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Reunion 2019

Friday 25th November, 2019

As you will know by now this was our 7th Reunion since the first one which was held in 2001 in the RSAC Club in Glasgow.  Up to now, all of the past Reunions have been in and around the Glasgow, mainly because our founders were rally-folk from that part of Scotland.  We now have many members from much further afield and It was felt that this latest Reunion should be held closer to the east and particularly the north-east.  After a fair bit of research we settled on the above Dunblane Hydro Hotel as the venue.

This move has had a double-edged sword effect!  We certainly have attracted a few members from the North-East but there has been a slight drop in numbers from the south and west.  There are possibly a few reasons for this which we hope to investigate before the next Reunion.

We finally had 100 members with partners signed up to come along but there were a couple of last minute retirals due to illness.  So we started with 96 people (see the entry list below).  We did have a number of apologies from members who could not attend.  The entry included our main sponsor Sir Boyd Tunnock and his wife Anne.  Boyd had helped VSMA in many ways over the years, for which we are very grateful.

The event start with “Signing-on”, and a Reception from 6.0pm.  Thereafter we had dinner the the Hotels Strathmore suites.

Our principal Guest this time was Brian Culcheth and his wife Sheila.  Brian would have been well know to our rally members. Other guest included Stephen Scott, his wife Jane and their son Ewan.  Stephen runs the large family business Gleaner Oils from Elgin.

I must give my sincere thanks to our “resident ” VSMA photographers, Margaret Smillie and Sandy Morrison who provided several hundred photographs taken at the Reunion, of which only a few have been used for this article.


We had all been saddened by the very recent death of our Vice-President Andrew Cowan.  Just prior to has admission to hospital and his subsequent death, Andrew had insisted that his London to Sidney Hillman Hunter Rally car should be brought to the Reunion as he had promised.

We had arranged for rally cars and photographic display boards to be installed in the function suite during the afternoon of the event. In addition to Andrew’s car, Chris Paton had brought along his immaculate Mini-Cooper S, and Robin Hamilton had brought his Metro 6R4 rally car for display.  We had carefully measured the entrance doors into the venue so that the cars could be brought in.  Measurements had been taken on two occasions, just to be sure the cars could get in.  As it turned out there was quite a struggle with the Metro – In fact both off-side wings and the door had to be removed to allow the car to be edged into the venue.  Robin fortunately was quite happy for this to be done and have the car rebuilt, plus going through the whole process in reverse the following morning.  The end result can be seen in the attached photographs.

John Brownie had also brought his rally Opel which was parked just inside the rear entrance to the Hotel’s function suite for all to see.  In addition Charlie Young and Jack Davidson had arranged the erection of display boards holding numerous motorsport images which were of great internet to all present.

Some of the photos on the display Boards

Signing-on and Reception:

Our signing-on Ladies.

As per usual this was a very friendly and noisy affair, as members renewed acquaintances, old and new.


This commenced with Boyd Tunnock giving the Celtic grace.

Here are a few photographs taken during dinner.

Post Dinner:

Following dinner Chairman Jimmy McInnes said a few words prior to introducing our principal guest, Brian Culcheth, who is a well known character in Motor Sport having begun rallying in 1960, he retired the end of the 1979 season.  Probably best known for his long association as a works driver with BMC/British Leyland.    He considers these his most notable achievements    2nd Overall in the 16,500 mile London-Mexico World Cup Rally, Class win in Finland’s 1000 Lakes (the first ever by a non Scandinavian driver) and winning his class in all seven rounds of the 1978 British Open Rally Championship for Opel.

He has competed in 112 International rallies through 53 countries and also had works drives for BMC, Opel, Mercedes, Lotus, Rootes, Triumph and Rover pre BL days.

A great supporter of British Motor Clubs and during his career spent a considerable amount of time travelling all over the UK giving after dinner speeches and talks on his experiences to motor club gatherings.

He worked from within the British Leyland International Marketing Division who funded the BL rally programme for 1973 and 74.  He was a Member of the BL new model development committee 1976/77

Click on any of the images provided by Brian Culcheth to enlarge 

A brief summary of Brian’s  Motorsport Successes >>- – Brian Culcheth’s MS CV

The Vote of Thanks was given by Bob Baillie with especial thanks to those who had arranged the Displays and the exhibits of Rally Cars.

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List of Entrants and Guests

Some extra Photographs take during dinner


have been received from the following non-starters


Sorry, I won’t be able to attend. 

Iain Bennie, Milngavie


It was a delight to have your invitation and warm reminder of occasions now long gone.  Unfortunately I am too immobile thesdays to be able make such an event with any confidence.  So I hope you will understand why I am declining.  My warmest good wishes to all.

Andrew Bruce, The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine


Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to make it. So, regrets, I am sorry to say but best wished for a good event. 

Eric Dymock, Lincoln


I am not going to be attending the 7th Reunion.  Life is kinda hectic at the moment.

Marilyn Jack, Bothwell


Sorry not able to attend the Reunion this year as we are down south at a Championship dog show.

Jamie Gibbon, Cumbernauld


Regrettably it is unlikely it is unlikely I shall manage to the Reunion. With every good wish for a successful and enjoyable evening, and with kind regards to you.

Gary Mickel, Newton Mearns


I regret that I will not be able to attend the Reunion. I have read the list of invites with interest.  It reminds me of some of those I used to do battle with in the forests some fifty plus years ago.  Best wishes for a succcesful gathering,

Charlie Bruce Miller, Cults


Once again I must sibmit my apologies for the Reunion – I’d planned my holidays  to avoid October to enable me to finally attend the Reunion but due to problems in the USA and travel issues I have had to rearrange my complete holiday plans …I will be away for most of October.  Itrust the event will run smoothly as always please pass on my best wishes toanyone who remembers me.

Robert McKenzie, Barrhead


With regret, Lindsay Kerr and I will be unable to join you and our friends at Dunblane on the 25th.  We do hope however to make the next one.

Alasdair Pearson, Streatley, Berks


I hope the Reunion goes well and please tender my apologies or my absence.

Ian Scott-Watson, Greenlaw


I regret I will be unable to attend the Reunion (or anything at presnet) due to a nasty surgical procedure.

Peter Speakman, Cumbria


Regretfully, I am unable to attend this or indeed any future events of this kind, as I am sure you will understand as I am 95 years old, and this event is now of no interest to me.

Jean Stenhouse, Bearsden, Glasgow


We would have loved to have joined you bit it is a bit to come from Burgundy and, sadly, that is where we will be on October 25th. We will raise a glass to you.

Ron & Elspeth Smith, Strathmigio.  

That’s all folks  !!

Stuart Parker, December, 2019

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Reunion 2016

Friday 14th October 2016

Firdstly, I must apologise for the contents of this report as it has streched my memory of the event which was held over 17 months ago.  Some of the contents are a bit vague and the images too are shorter than usual, having misplaced most of them!

Following the success of the previous Reunion in 2014, it was decided to go back to the Radstone hotel, near Larkhall. The numbers however were down since 2014 but did have 96 people attending.  We also had a number of Apologies from members who could not attend. The format was very similar to the previous year with the addition of a raffle for the Charity “The Race Against Dementia” which had been founded by our Honorary President.  Several members had denoted prizes including paintings by Arlene McInnes. One of the main items on the programme was the presentation to Kenny Allen after dinner. This was in recognition of his many years supporting Motorsport by competing in Scotland and abroad.

The Reception –

Instead of the room holding cars, as earlier events, we had display boards showing images of members’s past motorsport achievements, etc.  We also had a table showing the prizes to be one on the raffle.

Dinner –

The Radstone again produced an enjoyable meal.  During dinner Adele Paterson and some of the Reception “Staff” were busy going round the tables “encouraging” members to buy tickets for the Raffle.  Their efforts were very successful as we were able to pass on £665.00 to the “Race Against Dementia” Charity.


Adele Paterson persuading Hugh McCabe and Sandy Denholm to part with a few pennies!

Following Dinner, Chairman Jimmy McInnes chaired a discussion on the stage with Kenny Allen, Johnstone Syer and Andrew Cowan.  This was quite a lively affair, especially when Johnstone related his many adventures as a co-driver with some of the world’s best Rally Drivers, including Andrew Cowan.  At the conclusion Kenny Allen was presented the award from VSMA for all his efforts over the years, in supporting Motorsport.

Kenny’s “Trophy” was a clock in the centre of a refurbished crankshaft wheel. I think he might have appreciated his connection with this piece of hardware!

Kenny Holding his Award.

Here is an excerpt from the evening’s Programme which explains what everyone felt about Kenny. He is surely one of the unsung heroes of Scottish Motor Sport and it was time that this was recognised.

  • Charlie Young has managed to put together a brief resume of his life to date including just a few of his motor sport achievements.
    “Kenny Allen was born in Lanark on the 23rd August 1937 into a family which was already in the garage business. His grandfather had started the business in Crossford. This was continued by his father before Kenny joined the business in 1953, having served his five year apprenticeship with the Ladyacre Garage in Lanark.
    The family also ran buses between Hamilton and Lanark. There was one special open top bus which older members of VSMA and locals to the Clyde Valley area may remember. This ran between Lanark and Glasgow. Because of the colour scheme, it was named “Sweet Lavender”
    Having just married local girl, Mary Bankier in 1958, Kenny received the call to National Service. The army beckoned and he was duly shipped down to Aldershot where his initial interest in motorsport began. A friendship had developed between Kenny and a Welsh colleague, whose name Kenny couldn’t recall, who was interested in cars and motorsport. It was at that time that Kenny was hooked by motor sport.
    Following his National Service he returned home to Crossford and the business. It was about that time the Mini Cooper arrived on the scene. One such little number was duly purchased from Bill Cleland at the Bogside Garage. Initially a road car, it soon became a racer, and as they say “the rest is history”.
    Family matters involved the arrival of two daughters, Margaret and Grizel. Margaret shared her Dad’s passion for motorsport and became a medical secretary as well as a racer. However, Grizel showed little interest in cars, instead headed for the Law Society.
    Kenny’s involvement in motor sport was primarily in speed events in which he competed in throughout the UK.
    Northern Sports Car Championship
    Various SMRC Championships
    Nottingham Sports Car Championship
    Scottish Speed Champion
    Top 10 British Hill Climb Championship
    Seven times Scottish Hill Climb Champion
    UK Speed Records at M.I.R.A. in a Lynx D Type Jaguar. This with Louise Aitken-Walker
    Seven circuit class records in a Clan Crusader ranging from Siverstone in Northamptonshire to Kirkistown in Ulster
    In 1977 Kenny and John Fyda campaigned their two Clubman cars and in one International race at Zandvoort they secured a one / two victory.

