have to report the death of three of our members. I only recently found out that Harvey McCaig had died last year on 5th June 2012. More recently Graham Cowie died on 27th April 2013, and I heard just the other day that Brian McCluckie had died on 14th June 2013. Information on these three gentlemen can be found in the Past Veteranssection.
New Member:
On a much brighter note I am pleased to welcome David McNair from Crossford, Dunfermline into the V.S.M.A.
Members’ Database Changes:
New email addresses are available for the following members – Bob Gillespie, David Hockey, Harry Simpson and Bill Wood. In order to amend your address book, these changes can be found in the Members and Details section.
Holiday Snap:
After a recent trip to the Balearics, Walter and Bette Gray sent me this photo of the evidence. Please note that they are both wearing their V.S.M.A. caps!
Rest and Be Thankful:
Non-member Neil MacDonald from Glenkinchie sent me some information on the old Rest and Be Thankful which he felt might be of interest to our members. Neil was a former Dulton hill climber in 1988 and raced a Citroen 2cv between 1990 and 1994. The clip he mentioned show a more relaxed MotorSport era. These are film clips from the Scottish National Archives. Click on this link to take you to the National Archive page, and click further, on the image on the right to start the clip. It looks better if viewed on full-screen. I’m sure some of our older members will recognise a few faces, and they may have been competing themselves! Please let me know if you recognise yourself! AK Stevenson will be known to many but I think car 44, an Austin Atlantic was being driven by the late member Jack Wilson from Dunoon. The clip lasts about 10 minutes and although silent it will give you an idea of how popular the Rest was with competitors and spectators alike. There is another clip (number 1519) of a film made by Babock and Wilcox which is a bit more professional and has a soundtrack. Reminisce and enjoy.
What’s Next:
From the VMSA point of view, apart from holidays, the next thing will be the Bo’ness Hill Climb Revival 2013 Classic Car Show on 7th/8th September. This year is the 50 Anniversary of the Porsche 911, one of the most iconic sports cars of the modern era. There will be a variety of Porsche 911s on display. It is also the 50 anniversary of Scotland’s Jim Clark winning his first Formula 1 Championship. Jim competed at Bo’ness in the late 1950s driving a Lister Jaguar and a Lotus Elite. Apart from all the various stands to see, the Hill Climb will surely be the main attraction – I’m sure a few of our members will be competing once more. And of course, we will be there in out “tent”. Please do drop in and see us, have a chat and partake of some refreshment.
A couple of unusual YouTube clips:
For full effect, both should be viewed in full-screen mode. Click the first one The Amazing Feather Balancing act by Miyoko Shida Rigolo which is really quite amazing – you will be spellbound as to how talented this lady is. (you may have to click to skip the Advert at the start).
The second one is for our Music Lovers. It is a video of one of those crowd events sent to me by a colleague from Vancouver. Click on Grocery Store Opera – it’s best viewed in full screen. Enjoy.
Any C.S.M.A. Members out there?:
This year is the 90th Anniversary of the Civil Service Motoring Association. Harry Merry is the Clerk of the Course and a member of this club (probably for most of these years) and has organised the “Scenic Observation Run” on Sunday the 7th of July (a type of treasure hunt) to commemorate this. It is open to everyone and not just CSMA members. Harry can be contacted at harry.merry@btinternet.com or 01555 770652 for Regs. and Entry Forms or go to www.csmaclub.co.uk/fife click “Upcoming Events” then “Scenic Observation Tour” to download the Regs and Entry Forms. The event is being run by the Fife Group of CSMA starting at 1300 hours and finishing some 4 hours later. Photographs taken along the route will be supplied to guide you.
Amusing stuff from Members:
(Please do keep them coming in)
If my body was a Car …….. from Jimmy McInnes
If my body was a car, this is the time I would be thinking about trading it in for a newer model.
I’ve got bumps and dents and scratches in my finish and my paint job is getting a little dull…
But that’s not the worst of it……….. My headlights are out of focus, and it’s especially hard to see things up close.
My traction is not as graceful as it once was. I slip and slide and skid and bump into things even in the best of weather.
My whitewalls are stained with varicose veins.
It takes me hours to reach my maximum speed. My fuel rate burns inefficiently.
But here’s the worst of it…….
Almost every time I sneeze, cough or sputter,Either My Radiator Leaks or My Exhaust Backfires!
Why do I have so many friends about whom I believe this applies???
The Speeding Ticket…… From Tom McCallum
An older lady gets pulled over for speeding…….
Older Woman: “Is there a problem, Officer?”
Officer: “Ma’am, you were speeding.”
Older Woman: “Oh, I see.”
Officer: “Can I see your license please?”
Older Woman: “I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.”
Officer: “You don’t have one?”
Older Woman: “Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving.”