As many will know Kenny, at the ripe young age of 79, is still competing successfully in speed events in his Lotus Elan. He is ever popular and a local hero in the eyes of Scottish Motorsport fans in particular, and has gone on to achieve enormous success over the years. We wish Kenny well for the future so we all Salute ’King Kenny’.”

Here are photographs of Kenny’s past exploits in Motorsport. These were provided by many people who knew Kenny –

Photographs from Jack Davidson

Photographs from Jim Moir

Photographs from Graeme McGregor

Assorted Images

That’s all I can remember about the 2016 reunion.

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Suart Parker

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  • Entrant                  Partner, Guests

  • Baillie, Bob                               Margaret Baillie
  • Bicket, Tom                              Marion Bicket
  • Bruce, Mid                                BruceVal
  • Cater, Billy
  • Chalmers, Hugh                      Gordon Spiers
  • Colman, Sammy                      Margaret Colman
  • Cooper, George                        Carol Cooper
  • Cooper, Stephen                      Roslyn Cooper
  • Cowan , Andrew                      Linda Cowan
  • Crawford, Willie                      Marne Crawford
  • Crichton, Barry                        Nancy Crichton
  • Crichton, James
  • Cuthbertson, Bill                     Anne Cuthbertson
  • Davidson, Jack
  • Denham, Sandy
  • Doonan, Laurence
  • Dymock, Michael
  • Fisher, Donald
  • Gibbon, Jamie                          Shonah Gibbon
  • Gordon, Donald                       Catriona Gordon
  • Graham, Alex                           Tom Wilson
  • Gunn, Kenneth
  • Harrison, Charlie                    Sheilagh Douglas-Hamilton
  • Hopkins, Brian
  • Hopkins, Marion
  • Houliston, Alex                       Alexandra Houliston
  • House, Derek
  • MacDonald, Donald               Tricia MacDonald
  • Mackay, Tim
  • Mackinnon, Hugh
  • Marwick, Ian                            Wilma Marwick
  • McCaig, Hugh
  • McDougall, Alastair
  • McInnes, Arlene
  • McInnes, Jimmy
  • McIntyre, John
  • McNair, Dave                           Laura McNair
  • McRobbie, Gordon                 Christine McRobbie
  • Moir, Jim                                  Caroline Moir
  • Morrison, Logan                     Val Morrison
  • Morrison, Sandy                     Helen Morrison,   Mary Sword
  • Muir, Alan
  • Parker, Mairi
  • Parker, Stuart
  • Paterson, Adele
  • Paterson, Duncan
  • Paterson, Russell
  • Pearson, Monty                       Colin Aitchison
  • Pettigrew, Jim
  • Richardson, Tom
  • Ross, Olly
  • Smillie, Ian
  • Smillie, Margaret
  • Smith, Pat                                 John Smith
  • Stone, Geoff                              Strathdee, Alex
  • Syer, Johnstone                       Marion Syer
  • Taylor, Bill
  • Thomson, Johnnie                  Jay Thomson
  • Tunnock, Boyd                         Anne Tunnock,   Marilyn Jack
  • Tymkewycz, Andrew
  • Wilson, Hamish                       Kenneth Wilson
  • Laurence Jacobson
  • Young, Charlie                         Netta Young




The following Apologies have been received from non-starters

“Thank you for the note about the dinner and I love the reference to being “over the hill” I don’t think I will  be able to come over for the October affair but I may be able to reschedule the recce for our Ecurie Ecosse event to near that weekend but I also have to be down in Modena around the same time so as you can see I am still climbing the hill and not yet over it !!!!!”
Graham Gauld, Claviers, France

“I regret that I shall not be able to attend the Reunion on October 14th (my birthday!). Have a great party!
Derry Dickson, Sherbourne, Dorset

“Father Bill is unwell at the moment and it doesn’t look as if he will be fit enough to attend the reunion so, I think we’ll decline the offer to attend.”
William Henderson, Falkirk

“My wife has organised a reunion of all her old pals from water skiing in the 70’s at Lochearnhead on the Friday and Saturday the VSMA Reunion weekend.  So please pass on my apologies to all and have a great night.”
Mike How, Edinburgh

“Regretfully I will not be able to attend but please pass on my regards from Vancouver Island  to all. I am sure it will be another very successful evening.”
J Peter Jeffrey, Vancouver Island BC

“I was just about to fill in the entry for the Reunion, but it unfortunately falls on the same weekend as Mull. Maybe the next one !!! “
Jimmy McRae, Lanark

“I shall not be able to come to the Reunion as I will be in Devon on that date. I hope you have a most successful and enjoyable evening.”
Gray Mickel, Newton Mearns

“ I regret that the date clashes with another commitment and I will be unable to attend. I’m really sorry as I thoroughly enjoyed the two I’ve been at meeting up with friends made some fifty plus years ago. Wishing you a great evening.
Charlie Bruce Miller, Cults

“We are unable to join you for the Oct16 reunion due to a clash with a previously arranged event, the 125th Anniversary of the Association of Scottish Master Bakers. All the best for the night and hope to meet up.”
Bill and Eileen Montgomeey, Perth

“Sadly I’m out the Country from the 13th until the 20th of October,
so I will be unable to attend. Maybe next time? Have a wonderful evening. Best wishes to all in attendance“
Innes Muir, Rutherglen

“Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the reunion in October and send my apologies. Best wishes.”
Gordon C Neave, Edinburgh

“This is an event in which I would dearly love to compete, but my lack of mobility and stamina now sadly puts it beyond me. Could I give my best wishes to you, and all the lucky entrants, for what I know will be a cracker of an evening.”
Malcolm Parkin, Kinross

“Unfortunately I will be unable to attend the Reunion as the date clashes with the Mull rally. I no longer compete but this will be my 47th consecutive trip to the island for the rally.”
Chris Paton, Hyndford Bridge, Lanark

“While young at heart and mind the “chassis” lets the side down. I wish all attending members a very pleasant evening. I will be thinking of you.”
Ken Strachan, Ladybank, Cupar

“Sorry – won’t be able to make the Reunion this year as have an after-dinner commitment on that date. I hope BOTH functions go well!”
Stuart Turner, Chipping Norton

“As I will be racing my Formula Junior Cooper at Portimao on the 18th of October I will be unable to attend the reunion. My best wishes to you and all attending what I know will be a splendid evening.”
Malcolm Wishart, Glasgow

“Unfortunately I am sorry to say that my wife and I will be touring South Africa at that time. I hope the event is a great success and I’m sorry we will miss it.”
Mr Alex Young, Fenwick


Reunion 2014

Saturday 18th October, 2014

It was decided to have a change of venue for our 5th Reunion. This was not an easy thing to do as we had to make the venue accessible and easy to get to for most members, as well as the normal requirements – comfort, good food and at a reasonable cost.  We looked long and hard, but eventually came up with a comparatively new Hotel, the Radstone, just off the M74 south of Larkhall.
As it turned out the choice was excellent, as those who attended the Reunion I’m sure will affirm. We had a very similar turnout of members and guests as we had in 2010, but a fair number of apologies for absence were received. Unfortunately Ian and Louise Gemmell, and Tom and Margaret Bicket had to call off at the last minute. Three well known people from motor sport past and present had been invited as our principal guests.  The format was the same, as in past Reunions, with Chairman Jimmy McInnes interviewing our guests and notable members between each course during dinner.  This kept us interested and amused during and after the meal.
Our Principal Guests
Rosemary Smith will be remembered as the Dublin dress designer who rose to fame as a Works Rally driver in the 1960s, having won many Ladies awards in International Rallies including the Tulip, the Monte, the Alpine, the Acropolis, the Circuit if Ireland, the Scottish and many others.
Anthony Reid a racing driver, born in Glasgow in 1957, who now lives in England.  He spent many years in Formula 3, winning the Japanese Formula 3 Championship in 1992 and winning Japanese GT Championship races, but his success has mostly been with a roof over his head, firstly in sports cars and later in Touring Car Racing.  More recently he has been racing these cars in South America for the Works Honda Petrobras Team, film work with Top Gear and is now with team mate Jordan Witt were crowned 2011 British GT Champions (GTC) in a Works Chevron.
Stuart Turner has had a chequered career in Motor Sport as a competitor, journalist, Competition Manager for BMC, Director of Ford Motorsport Europe, author, after-dinner speaker, etc.  He was one of our guests at the 2007 Reunion and has been a V.S.M.A. Member since.


 Signing-on and Reception

As usual, the Documentation Table was manned by our “Ladies” including Adele Paterson, Fiona watson, Nancy Crichton, Margaret Smillie and Catriona Gordon.   We were lucky to have a couple of extremely interesting vehicles on display in the Reception area – Andrew Cowan’s restored works Hillman Imp in which he had won many events; and the Cooper Sports MG of George Cooper which has a fascinating history.  Apart from the cars on view there were several photographic stands.  Images for these had been supplied from the collections of Bill Henderson, Jim Moir and Jack Davidson plus many others came from images supplied by members over the years.  We are indebited to Alan Carlaw for adjusting and printing most of them.
Click on any image  below to enlarge


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Dinner and Interviews

Following a very noisy Reception, a marvellous meal had been laid on by the Hotel which seemed to please everyone.  An amusing Motorsport Grace was delivered by Stuart Turner at the request of Chairman Jimmy McInnes. As usual, between courses Jimmy interviewed individually our three Guests, starting with Rosemary Smith who responded appropriately with amusing anecdotes about her career and the various vehicles she had had at her disposal while a Works driver.  Later Jimmy talked to Anthony Reid who is still racing in the British Touring Car Championship in a Works Chevron having had a career in racing which took him from as far afield as Japan and S. America. Other members were also asked to say few words to the assembly. Finally, Stuart Turner said a few words. Those who remembered Stuart from the 2007 Reunion would recall what an entertaining speech he gave then.  He had everyone in stitches once again.


At the end of the evening Vice-Chairman Bob Baillie gave the vote of thanks to everyone who had contributed to such an enjoyable evening.  Before he did this he requested that members looked under their seats to find a surprise ticket.  A lucky winner from each table was then presented with a bottle of Scotch!  We look forward to the next Reunion,  whenever that may be.
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Sunday Morning

 Programme Extracts and a few of the Display Board Images

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 A few images of Rosemary Smith’s Motorsport Career

Anthony Reid supplied these images

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Apologies received from Non-Starters

Tom Bicket, Troon
I’m sorry Tom and I will have to cancel tomorrow night’s dinner. 
Sorry, we will be missing what will be as usual an excellent evening.
Regards to all,  Marion Bicket
Mid Bruce, Annbank, Ayrshire
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the dinner this time as we
have my son and his family here for that weekend.
George Dean, Edinburgh and Islay
Sorry to say I cannot make the reunion this time.  We have not managed
a getaway so far this year, and Portugal seems to have won the
race against the dinner!
George Cooper, Kilsyth Glasgow
Looks like we cannot attend the Reunion. We would be away
anyway on that I weekend to Portamao.
Stan Hutchison, Lenzie
Unfortunately, due to ill health, Inez and I will be unable to join in
the fun at the reunion on 18th October.
I am sure it will be as successful as in the past.
Bruce Lyle,  West Kilbride
It gives me no pleasure at all to have to advise you that I will not be able
to make the Reunion, as I will be on holiday in France.  Had I
not already had to reschedule this trip, I may have done that, but a
certain Mrs Lyle would not be a happy person!  My apologies for absence
and I am truly disappointed that I will not be there, to enjoy
the company of old friends.  I am sure you will have a great time
and hope that I will still be around for the next one!
Allan MacVarish,  Lemington Spa
Sorry to say I won’t be able to make the Reunion on 18th October
as I’m competing at Buckmore Park Historic Go-Kart Championship.
Apologies I won’t make it – hope you all have a great time.

Robert McKenzie,  Barrhead
I must apologise for not being in contact earlier but I have been out of the country
and the date of the Reunion just slipped my memory.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend as I will be away from home that
weekend but I hope the dinner goes well – please minute my apologies.
Best wishes to all my fellow members.
Gray Mickel,  Newton Mearns
Unfortunately, we will be unable to attend.  We hope all goes well at the
Charlie Bruce Miller,  Cults
Much to my regret, I will be unable to attend.  If George Forbes or
Alistair Clark is there please give them my regards…..I had many a
great battle with them in our Minis.   I still tell the story of how
Jimmy McInnes introduced his  Charterhall  mechanic at an earlier
Reunion…………Jackie Stewart no less!  I doubt if I will ever hear a
better introduction.   Every best wish for another great evening
Jim Moir
I am afraid we will not be able to attend this time as we expect to
be down south.  I hope that we can attend a future event and wish
you all the best for the evening.
Stella Morgan, Kemnay
We have booked a holiday to go see Roy Campbell in Dubai on 19th
so will be too rushed to do both.   Apologies for missing the event.
Logan Morrison, Stirling
Unfortunately, we will not be able to attend the Reunion.  I will be in
Australia visiting my daughter and grandchildren at that time.
Hope everyone has a great time.
Monty Pearson,  Bridgend, Duns  
Unfortunately, my son is doing the Cambrian Rally the weekend of 18th
October as a shakedown for Rally GB four weeks later and as Team
Manager I need to be there.  Hope the Reunion goes well
George Robinson,  Aberdeen
Sorry I cannot attend the dinner.  If anyone remembers me, please
Pass on my good wishes.
Ian Scott-Watson,  Greenlaw
I very much regret I will not be able to attend so please tender my
apologies for absence and best wishes for a happy and enjoyable
meeting of kindred souls.
Ken Strachan,  Cupar
I am very sorry that I will have to pass on the Reunion…. I am out
of circulation driving-wise at present……. I wish all the members a
very pleasant Reunion on the 18th.  I trust all will go well on the night.
Ian Stewart, Crieff
I am afraid I have reached the age and stage where such pleasures
are no longer possible, but please accept my very best wishes for a
thoroughly enjoyable Reunion!
David Swinton, Morpeth
I will not be able to join you all for the next reunion due to an
existing engagement but hope to be able to make it up to see you all
before too long.
Peter Weall, Lenzie
Please note my apologies for the upcoming event on 18th October.  I
would very much like to have been there but have a family wedding
on that same day.
Geunda Young, Islay
Initially, I thought that it would be a good jaunt for big Deans and
me, but then I spotted the date.  Unfortunately, it is a couple of
days after Mike and I return from my son’s wedding in Ibiza, and I
couldn’t in all conscience, take more time off work.  Such a shame as
I am sure it will be a jolly good evening!
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 List of Starters

Entrants                      Location                              Partner/Guest

  Class 1: Pre-1962

Alan Carlaw                                Muirend, Glasgow
Audrey Carlaw                           Muirend, Glasgow
Alastair Clark                             Kelvinside, Glasgow
Sam Colman                               Douglas, Lanarkshire                         Margaret Colman
Andrew Cowan                           Berwick-upon-Tweed            Linda Cowan, Michael Deans
Eric Dymock                               Lincoln
Walter Gray                                Perth                                                       Bette Gray
Charlie Harrison                        Edinburgh                        Sheilagh Douglas-Hamilton
Bill Henderson                           Falkirk
Arlene McInnes                         Troon, Ayrshire
Jimmy McInnes                         Troon, Ayrshire
Gordon McRobbie                     Airdrie                                                Christine Mc Robbie
John Melvin                                Eaglesham
Sandy Morrison                          Stirling                             Helen Morrison, Mary Sword
Norman Lilley                             Balfron, Glasgow
Mairi Parker                                Larkhall
Stuart Parker                               Larkhall
Duncan Paterson                        Newton Mearns
Pat Smith                                      Elgin                                                    John Smith
Johnstone Syer                            Rosyth
Boyd Tunnock                              Uddingston                      Anne Tunnock,  Marilyn Jack
Stuart Turner                                Chipping Norton                              Margaret Turner
Andy Watson                                 Glasgow                                             Fiona Watson
Hamish Wilson                              Hamilton

 Class 2: 1962 – 1971

Kenny Allen                                   Crossford                                           Kenny Gunn
Fraser Anderson                           Milngavie
Bob Baillie                                      Kilmarnock                                       Margaret Baillie
Tom Bicket                                     Symington                                        Marion Bicket
Willie Crawford                             Lasswade                                          Marnie Crawford
Barry Crichton                               Cumbernauld                                  Nancy Crichton
Billy Cuthbertson                          Troon                                                 Anne Cuthbertson
Jack Davidson                               Winchburgh
Ian Gemmell                                  Mauchline                                         Louise Gemmell
Jamie Gibbon                                Cumbernauld                                   Shonah Gibbon
Donald Gordon                             Paisley                                                Catriona Gordon
Alex Graham                                  Lanark
William Henderson, jr                 Falkirk
Brian Hopkins                               Airdrie
Marion Hopkins                            Airdrie
Donald MacDonald                       West Kilbride                                   Tricia MacDonald
Hugh MacKinnon                          Houston
William Montgomery                    Perth & Kinross                              Eileen Montgomery
Adele Paterson                                Newton Mearns
Chris Paton                                      Hyndford Bridge
Clive Reeves                                    Helensburgh                                    Flora Reeves
Bill Reid                                            Glasgow                                           Hazel Reid
Olly Ross                                           Helensburgh
Tom Sleigh                                        Wishaw
Ian Smillie                                         Milngavie
Margaret Smillie                              Milngavie
Rosemary Smith                              Dublin
Geoff Stone                                       Diseworth
Johnnie Thomson                           Hamilton                                          Jay Thomson
Charlie Young                                   Strathaven                                       Netta Young

Class 3: 1971 – 1982

John Cleland                                      Melrose
James Crichton                                 Newton Mearns
Sandy Denholm                                 Edinburgh
Michael Dymock                               Newton Mearns
Alex Houliston                                   Barrhead
Paul Mason                                        Dullatur                                            Gill Mason
Hugh McCaig                                     Penicuik
Dave McNair                                      Dunfermline
Martin Pieracchini                            Inverness
Anthony Reid                                     Iffley Village
Harry Simpson                                  Edinburgh

Class 4: 1982 – 1989   

Stephen Cooper                                 Cumbernauld                                     Roslyn Cooper
Glen Mortimer                                   Edinburgh
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Reunion 2010

Saturday 23rd October

The Glynhill Hotel was the venue for our fourth Reunion.  However, before the festivities started we had to hold the Association’s Annual General Meeting.  As you would imagine this was as usual, an uneventful event lasting just under 30 minutes.  Then it was a rush to “sign-in” and get on with the real business!  The attendance was down this year, quite why we are not sure but those who did manage along were certainly up for a good night, as you can see from the attached photographs.  Thanks are due to Sandy Morrison for supplying the bulk of the photographs taken on the night (but not one of himself), and also to Pat Smith and Mairi Parker who made up the rest. Just over 100 members and guests started and I think they all finished in one piece! We did have a good number of apologies from members who were unable to attend. Unfortunately, at the last minute Wendy Jones, John and Mary Sword were unable to be present.
Three well kent members from the not-too-distant motorsport past had been invited as our guests. Each of these gentlemen was to keep us interested and amused during and after the meal.

The oldest of these, from a motorsport perspective, was Ian Scot-Watson who had launched Jim Clark on his career in the 1950s. Ian was the co-founder of the Border and Scottish Motor Racing Club, Team Manager of the Border Reivers. In addition, he was the designer of the Ingliston Racing Circuit and co-founder of Scotcircuits Ltd.

The second was Mike Wood, a well-known rally co-driver during the late 1950s right through to the late 1990s! He had competed in at least over 100 International Rallies and was involved in numerous outright wins! His last event was in 1998 when as a co-driver to Tony Fall he won the Mini Monte Rally outright!

Finally, John Cleland represented the more recent racing fraternity.  Apart from a short spell at Rallying in 1976 in which he knocked down lots of trees, John has had a fantastic career in racing.  He had competed in eleven Bathurst 100kms races in Australia and has been both the BTCC Champion and the Thunderstorm Champion TWICE!

“Signing-On” and Reception.

At Signing-on, a name badge and a Programme had been given to everyone.     During the Reception, members had the opportunity to browse the many old photographs that Jim Moir and Bill Henderson had supplied for the occasion.  Bill was unable to be present,  having to have a surgical  procedure performed the following morning.         However, I am delighted to report that Bill has made a good recovery and getting 
   back to normal. Also on display was a  signed copy of a book donated by our Honorary President Sir Jackie Stewart.  A copy of the limited edition “Collage”. 
Click on  any thumbnail to get a larger image
This was a truly magnificent leather-bound book detailing Jackie’s incredible motor racing career told through the archive of the Stewart family which his wife Helen had faithfully kept. It included many items of memorabilia collected over the 10 years of his life in Formula 1.