Officer: “I see…Can I see your vehicle registration papers please.”
Older Woman: “Can’t do that.”
Officer: “Why not?”
Older Woman: “I stole this car.”
Officer: “Stole it?”
Older Woman: “Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner.”
Officer: “You what?”
Older Woman: “His body parts are in plastic bags in the boot….. want to look?”
The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up.
Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car.
A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.
Officer 2: “Ma’am, could you step out of your vehicle please!”
The woman steps out of her vehicle.
Older woman: “Is there a problem sir?”
Officer 2: “One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner.”
Older Woman: “Murdered the owner?”
Officer 2: “Yes, could you please open the boot of your car, please.”
The woman opens the boot, revealing there was nothing there …. It was empty.
Officer 2: “Is this your car, ma’am?”
Older Woman: “Yes, here are the registration papers.”
The officer is quite stunned.
Officer 2: “One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license.”
The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled.
Officer 2: “Thank you ma’am, one of my officers also told me you didn’t have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner.”
Older Woman: “Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too!!!!”
Finally, a few more PARAPROSDOKIANS:
These are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected -frequently humorous.
“To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.”
“I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.”
“Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.”
“I used to be indecisive. Now, I’m not so sure.”
“To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.”
“They begin the evening news with ‘Good Evening,’ then proceed to tell you why it isn’t.”
Firstly, I have to report the death of Ken Fraser on 16th February last. Ken was a well-known figure in Motor Sport in the early 50s. If you remember, a few months ago he kindly lent us his Motor Sport scrapbooks, the images from which were scanned on to the website. These can still be seen in the “Tales from the Past” section. There you can see 50+ images relating to Ken’s Motorsport experiences during that time.
The 5th Flying Scotsman 2013, 19-21 April– Organised by the Endurance Rally Association.
Officially there were 106 starters who set out from Hertfordshire, not far from Heathrow, up through central England via Bosworth Field then north into the Peak District to stop overnight at Buxton in Cheshire. The second day they went through Lancashire and the Yorkshire Dales before heading north into Cumbria and eventually stopping overnight at Gretna Green. Not all managed up to Scotland but by the 3rd day, the remainder went through Dumfries and Galloway and the East Stewartry Coast area before turning north for an early lunch at Drumlanrig Castle, then over the Lowther Hills to the final test sections of the event. The first was at the Kames Motorsport Complex and the second at Forrestburn Hillclimb circuit run by Monklands Car Club.
I am very grateful to Bill Barr who took these photographs at the Forrestburn Hill Climb. Details of the event can be seen at their interesting website. You will see looking at their entry list, that although the vast majority were from Great Britain (133), there were entries from many parts of the world including Argentina (1), Austria (2), Belgium (3), Canada (3), Denmark (1), France (2), Greece (3), Germany (14), Holland (22), Ireland (5), Luxemberg (1), Spain (3), Switzerland (4) and USA (3).
Click on a thumbnail below to see a larger version
Spring Run – 3rd to 5th May 2013:
This is nearly upon us. Bob Baillie tells me that the entries close on 20th April, but he is still able to take a late entry if you are thinking of going. He has laid on some interesting stuff. Knowing Bob it will be varied to say the least. Bob can always be contacted at 07721 755917, but hurry.
Members’Database and Website Changes:
New Email addresses are available for the following members: John Barker, Alasdair Pearson and Ronnie Thom (who also has changed his abode in Auchterarder).
May we welcome Clive Reeves from Helensburgh as a new member into the VSMA fold.
There has been a bit of housekeeping on the website – the Archived News Item section has been tweaked slightly. Hopefully, you will now find it slightly more easy to find articles from previous Newsletters.
“How’s this for coincidence?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .by Charlie Young
Charlie Young has responded to my plea for personal incidents in the past. Have a look at what Charlie has provided in the Tales from the Past section. Indeed quite coincidental! Thanks Charlie.
Jari-Matti Latvala
Another from Charlie Young:For those of you have never competed in a modern rally this will amaze you, and for those who have …… just weep at the skill shown by 28-year-old Finnish rally driver Jari-Matti Latvala in a Ford Escort MkII RS BDA on the 2012 Lahti Historic Rally in Finland. He was a World Rally Championship driver for the work Ford Team from 2008 until the 2012 season. He has since signed up with the new Volkswagen WRC team. CLICK HERE for thirteen minutes of YouTube unbelievable driving which is nerve-wracking. Skip the ad – watch in full screen.
They certainly don’t make them like this anymore . . . .from Mike How
1928 -Royce Piccadilly-P1 Roadster
Mr Allen Swift (Springfield, MA.) owned & drove the same Car for 82 YEARS. Can you imagine having the same car for 82 years! “How Long Have You Owned a Car?” He received this 1928-Royce Piccadilly-P1 Roadster from his father, brand new – as a graduation gift in 1928. He drove it up until his death last year…..at the age of 102! He was the oldest living owner of a car that was purchased new. Mike thought you’d like to see it.