  Dinner and Presentation

During an excellent meal, between courses, Jimmy McInnes once again did his microphone interviews with many of our members.  This was accompanied by images of the members and/or their car being displayed on two large screens Ian Scott-Watson revealed some interesting and less well-known facts about Jim Clark’s motoring exploits from his early days competing in Club rallies right up to his famous F1 career.  Then it was Mike Wood’s turn to entertain us with his very many exploits as a co-driver for some very famous drivers. Towards the end of the meal, Mike How and Sandy Denholm took over from Jimmy to interview John  Cleland.  To say this was hilarious would be an understatement –   everyone was in stitches with John’s exploits!
At the end of the evening Jackie Stewart’s “Collage” was duly raffled which produced a grand total of£600.  This was later delivered to Dyslexia Scotland.  An excellent effort – and thanks to all who contributed.  The lucky winner was Stan Hutchison’s wife Inez.
And so ended another enjoyable Reunion.  When and where will the next one be?
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Extracts from the official printed Programme which was again compiled by Alan Carlaw.

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List of Starters

   Entrant                      Location                         Partner/Guest
                                              Class 1, Pre-1958
Tom  Bicket                          Symington, Ayrshire                    Marion Bicket
Bob  Callander                     Larbert, Falkirk
Alan  Carlaw                         Newton Mearns, Glasgow
Audrey  Carlaw                    Newton Mearns, Glasgow
Andrew  Cowan                   Hutton, Berwick-upon-Tweed       Linda Cowan
Derry  Dickson                     Sherborne, Dorset                        Carol Dickson
Wendy  Jones                       Edinburgh
Margaret  Lowrey                Winslow, Bucks.
Arlene  McInnes                  Monkton, Ayrshire
Jimmy  McInnes                 Monkton, Ayrshire
John  McIntyre                    Falkirk
Sandy  Morrison                  Stirling                                           Helen Morrison
Mairi  Parker                        Larkhall, Lanarkshire
Stuart  Parker                       Larkhall, Lanarkshire
Duncan  Paterson                Newton Mearns, Glasgow
Ian  Scott-Watson               Greenlaw, Berwickshire
John  Sword                         Dullatur, Glasgow                         Mary Sword
Johnstone  Syer                   Rosyth, Fife                                    Marion Syer
Boyd  Tunnock                     Bothwell, Lanarkshire                 Anne Tunnock
Hamish  Wilson                   Hamilton, Lanarkshire
Mike  Wood                          Clitheroe, Lancs.                           Eileen Dyson
                                             Class 2, 1959-1967
Barrie  Anderson                 Miltmber, Aberdeen                     Jane Anderson
Bob  Baillie                           Mauchline, Ayrshire                     Margaret Baillie
Graham  Birrell                   Glasgow                                           Yetta Holland
Mid  Bruce                           Annbank, Ayrshire                        Val Bruce
Willie  Crawford                 Lasswade, Lothian                         Marnie Crawford
Barry  Crichton                   Cumbernauld, Glasgow                Nancy Crichton
Bill  Cuthbertson                Troon, Ayrshire                              Anne Cuthbertson
Ian  Gemmell                      Mauchline, Ayrshire                      Louise Gemmell
Stan  Hutchison                  Lenzie, Glasgow                             Inez hutchison
Bruce  Lyle                           West Kilbride, Ayrshire                Jan Lyle
Alan  Muir                            Cathcart, Glasgow                         Graham Hamilton
Malcolm  Noble                   Mauchline, Ayrshire                     Anne Noble
Adele  Paterson                   Newton Mearns, Glasgow
Bill  Reid                               Glasgow                                           Hazel Reid
Grainger Robertson            Paisley, Renfrewshire                   Carole Robertson
David  Robertson                Paisley, Renfrewshire                    Helen Robertson
Olly  Ross                              Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire.   Stuart Massie
Jimmy  Sime                        Paisley, Renfrewshire                    Jay Sime
Tom  Sleigh                          Wishaw, Lanarkshire                    Barbara Sleigh
Ian  Smillie                           Milngavie, Glasgow                       Margaret Smillie
Pat  Smith                             Elgin, Morayshire                          John Smith
Malcolm  Wishart                Newlands, Glasgow
Alexander  Young                Fenwick, Ayrshire
Charlie  Young                     Strathaven, Lanarkshire              Netta Young
                                           Class 3, 1968-1977
Fraser  Anderson                 Milngavie, Glasgow
John  Cleland                       Melrose, Roxburghshire
James  Crichton                   Newton Mearns, Glasgow
Jack  Davidson                     Kingswell, Aberdeen
Sandy  Denham                    Edinburgh
Michael  Dymock                 Newton Mearns, Glasgow
David  Fotheringham         Lanark                                            Susan Gould
Alex  Houliston                    Barrhead, Glasgow
Mike  How                            Edinburgh
Hugh  Mackinnon               Houston, Renfrewshire
James  Moir                          Edinburgh                                     Caroline Moir
Geoff  Stone                          Diseworth, Derbyshire
Johnnie                                 Thomson, Hamilton                      Jay Thomson
                                          Class 4, 1978-1985
Glen Mortimer                     Edinburgh
Alastair Muir                        Houston, Renfrewshire
Jim  Pettigrew                      Netherlee, Glasgow
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Jimmy McInnes’s presentation

The photographs below are with the courtesy of both Bill Henderson and Jim Moir
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 Apologies received from non-starters

Kenny Allen, Crossford, South Lanarkshire
“I shall be in the south of France during the week of the Reunion!”
Neil G F Barrington,  Langbank, Port Glasgow
“I shall, unfortunately, be abroad again during this period.  Hope all goes well for the event.”
Ian Bennie, Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire
“As I am beginning to feel that age is becoming a bit of a problem I wish to submit my apology for non-attendance at the AGM and the Reunion.  I hope that you all have a very enjoyable evening.   Best Wishes to all.”
Sam Colman, Overton by Wishaw, North Lanarkshire
“I got a replacement knee on 1st March and it’s not behaving itself – I am now waiting for word to get the other one done but no word yet!  Whether or not we’ll be at the Reunion I just don’t know, but I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed. Hope its a success anyway.”
Alex Graham,  Lanark
“Due to a prior engagement, I will be unable to attend the Reunion or the AGM.  Hope all goes well and I look forward to the next one!”
Bill Henderson, Falkirk
“Unfortunately neither I nor William can attend…….. I am sure the event will be a great success and I will miss seeing the many friends I have made through motorsport.”
David Hockey, Perth
“Sorry, thought that I might have made it this year but circumstances are against me, AGAIN !! Please accept my apologies and I wish you all another great night.”
Marilyn Jack, Bothwell, South Lanarkshire
“Once again my apologies for the reunion. I will be at a Soroptimist Conference in Manchester.  I am sure it is shaping up to be another good night.”
Andrew Jeffrey, Torphichen, West Lothian
“Sorry I cannot be with you all at the Reunion, hopefully, next year.”
Tom Legget, Kilwinning, Ayrshire
“Sorry I will not be joining you as age is taking its toll and regrettably curtailing my lifestyle.   Have a boisterous evening.  With best wishes.”
Charlie Bruce Miller, Cults, Aberdeen
“I am sorry, but I will not be able to attend the Reunion because it coincides with the 40th birthday of our youngest daughter which is a very special occasion.  I thoroughly enjoyed the last two Reunions and wish you all the best on the 23rd.  A great job keeping all the oldtimers in touch. Many thanks.”
Stella Morgan, Kemnay, Aberdeenshire
“I’m having a wee birthday party on the 23rd October, so give my apologies, but won’t make it to the reunion.”

Logan Morrison,  Stirling
“Unfortunately I will be down under in Australia at the time of the Reunion.”
Innes Muir,  Burnside, Glasgow
“Unfortunately I won’t be able to attend the Reunion.  Have a wonderful evening.  Cheers.”
Malcolm Parkin, Kinross
“With regret, I am not going to be able to attend the reunion.  My health is now not reliable enough for me to be able to make forward commitments. My best wishes to you all.”
Ron Smith, Cupar, Fife
“We are now in France and although we will both be back in Scotland by the 23rd, and we will have French guests with us for a weekend hunting!  Please accept my apologies  –  I hope you have a super time and look forward to the next one –  no matter how far ahead!”
Douglas Steedman, Bothwell, South Lanarkshire
“I regret that I will be unable to attend.  Please give my apologies to the meeting and I hope the evening will be as successful as previously”
Kenneth Strachan, Ladybank, Fife
“Please accept my apologies of absence from both the Reunion and the AGM.  I wish those that do manage a very pleasant evening.”
Andrew Bruce, The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine
“It is with very great regret that I must decline the invitation for the 23rd of October.  I have been told by my medical advisers that I must lie low for a bit.  All good wishes to you all.”
Bill Thomson, Peebles
“I will not be available to attend either the AGM or the Reunion on the 23rd October.  Best wishes for a successful and enjoyable gathering.”
Roger Turnbull, Berwick-upon-Tweed
“Sorry can’t make the reunion this time.”
Andy Watson, Glasgow
“I will not be able to attend the Reunion. I will be away on business the weekend of 23rd. Apologies to all”
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Reunion 2007

Saturday, 27th October

Following the success of the 2005 Reunion, there was no question as to where the 2007 event should be held – the Glynhill Hotel, Paisley, again.  The format of the event was to be as before, with Documentation and Scrutineering commencing at 1730 going through to 1900.  It had been decided to take the opportunity to hold the first Annual General Meeting of VSMA at the Glynhill, and this was held in a small adjacent room at 1800 hours. Strangely only a few members turned up to what was hoped to be a very auspicious occasion!  Perhaps the bar was more of an attraction!!  Anyway, the business was conducted in a very timely manner by chairman Jimmy McInnes and we were able to join the others at around 1820, for the more important part of the evening.
Signing-on was in the capable hands of some the VSMA Directors’ wives and Director Adele Paterson, the gentlemen having had other things to do! Altogether there were 102 members in attendance along with 67 partners, but apologies were received from many members who could not manage along.   In the official VSMA Programme for the evening, which was very professionally produced by Alan Carlaw, Jimmy McInnes had written the following introduction  –


“It is my pleasure to welcome you all to this our third reunion.  At our last gathering, we elected Adele Paterson, Bill Dryden and Andy Watson onto the committee to infuse some fresh ideas into the Association and last May the Association was formed into a limited company to ensure its ongoing future.  The Committee are now all Directors of the Company with Stuart Parker as Honorary Secretary, Alan Carlaw as Honorary Treasurer, Bob Bailie as Vice-Chairman and myself as Chairman.
It is our intention, however, to retain the original concept of the Reunion, which is to continue to highlight the social side of “motorsport” which most, if not all of us, so enjoyed in the 50s and 60s.  Observation of today’s motoring events, particularly in racing at the highest F1 level, the “sporting element” has been overtaken by commercialism, leading, in fact, to expensive battles in the courtroom.  My rallying memory of “protests” cost £15 at the most and was invariably settled amicably.
However, enough of the political moans, we are here to enjoy good food, good wine and, in particular, good company to have a good “blether”.  The Board are extremely grateful to Regie Renault, who have repeated the generous assistance which we received from them last time.
We are sorry that our recently appointed Patron, Andrew Bruce, Earl of Elgin is unable to be with us and regrettably our Honorary President, Sir Jackie Stewart cannot be here.  Honorary Vice-President, Andrew Cowan, is with us.
Our principal guest is Stuart Turner, a man who has been involved in so many aspects of “motorsport” I don’t have space to elaborate.  You will hear more of him during dinner.
I do hope you are having a pleasant evening of reminiscing and if you are driving home, “Gany Warily”!
Jimmy McInnes

Some of the Members and Guests at Reception

By the time dinner started everyone really seemed to be in a mood to enjoy themselves and considering the racket during dinner that seemed to be the case.  As was the custom, between courses, Chairman Jimmy took his roving microphone around the room interviewing many of the members at their tables.  Two large screens had been erected at each end of the room to allow everyone to see images of those being interviewed in various scenes from their past.  Occasionally this resulted in hoots of laughter and not only from McInnes’s patter!  The star of the evening was certainly Stuart Turner who entertained us with a fund of stories relating to his varied career in motorsport, from his beginnings on the club scene right up to his time as manager of the Ford Europe Motorsport team.

A few photographs taken during dinner.

The evening officially finished at 2330 but many stayed on ’till the wee sma’ hours. Overall the evening seemed to go well and as far as we could see everyone seemed to enjoy themselves – which was the main purpose of the evening, as well as catching up with old friends.

Photographs on display at Reception – click on any image to enlarge

few photographs from the 2007 programme


List of Entrants, Partners and Guests
    Entrant                             Location                  Partner/Guest
Kenny Allen                                      Crossford                                Ken Gunn
Barrie Anderson                               Aberdeen                                Jane Anderson
Fraser Anderson                              Milngavie
Neil Armour                                      Newton Mearns                    Margaret Armour,  Dorothy McPherson
Bob Baillie                                         Mauchline                              Margaret Baillie
Jack Baillie                                        Hamilton
Graham Birrell                                 Glasgow                                   Helen McLaren
Bob Bisset                                         Westhill, Aberdeen
Donald Brown                                  Kingswell, Aberdeen
John Brown                                      Bothwell                                   Rae Brown
Mid Bruce                                          Annbank                                  Valerie Bruce
Bob Callander                                   Larbert Jim                             McGaughay
Alan Carlaw                                      Newton Mearns
Audrey Carlaw                                 Newton Mearns
Hugh Chalmers                                Balerno                                     David Cormack
Alastair Clark                                   Glasgow
Sam Colman                                     Wishaw                                     Margaret Colman
Andrew Cowan                                Berwick-upon-Tweed              Linda Cowan
Willie Crawford                               Lasswade                                   Marnie Crawford
Barry Crichton                                 Cumbernauld                            Nancy Crtichton
James Crichton                                Newton Mearns
Bill Cuthbertson                              Troon                                          Anne Cuthbertson
Jack Davidson                                  Aberdeen
George Dean                                     Edinburgh                                  Janey Dean
Bill Dryden                                       Aberlady
Michael Dymock                             Newton Mearns
Alastair Findlay                               Stranraer                                      Nikki Hillman
Donald Fisher                                  Cupar
George Forbes                                  Coldstream                                   Judy Forbes
Ian Gemmell                                    Mauchline                                     Louise Gemmell
Peter Girvan                                     Bridge of Weir                             Dorothy Girvan
Alex Graham                                    Lanark
Brian Harrison                                Glasgow
Gordon Hastie                                 Torbeck
Donald Heggie                                Cupar
Bill Henderson                                Falkirk                                           William Henderson
David Hockey                                  Perth
Mandy Hopkins                              Renault UK Ltd
Alex Houliston                                Barrhead
Mike How                                         Edinburgh                                     Sandy Denham
Stan Hutchison                               Lenzie                                            Inez Hutchison
Peter Jeffrey                                    British Columbia
Wendy Jones                                   Edinburgh
Nigel Kennedy                                Bearsden
Norman Lilley                                 Balfron
Bruce Lyle                                        West Kilbride                                Jan Lyle
Hugh Mackinnon                           Houston
Michael Malcolm                            London
Fiona Marshall                                Drymen                                          John Marshall
Amy Matheson                                Newmilns                                       Lister Matheson
Sandy McCracken                          Strathaven                                      Pat McCracken
Arlene McInnes                               Troon
Jimmy McInnes                              Troon
John McIntyre                                 Falkirk
Charlie Bruce Miller                        Cults
James Moir                                       Edinburgh                                      Caroline Moir
Logan Morrison                               Stirling                                            Val Morrison
Sandy Morrison                               Stirling                                            Helen Morrison
Glen Mortimer                                 Edinburgh                                      Jim Philip
Alan Muir                                          Glasgow                                 Laurance Jacobsen
Doug Niven                                       Duns                                                Sheila Niven
Brian Park                                         Insch                                                Vivien Park
Trevor Park                                       Bridge of Don                                 Susan Park
Mairi Parker                                      Larkhall
Stuart Parker                                     Larkhall
Malcolm Parkin                                Kinross
Adele Paterson                                  Newton Mearns
Duncan Paterson                              Newton Mearns
Wilson Paton                                     East Kilbride                                    Irene Paton
Bruce Pettie                                       Glasgow
Jim Pettigrew                                    Glasgow
Martin Pieraccini                              Inverness
Jimmy Rae                                         Glasgow
Peter Rae                                            Balerno
Bill Reid                                              Glasgow                                              Hazel Reid
Bill Reid                                              Balfron
David Robertson                               Paisley
Grainger Robertson                          Paisley
Doris Romanes                                  Edinburgh
Olly Ross                                             Helensburgh
Jock Russell                                        West Calder                               Mike Paterson
Jimmy Sime                                        Paisley                                                  Joy Sime
Tom Sleigh                                          Wishaw
Ian Smillie                                           Milngavie                                   Margaret Smillie
Pat Smith                                             Elgin                                                  John Smith
Freddy Stang                                       Newton Mearns
Jean Stenhouse                                  Bearsden
George Stewart                                   Denny
Geoff Stone                                         Diseworth
John Sword                                         Dullatur                                               Mary Sword
Bill Syer                                               Dunfermline
Johnstone Syer                                  Rosyth                                                 Marion Syer
Bill Taylor                                           Cupar
Ronnie Thom                                     Auchterarder                                      Daisy Thom
Bill Thomson                                     Peebles
David Thomson                                 Duns                                                    Anne Thomson
Johnnie Thomson                             Hamilton                                             Jay Thomson
Boyd Tunnock                                    Uddingston                                         Anne Tunnock
Roger Turnbull                                   Berwick-upon-Tweed                        MyraTurnbull
Stuart Turner                                      Chipping Norton                                  Margaret Turner
Andy Watson                                      Glasgow                                                    Fiona Watson
Bob Watson                                         Dollar
Hamish Wilson                                   Hamilton
Malcolm Wishart                               Glasgow
Charlie Young                                     Strathaven                                               Netta Young
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Apologies received from non-starters:

Neil Baffington, Langbank
“l will be overseas at the time of the Reunion.”
lain B Birrell, Helensburgh
“Please accept my apologies as l will in the South on the 27th October. Have a good one.”
Peter Brown, Galashiels 
“Won’t be able to attend as I am on leave and will be in Florida (Hurricane Season) – last time I went at this time I got stranded !!”
Gus Carnegie, West Linton   
“l won’t be coming this time around – moving house on 25th!”
John Cleland, Melrose
“Sorry, can’t manage – another previous engagement that night.”
Tom Coffield, jr, Callander
“l had intended to take part this year but my wife Eileen and I will be at our house in the Gatine, France at this time. I hope you all have a good reunion, All the best.”
Graham Cowie, Lochwinnoch
“l will be in Forida at the time! Reasonable excuse??”
Eric Dymock, lsle of Bute
“Sadly I am not going to be able to attend. Please make my apologies to all the colleagues, but it is the same date as the Scottish Car of the Year presentation at St Andrews. Our publishing firm sponsors one of the categories in the awards so it is a bit of a command performance. Best wishes for a successful event.”
Graham Gauld, Claviers. France
“Not able to make it as I am in Scotland the week before and am due to go to Australia the week after so locked between a rock and a hard place.  Hope you have a great night”
 Alisdair Gibson, Dundee
“l don’t think I will be able to make it.”
George Gibson, Newtonmore
“l regret that I shall be unable to attend.”
Stuart Gray, Knockhill
“On holiday on 27th October. Good luck on the evening.”
Tom Gray, Edinburgh
“Sorry, arrive Dover 28 Oct after the cruise!”
Colin Hope, Helensburgh
“Unable to come. I am sure you will have a great Reunion..”
Marilyn Jack, Bothwell
“Guide camp that weekend. Really, no kidding.”
Harvey McCaig, Bahrain
“Sorry that I will be unable to attend as I will have to be back in Bahrain on that date.  Pity, as I originally believed it was to be held in early October – which I could have made.  I now act as a F1/GP2 scrutineer at the Bahrain Grand Prix.  Here’s wishing you and the Association a good time on the 27th.  We will hopefully meet next time.”
Robed McKenzie. Barrhead
“Unfortunately I will be unable to attend due to health reasons.  Hope the evening goes well.”
John Melvin, Eaglesham
“Sorry I can’t be with you this time.  Have a great night.”
Gray Mickel, Newton Mearns
“Please accept my apology for not being able to attend the Reunion Dinner. I hope you all have a pleasant and enjoyable evening.”
Stella Morgan, Kemnay, Aberdeen
“May I tender my apologies.  I am unable to attend.  I trust it will be a splendid evening.”
Martin Murray, Bishopbriggs 
“Lynne and I will be moving house that weekend.”
Alisdair Pearson, Streatley, Berks
“Regrettably, I am not going to make the date this year as a long-planned family holiday will have me in Greece at this time. The problem with non-attendance at the Vets dinner as I suggested to Lindsay Kerr, is the automatic assumption that you’re deid !  I’m obviously not and hope to attend next time.”
Monty Pearson, Duns
“Organising the Tyneside Motor Sports Group’s Navigational Rally on the 27th October.  A great pity!”
Ian Scott-Watson. Greenlaw
“l very much regret that I will not be able to attend this year.  I have an invitation on that weekend to attend a major motor industry celebration of 50 years since the launch of Colin Chapman’s first road car, the Lotus Elite (and also a tribute to Colin on the 25th anniversary of his death).  I bought two of these cars for Jim Clark to race under the Border Reivers banner and secured 2nd place in class at Le mans and the Autosport Championship in 1959 with one of these cars.  I wish you all success with this year’s VSMA Reunion.”
lan Stewart, Crieff
“l have been unable to cope with “evenings out” for many years now. I do however wish all participants a thoroughly successful and enjoyable event.”
Jackie Stewart, Butlers Cross, Bucks.
“Can’t be with you…On book promotional tour”
Ken Strachan, Cupar
“Regretfully I must decline the invitation due to arthritis. I wish the Reunion every success.”
Malcolm Wilson, Cockermouth
“Unfortunately I will be in Japan on the 27th October for the WRC Japanese event.  l wish you all an enjoyable event.”
Dan Wright, Dalry
“Sorry, can’t make it this year!”
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Reunion 2005