It was donated to a Springfield museum after Allen’s death. It has 1,070,000 miles on it, still runs like a Swiss watch, dead silent at any speed and is in perfect cosmetic condition (82 years). That’s approximately 13,048 miles per year (1087 per month)….. 1,070,000 that’s miles not kilometres!! That’s British engineering of a bygone era.
World War II Jeep:
Donald Gordon submitted this interesting YouTube video. This might take a few of Lanarkshire Car Club members back to the days of petrol rationing when rallying had to stop. Instead of running events, the club went down to Croft in a bus to compete in an inter-club competition. Events, such as all the navigators going round in a bus together to find a route, and service crews competing in a timed removal and replacement of a Mini’s wheels, etc. All very friendly fun! We were not quite like this clip from Donald Gordon, which lasts around 4 minutes. Quite fantastic! Click Willy’s Jeep. This is about eight C-Battery soldiers pulling up on the main street in Toms River, New Jersey for some holiday. They’re in a standard issue WWII /Korean War type Willy’s Jeep. In the span of about 4 minutes, they completely disassemble the vehicle and reassemble it and drive off in it fully operable! The idea shows the genius that went into the making of the jeep and its basic simplicity.
From Glen Mortimer…….
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a car when he spotted a regular customer in service reception who was a very successful cardiac surgeon.
The surgeon was waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his car when the mechanic shouted across the garage, “Hey Doc, want to take a look at this?” The surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to where the mechanic was working. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and said, “So Doc, look at this engine. I opened its heart, took the valves out, repaired or replaced anything damaged, and then put everything back in, and when I had finished, it worked just like new. So how is it that I make £20,000 a year and you make £250,000 a year when you and I are doing basically the same work?” The cardiac surgeon paused, leaned over, and then whispered to the mechanic….. “Try doing it with the engine running.”
From Jimmy McInnes……
A Check for Alzheimer’s which was developed as a mental age assessment by the School of Psychiatry at Harvard University. Take your time and see if you can read each line aloud without a mistake – you’ll find this Pretty Amazing. The average person over 40 years of age cannot do it!
1. This is this cat.
2. This is is cat.
3. This is how cat.
4. This is to cat.
5. This is keep cat.
6. This is an cat.
7. This is old cat.
8. This is fart cat.
9. This is busy cat.
10. This is for cat.
11. This is forty cat.
12. This is seconds cat.
Now go back and read the third word in each line from the top down and I betcha you cannot resist passing it on…..
A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet.
So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet.
After some discussion, he finally bought a talking centipede,
which came in a little white box to keep the centipede in.
He took the box back home, found a good spot for the box,
and decided he would start off by taking his new pet to the pub for a drink with him.
So he asked the centipede in the box,
“Would you like to go down the pub with me today? We will have a good time.”
But there was no answer from his new pet.
This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and then asked again, “How about going down the pub with me? but again there was no answer from his new friend and pet.
So he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation.
The guy decided to invite the centipede one last time.
This time he put his face up against the centipede’s house and shouted,
“Hey in there, would you like
to go to the pub with me?
This time a little voice
came out of the box !!!
“I heard you the first time!
I’m putting my bloody shoes on”
Finally, just a few PARAPROSDOKIANS:
I’m sure, like me, you’ve never heard of these. Apparently, they are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected – frequently humorous. Winston Churchill loved them !
“Where there’s a will, I want to be in it.”
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”
“Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations. On my desk is a work station.”
“Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.”
“You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.”
“I’m supposed to respect my elders, but it’s getting harder and harder for me to find one now.”
Members’ News: The changes below can all be found in the Members and Details section. Email address are now available for; Ken Strachan, Bob Callander, John Melvin, Brian Harrison and Hugh Greenshields. New Email addresses for the following members: Bob Bisset, Gus Pattison and Ian Stewart
John Melvin’s photos:
1958, at the finish of the 1958 International Monte Carlo Rally, Gordon Mowatt, Bob Haddow and John Melvin.1961 Famous faces from the Scottish Racing and Rallying fraternity being dined at John Milne’s, from left to Right Jimmy Stewart, Graham Gauld, Iain Fraser, Nick Cuthbert, Bill Sheppard, Boyd Tunnock, Jim Clark, Ian Scott-Watson, John Milne, Nigel Gibb, Jackie Stewart, Tom Sleigh and John Melvin.
Here are a couple of images John Melvin recently sent in for the website. Have a look at “John’s page” to see more – they will certainly bring back memories to a few of our older members.