Saturday, 30th April 2005

Due to the demise of the Royal Scottish Automobile Club premises in Blythswood Square, we were obliged to seek a suitable venue for our second reunion.  Following the success of 2001, it had to be somewhere large enough to accommodate the expected number, not too expensive and central enough for people to get to without too much travelling.  After a great deal of research we settled on the Glynhill Hotel, Paisley – it was close to Glasgow Airport and just off the M8, and in addition, we had heard of good reports regarding its food and service.
As it turned out both were excellent! Following the 2001 event, the 2005 Reunion was to be run in a similar fashion.  ASR’s were issued to members and the organising committee would be the same as in 2001.  Entrants were divided into Classes dependent on when they had first started in the sport, and everyone was given a competition number, for use in the photographic identification competition, the latter to be held during Reception.   At the end of the day, we received 151 entrants who together with partners which gave a total attendance of 230!  We also received apologies from many members who couldn’t manage along.
Prior to the evening’s festivities, a special meeting of members was held to decide the future of the “Veterans of Scottish Motor Sport”.  At this meeting, it was decided unanimously, that to ensure the future of the group, and as none of us was getting any younger, we should form a proper association, and to put it on a more secure footing it should be registered as a Company with Company House.
Fortunately, Renault UK had agreed to help with a donation towards the event and we were delighted to welcome Mandy Hopkins of the Renault PR department on the night. Also amongst those guests present were Sir Jackie Stewart, Paddy Hopkirk and Andrew Cowan.   Hamish Wilson had arranged for a Veteran Renault to be available which was put on display within the foyer, and which caused great interest, especially to our younger members.
At Documentation, a Programme and lapel badges were issued by the “Scrutineer Ladies” to all the entrants.  The Programme contained a “Route Card” giving a schedule for the evening.  After the Documentation, everyone was directed to the reception area where, in addition to pre-dinner refreshments, Alan Carlaw had laid out the Photograph Recognition Competition. This caused considerable scratching of scalps and a bit of “looking over shoulders”!  However, it was all taken in good spirit and very soon it was very difficult to converse due to the chat and laughter as members tried to solve the puzzles! Soon it was into dinner.  Between courses, we were entertained by Jimmy McInnes with his microphone doing the rounds of tables, and doing impromptu interviews with members and guests. Towards the end of the meal, it was JYS turn to speak – he quickly gave McInnes a red face by recounting their past mutual exploits.   JYS then dragged Paddy Hopkirk on to the floor where they both gave a very entertaining double act!   All in all, it was felt that this reunion was every bit as good as the first one – and should certainly be repeated.
Just a few pics were taken during and after dinner

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Some pages from the 2005 Reunion Programme

Click on any page below to enlarge  

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Apologies from Non-Starters

The following were some of the veteran competitors who were unable to start due to varying reasons – mechanical problems, other events, compelling domestic reasons, etc, etc.
However, all tendered their apologies and most hoped to be able to compete in any future events!
Roy Allingham, Motherwell
” I decided to give this one a miss.”
Stuart Allister, Lauder
” I will be on holiday.”
Sandy Angus, Carluke
” Please accept my apologies for the Reunion which I hope will be a great success.”
Ian Barr, Dundee
” I am unable to attend.”
David Bertram, Edinburgh
” Unfortunately unable to come to what I am sure will be a splendid event.”
 Tom Bicket, Kilmarnock
” I will be mmotorcycling in Orkney at the time!”
Ian Birrell, Helensburgh
” I will be sailing in Crotia at the time!”
Stella Boyles, Garsington
” Sorting out my new business – I am just not going to make this event so please do give my apologies and best wishes to all to have a successful evening. Please keep me informed of subsequent Veterans evenings so that I can put in my diary and keep sacrosanct.”
David Brown, Carluke
” I will be on holiday.”
Mid Bruce, Annbank
” I am Organising Stoneleigh Kit Car Show that weekend.”
Dominic Buckley, Kelso
” I’m sorry that the event clashes with work again this year, and I won’t be able to attend.  This is very disappointing as it would be quite interesting – to say the least – to catch up with all “the veterans”.  Hopefully next time.”
Tom Clark, Bridge of Weir
” Elizabeth and I unfortunately will not be able to attend since we have already arranged to be away from home at a special birthday party. We both would very much have enjoyed being there on the night, however, it is not possible. Allow me to wish you all an enjoyable successful evening at the Glynhill.”
Gordon Clarke, Giffnock
” Another engagement at the time.”
Tom Coffield, Jnr, Callander
” I regret I will be out of the country during the time of this year’s event.  Could you keep my details on file.”
Ian Coutts, Edinburgh
” As I will be abroad at the time!  Keep me on the list.”
Bobby Crawford, Milnathorpe
” He and Wink are recovering from a serious car crash.”
Alan Douglas, Glasgow
” Sorry to be missing it. Will be on holiday that weekend.”
The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, Dunfermline
” …wonderful sounding get-together.. Alas, I am tied up at the end of April and will not be able to join you, but please accept my very best wishes.”
Mick Fenwick, Biggar
” I will be Stewarding at Ingliston that day!”
The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, Dunfermline
” Otherwise engaged that date.”
Grant Fleming, Uddingston
” Unfortunately I can’t manage!”
Heather Fleming, Cheltenham
” Sorry, unable to attend – have a great day!”
Andrew Fletcher, Pencaitland
” My regrets, I am unable to attend. Do have a good meeting.”
Iain Flett, Larbert
” Regret to register a DNS as racing Formula Junior Historic at Donington Park that weekend.  John Fyda is racing my Lotus 22!”
Nigel Gibb, Glasgow
” Unable to attend.”
Gordon Hastie, Torbex
” Unfortunately, family commitments that weekend.”
Bill Henderson, Falkirk
” I will be attending a Wedding that day in Galway!”
Colin Hope, Helensburgh
” Unable to come due to family illness.”
Marion Hopkins, Airdrie
” I will be the Competition Secy. of Monklands Sporting CC’s Forrestburn Hillclimb on 1st May”
Jim Ironside, Bearsden
” Sorry, will not manage. Best wishes for a successful event.”
Peter Jeffrey, Dunrobin, Ontario
” Unfortunately I will not be able to attend – we are in the middle of moving to Vancouver Island. I know that Charlie Bruce Miller will be coming down from Aberdeen and I  hope my brother Martin will also be able to attend. I know that it will be a  memorable evening.”
Douglas Keenan, Lochwinnoch
” Hopefully I can manage the next one!”
Kenneth Le May, Paisley
” Unable to manage”
Graham Lees, Lendalfoot
 ” Unfortunately or should it be fortunately we will be in Bath at the end of April for our son’s wedding. Maybe it will be third time lucky – for us to get to the reunion that is.  Our very best wishes for another successful reunion.”
Tom Legget, Kilwinning
” Unfortunately I will be unable to attend.”
Bobbie Longmuir, Portugal
” Living in Portugal now.”
Jonathan Lord, Paisley
” Don’t think I’m going to manage this time, but have a great evening.”
Margaret Lowrey (Mackenzie), Winslow
” Much as I would enjoy renewing auld acquaintances,  Joe does not go too far afield these days.  It would have been nice to see Arlene and Co. and the gang ( I know diminishing, from the 55) again.  Remember me to Andrew Cowan,  I hope the Imp is enjoying its new master on the road now.  Best wishes for a successful occasion, Yours in spirit.”
Tony Luck, Perth
” Unwell for months – so won’t manage this one. Hopefully the next one.”
Rab & Sheila McDonald, Lasswade
” Unfortunately we will not be able to enter this time as we are away on Motorsport Business. I trust you all will have a great night. Next time I will look forward to  a entry form as usual. Have a good night.”
Robert McKenzie, Barrhead
” Will be abroad at the time.”
Colin McNae, East Kilbride
” At a wedding that day.”
Duncan & Dorothy McPherson, Newton Mearns
” We will be unable to be with you at the reunion.  Duncan is now blind and walks with great difficulty.  Our good wishes for another successful event.”
Ian McRae, Gartcosh
” Not for me this year?”
Bill Millar, Glasgow
” Other commitments at that time.”
Jock Millar, Drumclog
” Involved in Monklands Sporting MC’s Hill Climb on 1st May!!”
Hector Monro, Lockerbie
” I am sorry I will not be at your Veterans weekend.  It is just too complicated and my arthritis makes at quite a trial to drive a 3/4/2 Bentley!  Getting in is OK, but getting out is not!  I am sure you will have great fun and I wish I were there to meet old friends.  Good luck.
Hector, The Rt Hon Lord Monro of Langholm AE DL”
Ronnie Morrison, Helensburgh
” Can’t manage.”
Sandy Morrison, Stirling
” Helen and I will be on holiday abroad at the time.”
Ian Muir, Glasgow
” on holiday”
Iain Mungall, Cupar
” Thank you for the invitation.  Sadly I’m not going to be able to attend. I have been trying to rearrange a prior family arrangement. But unfortunately, the date could not be changed. I hope you all have a good time and I’m sure that if it is anything like the last one it will be a big success.”
Euan Murray, Edinburgh
” Unable to attend on 30th April – best wishes”
Charles Nichol, Newquay
” Sorry but D Keenan and I will now not be able to make it.  Hopefully, we can arrange it for the next one”
George Parker, Bourne End
” Regrettably planning for the yet another Lion’s Tour, this time in New Zealand, which prevents me from joining you all!  Have a great time.”
Wilson Paton, East Kilbride
” Will be in Texas on business at that time.”
Peter Rae, Balerno
” Regret I shall be away on the 30th April – wish you every success.”
George Sangster, Montrose
” Have to go to a wedding!!?”
Ian Scott-Watson, Greenlaw
” Not going to be able to attend. Best wishes for a successful event.”
John Semple, Giffnock
” on holiday”
Jimmy Sime, Paisley
” Unfortunately will be at Thruxton that weekend of the 30th so I will not be able to attend.  Hopefully, the next reunion will be at a time I can attend.”
Douglas Steedman, Bothwell
” Unfortunately on 30th April, I am unable to attend.  I very much enjoyed the previous “get-together”.  Where have all the years gone? — I’m sure you all will have a most successful day.  Regards to all”
David Stevenson, Glasgow
” On a holiday that weekend.”
Ian Stewart, Crieff
” Love to come but unable to cope with such late nights”
Ken Strachan, Cupar
” Have a prior engagement that day.”
Ian Sutherland, Leven
” Please give my apologies for absence.”
Bill Syer, Dunfermline
” I will be in Spain at that time.”
Tim Thomson, Skipton
” Giving away niece at her wedding in Sydney!”
George Topp, Lanark
” Other commitments that weekend, unfortunately!”
Neil Turner,  Glasgow
” I will not be present at this year’s reunion. I trust the evening will be a great success although only graced by the presence of lesser celebs than myself !”
Brian & Carol Wilkinson, Kincardine
” On holiday”
Malcolm Wilson, Cockermouth
” Unfortunately I will be in Sardinia for the 5th round of WRC on this date, so will be unable to attend.  Despite this, I would like to wish everyone an enjoyable event.”
Malcolm Wishart, Glasgow
” Competing at British National round at Prescott.”
Dan Wright, Dalry
” I can’t make it this time but please keep me on the list for the next one.”
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Photographic Identification Competition  –  see how you get on

Answers below

Here are the answers to the quiz.

  • Q1   –  Jowett Javlin on the Bo’ness Hill Climb.
  • Q2   –  Rest and Be Thankful Hill Climb.
  • Q3   –  Boyd Tunnock on the Bo’ness Hill Climb.
  • Q4   –  St Andrew’s beach.
  • Q5   –  Chrissy and Andy Neil.  Start of Monte Carlo Rally.
  • Q6   –  ACE Plates
  • Q7   –  A Messerschmitt car.
  • Q8   –  Peter Hughes and David Murray.
  • Q9   –  RSAC Veteran Run.  Eric Dymock.
  • Q10  – Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino
  • Q11  – The winning drivers in the 1956 Le Mans were Ron Flockhart and Ninian Sanderson.  The picture shows Ron in the dark shirt, Ninian in the white shirt with David Murray on the right and Wilkie Wilkinson in his white overalls (hand partially raised) on the left.
  • Q12  –  Logie Hill north of Stirling.
  • Q13  – 1957 Le Mans. Winning car driven by Ron Flockhart and Ivor Bueb, followed home by a second placed car driven by Ninian Sanderson and John Lawrence, all in ‘D’ Type Jaguars.
  • Q14  –  Windscreen motor.
  • Q15  –  Ninian Paterson and navigator Jimmy Brown.
  • Q16  –  Brig Morris and Allard

Reunion 2001

Saturday 21st April 2001

Following the decision to hold a get-together of our old friends in motorsport it was decided that it would have to be done properly and be held somewhere that would encourage fellow “veterans” to come along.  There was no question that the Royal Scottish Automobile Club building in Glasgow would be ideal, if available.  The RSAC had not just been the controlling body for Scottish Motor Sport but the building did hold many happy memories for a lot of veterans – sporting events as well as social occasions.  Fortunately, it was available, and as it turned out our Reunion was probably the last major motorsport event to be held there before the building regrettably had to be sold.  This was to be our first venture into the Reunion business.   A major task facing us was getting in touch with the many people who had been involved in motorsport in the previous 40 to 50 years.  There were probably very few people still involved who had started their motorsport career more than 25 years ago, so it was decided that 25 years was a reasonable  “cut off” point to ask people who had been involved before that if they were willing to come along.  Getting addresses was a long and complex process but was eventually done mainly by word of mouth.  The “organisers” (Jimmy McInnes, Alan Carlaw, Stuart Parker, and their wives Arlene, Audrey and Mairi) all came primarily from a rallying background, although Jimmy did have racing connections.  We were very conscious that we had to seek out people from all branches of the sport – not just rally people.  As it turned out we were able to amass well over 400 addresses of people to had taken part in the sport in one capacity or another!  Invitations were sent not just to Scottish participants, but many were sent to other parts of the world!   It was very obvious from the start from the number of letters and emails we received that we had engendered a great deal of interest in our proposed venture.     To add interest and hopefully a bit of competition to the event, the invitations took the form of ASR’s   We suggested that people, if they wished, could bring along memorabilia to display.  Both Mitsubishi Ralliart and Ford UK kindly offered financial assistance which helped considerably to keep costs down.  At the end of the day, we were delighted to sign-in 221 veterans for the event plus partners.  Entrants were divided into Classes according to when they had been involved. We did receive many letters and emails of congratulations for our effort in trying to run such an event. All in all 260 attended the Reunion!   In addition, we received many apologies from Non-Starters.  However, we were delighted to welcome many well-known competitors including Andrew Cowan, Jimmy McRae, John Cleland to mention only three.  We were also pleased to welcome several representatives from Ford UK.
Moira Cameron, Audrey Carlaw, Arlene McInnes and Mairi Parker were in charge of Documentation in the RSAC. foyer, where signing-on took place.  Members were issued with name badges, final instructions and a “Who’s Who” booklet of entrants together with their motorsport history, which each had been asked to submit with their Entry Form.    Alan Carlaw’s photographic quiz caused a fair bit of head-scratching – some of the images were of considerable age!  Many entrants just gave up and got on with the main business of the evening – meeting up with old competitors, or sharing a glass or three with friends.
The Documentation Team
Although we had a ‘schedule for the evening’ it was very soon abandoned –  everyone was too busy reminiscingMany drifted to other parts of the building where things were a bit quieter and other activities such as the Ford Rally simulator could be enjoyed. The Programme contained the schedule for the evening together with a list of Starters, Classes and apologies.  Also attached are a few emails and letters of interest to view.  Entrants were directed upstairs to the reception in the Regent Lounge, there, people like Kenneth Fraser had set up tables with displays of their motor sporting experiences; a large screen showed many films of past races and rallies, including Bobby Crawford’s own cine-films with Bob’s commentary, which produced a fair amount of merriment!
Mairi Parker having a go on the simulator – and did very well!
Ford had kindly brought along their rally simulator which caused much interest and excitement for those willing to try their skills.  Andy Watson was in charge of collecting the entry fee (at £2 a run).   It was quickly obvious to the veteran drivers that experience with computer simulators would have been a great help.   However, James Rae showed that he had lost none of his rallying skills and easily took the winners award.   A magnificent glass encased Model- Ford replica (donated by Ford UK) was presented to James Rae by Andrew Cowan and Jimmy McRae.   James was heard to remark to Jimmy McRae “Let Colin know that this was what I have been reduced to now – rallying on a simulator!”                            Back to top of this Article


Andy Watson who was in charge of the simulator, showing how it should be done.
The Model T given by Ford UK presented to Jimmy McRae as the winner on their simulator.

Eventually, everyone moved downstairs to the main dining area where a buffet supper had been provided.  Towards the end of the meal Clerk of the Course, Jimmy McInnes, at last, welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the first Scottish Veterans Reunion.  He hoped that they had found it, not just enjoyable, but a worthwhile experience which perhaps was worth repeating.  Judging by the applause Jimmy received this thought was well received!   Equally, loud applause greeted the late Nigel Kennedy when he went up to collect from Jimmy his prize for being the way-out winner of the Photographic Competition.
An unusually serious Jimmy McInnes welcoming all to what would be our very first Reunion.
Jimmy thanked those who had contributed to the success of the evening :  Alan Carlaw for the production of the programme and the photographic quiz : those who had donated films and display memorablia : Mitsubishi   Ralliart for financial support :  Ford UK, not just for providing their RallySimulator and the magnificent Model T-Ford trophy, but also for their financial assistance : thanks were due also to the other programme advertisers – First Ford of Glasgow,  Arnold Clark, Morrisons Garages Stirling, Tunnocks, Sandy McCracken & Son Ltd., Reliable Vehicles Limited, Ian Skelly and Westcars: and last but not least, the backroom “staff” who made the whole thing come to fruition.
Jimmy McInnes addressing the company. Jimmy McRae standing on his right
After supper people continued to talk and talk; a few still tried their hand at the simulator – but eventually, we all drifted off home having enjoyed a most memorable evening.
Footnote: After the dust had settled and sums had been added up, we found we had had a surplus which, along with the money from the simulator entries, enabled us to donate £475 to the Red Cross.


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Programme Front Cover

       ……….The Evening’s Schedule………

                18.30  –  19.45    Documentation and Scrutineering, in the Foyer of RSAC
19.30  –  22.00    Competition
19.45     ‘Welcome’ in Regent Room . . .  . . . . .J.W. McInnes
19.30  –  23.30    Video Show in Regent Lounge (upstairs)
20.00  –  22.00    Buffet
22.30     Prizegiving, in Regent Room
23.30     Parc Ferme opens for release of Zimmers, Wheelchairs, white sticks, etc.
Ford Half Buck Simulator Competition
Entry to this Competition, which is separate from the main event, is by donation of £2 per ‘drive’, the proceed of which will go to a local Charity.  This competition will run throughout the evening.  A prize, donated by Ford Motor Company who kindly provide the Simulator, will be awarded to the lucky (?) winner.