News from Canada:
A recent shot of Peter Jeffrey still competing until recently, in British Columbia.
For the past few years, Peter Jeffrey has been racing his 1961 Triumph TR3B in Historic races in BC and Washington. However, last year, when he reached his 70th birthday he finally retired from active motorsport – as he thought the car was getting a bit too old for it all! He did say that he had had a great run for his money.
An Email request from member David Ross:
David had received a plea from his friend Ian Harper in Aberdeen who is rebuilding a Porsche 911 and is keen to gather as much information on the car as possible. Here are the basic facts – the car was delivered to Unity Motors, Edinburgh in November 1965 to order from a Mr Usher (reg no supplied by him!?). It was amongst the first 911s into the UK and the only blue one that year. He has the chassis/engine numbers and he thinks that it suffered accident damage between ’66 and’75. If anyone in the Edinburgh area can give Ian a lead to further info on its early life he would be so grateful. Ian can be contacted at by email at harperdeeside@aol.com
The 2013 Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique – Saturday, 26th January
Car 200, Tommy Bryce with his 1928 Citröen, Tommy had competed in the 1954 Monte in a Riley 2.5 ( Photograph courtesy of Bill Barr )This was the third year that the Caledonian Classic & Historic Motorsport Club (CC&HMCC) had organised the start for this event. The main event was the Classic Monte Carlo Rally which would take competitors all the way to Monte Carlo, while the bulk of the others followed on in the Heritage Rally which was being run for CC&MCC members only. According to the Glasgow Herald, there were more than 15,000 brave souls who turned up on a cold Saturday morning to wave the competitors off! Tommy Bryce, of Viewpark Uddingston, had competed in the Monte back in 1954 when he was the mechanic in a Riley 2.5 litre along with his boss Herbert Feldman and the garage owner Joe Strang. This time he was given the honour of leading the cars from Buchanan street down to the start in his own 1928 Citroen B14G. This year’s start was from Glasgow Green, the cars having been on display earlier in Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Among the other city, starting points were Barcelona and Copenhagen.
Eight of the Glasgow Historique Entries
Over 100 classic cars were at the Glasgow start, however only ten were leaving for Monte Carlo, the remainder were going on a Heritage Run, some to Luss, some to Dumfries and a few to Yorkshire.
Some of the other Heritage Entries
There were a few members from VSMA present including Tom Bicket and Donald Gordon, who were seen leaving on the Heritage run. We are indebted to member Bill Barr who was at the start and took all the photographs.
AGM Sunday, 2nd December 2012:
This was our 6th AGM since the conception of V.S.M.A. in 2001. Boyd Tunnock kindly allowed the use of his factory premises in Uddingston to hold the event. Thirteen members were present, twenty others have sent in their apologies and proxies. Before business commenced Boyd had laid on a delightful spread which included, as you might have expected, lots of Tunnocks’ goodies PLUS a huge tray of their Scotch pies which rapidly disappeared. Chairman Jimmy McInnes was, unfortunately, unable to attend so Vice-Chairman Bob Baillie took charge. There was nothing really of note to report from the meeting. The following were elected to the Board unopposed: Chairman – Jimmy McInnes, Vice-Chairman – Bob Baillie (also elected as Treasures), Secretary – Stuart Parker and Ordinary Board Members – Mike How, Adele Paterson and Charlie Young. The latter three joined Kenny Allen, Hugh MacKinnon and Duncan Paterson who remained from the previous Board. Bob Baillie gave a brief outline of the forthcoming Spring Run, and it was announced that there would be a Reunion to be held in the autumn of 2014, otherwise, there was little of note to report. The business was speedily concluded by Bob Baillie with thanks to Boyd Tunnock for his kindness in providing the venue for the meeting plus the excellent refreshments.
The Mercury Barony Cadtle Hotel, EddlestonThe Hotel seen from the pond.
Bob Baillie’s Spring Run will soon be upon us. If it’s anything like previous years’ there will be lots of interesting places to see, and lots of time to enjoy good food and companionship. The headquarters this year will be in the Barony Castle Hotel in Eddleston near Peebles. For those of you who haven’t been there before, the two images above will give you some idea at least of what the place looks like. Click on Bob’s letter, Event Regulations, Entry Form and Hotel Booking Form to see what’s on offer. This download is in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat ReaderTM in order to view these files. If you do not have one, you can download the software from the Adobe website, free. However, if you are having problems printing out any of these files please get in touch with me and I will send you “hard copies”. Although it is a couple of months before Entries must have been submitted, I would suggest you get your Entry and Hotel Booking Forms off to Bob as soon as possible!
Past Veterans:
You may or may not have noticed that when a member has died their names are no longer to be found on the “Members and their details” section. Information on these members, where available, can now be found in the “Past Veterans” section.