2001 ASRs


Entrants and Classes




……..Couldn’t Manage

We received a number of apologies to the ‘Invitation’ we sent out to ‘Veterans’ of Scottish Motor Sport. Below are some we received. Most have had had previous engagements such as holidays or were unable to come for other reasons. Virtually all expressed their regret in not being able to attend, but wished every success for the evening.
Ian Birrell, Helensburgh
Jenny Birrell, Shalstone, Bucks
Graham Bisset, Kincardine
Bill Borrowman, Edinburgh
Arnold Clark, Glasgow
Bill Clarkson, Balfron
Geoff Duncan, Bridge of Weir
Barry Filer, Glasgow
Graham Gauld, Claviers, France
Sandy Gentles, Perth
Ian Hawthorn, Uplawmoor
Colin Hope, Helensburgh
Ian Hutchison, Newton Mearns
Frank Inglis, Largs
Tony Luck, Perth
Alan Lundholm, Torrance
Hugh McCaig, Penicuik
George McCartney, Motherwell
Gray Mickel, Moscow, Ayrshire
Bill Millar, Glasgow
Tony Mitchell, Strathaven
Ian D. Muir, County Clare, Eire
Andy Munn, Glasgow
Mervyn Nicol, Perth
Ian Preston, Clarkston
George Ritchie, Newton Mearns
Ian Stewart, Crieff
Jackie Stewart,O.B.E.,  Milton Keynes
David Thomson, Duns
Gerry Ward, Kilmacolm




 A few quotes from emails and letters received

‘What a shame that we now qualify for the Veterans Tag!…….
………………… Graham Lees, Lendelfoot
‘……a good idea to reminisce about Motor Sport when it was a Sport and not big business. I couldn’t afford a trailer and tow car when I was rallying!!!!’
………………………Fred Hibberd, Dundee
‘………..good idea to have such a reunion before we Old Boys pop off’
…………Ronnie Dalgleish, Auchterarder
‘make sure there is parking space for my zimmer, that the name tags are in 48pt type!” type!’     ………………...Wendy Jones, Edinburgh
‘……….. most prestigious event of the Motor Sport Calendar’
……………….. Alex Houliston, Barrhead
‘What a splendid idea! Almost respectability at last!!’
……………………...Ian Smillie, Milngavie
‘………McInnes will remember the night in North Berwick or was it Dunbar, when Ella helped to debag Jimmy!!’
…………… Bobby Crawford, Milnathorp
‘……………….a blast from the past, on any scale!!’
……………….Willie Crawford, Lasswade
‘…..have a mega evening; my regards to anyone who remembers the ‘Good’ years in Scottish Motorsport and my antics!!!’
………………Jenny Birrell, Shalstone, Bucks
‘What a great idea………..could be the best event in the 2001 calendar’
……………..George Sangster, Montrose
‘Club events were good fun in those days, with a light-hearted approach to motor sport generally, apart from the occasional back-biting!        Alas how things have changed…… recent Silverstone vs Brands Hatch drama certainly taught me a thing or two. In contrast your reunion will be a landmark of sanity, and I wish you well with it.’
………………………...Ian Stewart, Crieff
‘………getting my lightweight, racing zimmer ready for scrutineering!’
………………………Donald Brown, Cults
‘……..Less of the Veterans Please.  Look forward to a good night’
……………………John Cleland, Melrose
‘Reading the names alone has raised nostalgic memories – Oh Happy Days’
……………………..Andy Munn, Glasgow
‘great idea…….look forward to an evening of hilarity and boasting.’
………………….Fred Lobnitz, Stewarton

Newsletter – September 2020

Newsletter  –  September, 2020

It seems a long time since I had any relevant information to send you about VSMA.  In fact I had problems even remembering how to put the Newsletter together!  I presume you have had a look at Tom Coffield’s very full page. 

Fortunately, I have had NO deaths to report this month, which is a pleasant change.

I expect you are all getting more than fed up with the lockdown and sheltering, we certainly are but still speaking each other!


New Member:

I am delighted to welcome the a new member to the Association.  You may have already seen his details in the Members List on our website, have a look:

Peter Shankley


I was more than delighted to receive an article from Peter Shankley on his Motorsport exploits to date, he has added some very interesting personal Motor Sport stories to the”Tales from the Past” section.  Worth a look.


Some Funnies:

Again, in the absence of anything to report in the VSMA world, here a few things to lighten up your day!

From my niece:   This made me laugh

Primary School Children Writing About The Sea

1) This is a picture of an octopus. It has eight testicles. (Kelly age 6)

2) Oysters’ balls are called pearls. (James age 6)

3) If you are surrounded by sea you are an Island . If you don’t have sea all round you, you are incontinent. ( Wayne age 7)

4) Sharks are ugly and mean, and have big teeth, just like Emily Richardson. She’s not my friend no more. (Kylie age 6)

5) A dolphin breaths through an arsehole on the top of its head. (Billy age1f60e.png

6) My dad goes out in his boat, and comes back with crabs. (Emily Burniston age 5)

7) When ships had sails, they used to use the trade winds to cross the ocean. Sometimes, when the wind didn’t blow, the sailors would whistle to make the wind come. My brother said they would be better off eating beans. (William age 7)

8) I like mermaids. They are beautiful, and I like their shiny tails. How do mermaids get pregnant? (Helen age 6)

9) I’m not going to write about the sea. My baby brother is always screaming and being sick, my Dad keeps shouting at my Mum, and my big sister has just got pregnant, so I can’t think what to write. (Amy age 6)

10) Some fish are dangerous. Jellyfish can sting, Electric eels can give you a shock. They have to live in caves under the sea where I think they have to plug themselves into chargers. (Christopher age 7)

11) When you go swimming in the sea, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small. (Kevin age 6)

12) Divers have to be safe when they go under the water. Two divers can’t go down alone, so they have to go down on each other.  (Becky age 1f60e.png

13) On holiday my Mum went water skiing. She fell off when she was going very fast. She says she won’t do it again because water shot up her fanny (Julie age 7).


From Bill Barr:

82 year-old Morris went to the doctor to get a physical.  A few days later, the doctor saw Morris walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm.  A couple of days later, the doctor spoke to Morris and said, ‘You’re really doing great, aren’t you?’

Morris replied, ‘Just doing what you said, Doc: ‘Get a hot mamma and be cheerful.”

The doctor said, ‘I didn’t say that.. I said, ‘You’ve got a heart murmur; be careful.’



Thats all folks

Stuart Parker, August 2020                               Back to top


Remember, older news items can be found in the “Archived News Items” page.  We would welcome additional photographs for any of the pages, but in particular we would love to be able to insert “mug shots” of people on their own page.  This would let other members put a face to a name.  So, if you have not already done so, dig out a recent photograph of your self and send it to me (in digital format) by email or send the original by post which I can copy and return to you.

If you would like to add anything (within reason) to the site, just send the copy to me and I will do the rest.


Newsletter  –  April, 2020

Newsletter  –  April, 2020

Dear member,

I would assume that many of you have been, like Mairi and I, confined to barracks for the last few weeks – and it looks like it may be a bit longer!  As I have learned from my son in the USA, the News is not so good on the virus front – already he has been giving lectures on Covid-19 to fellow ex-graduates.  Anyway, lets look on the bright side if we can!

Unfortunately we have had to cancel or at least postpone this years Spring Run to 2021.  Hopefully nothing will change in the route or location headquarters through in Lundin Links, Fife.  Those who have already entered have agreed that we keep their entry monies until next year – so many, many thanks.  The Hotel too have filled in a date for us next spring – fingers crossed!


The adjacent photograph was taken of Stirling Moss driving the Vanwall at Knockhill in 2007. Shortly after that he was asked to join the ranks of VSMA, which he readily agreed to do.  Unfortunately,  his name has now been added to our PastVeterans.  As most who have reported on his death, and who met him on occasions, he was a true gentlemen of Motor Sport and surely will be remembered as such.








I am sad to report the following deaths which have been notified to me since the last Newsletter:-

Ian Cunningham, Edinburgh died 9th Nov, 2013

Bill Nolan, Larbert died August 2018

Charlie Brown,  Killearn died 4th April, 2020

Trevor Park, Aberdeen died 5th April 2020

Stirling Moss OBE, London died on 18th April, 2020


New Email addresses:

I bring to your attention the following changes;

    George Deans is now at

    Robert McKenzie has changed to

    Charlie Young has changed his email address to

Jimmy McInnes has changed hi email address to


New Members:

I am delighted to welcome the following five to membership of the Association.  Their details can be found on clicking their name in the Members List on the website:








John Brownie, Inverurie

David Duffield, Kirkliston, W. Lothian









Ron Cumming, Northfield, Aberde

Margaret Baillie, Mauchline








Nancy Crichton, Cumbernauld

Some Funnies:

In the absence of anything to report in the VSMA world I think a few things to lighten up your day would be appropriate – form contributing members!

Bill Barr didn’t think it would be very long before somebody came up with something relating to the virus, and here it is. It’s pretty cleaver. If you want to sing it, it goes quite well to the tune of Auld Lang Syne.

Tae A Virus

Twa months ago, we didna ken

Yer name or ocht aboot ye

But lots of things hiv changed since then,

I really must salute ye.


Yer spreading rate is quite intense,

Yer feedin like a gannet

Disruption caused, is so immense,

Ye’ve shaken oor wee planet.


Corona used tae be beer,

They garnished wae limes,

But noo it’s filled us awe wae fear

These days are scary times.


Nae shakin hawns, or peckin lips,

It’s whit they awe advise

But scrub them weel, richt tae the tips,

That’s how we’ll awe survive.


Just stay inside, the hoose ye bide

Nae sneakin oot for strolls

Just check the lavvy, every hoor

And stocktake your, loo rolls


Our holidays have been pit aff

Noo that’s the Jet2 patter,

Pit oan yer thermals, have a laugh

And paddle ‘doon ra waatter


Canary Isles! no fur a while

Nae need fur suntan cream

And awe because o’ this wee bug

We ken, tae be nineteen


The boredom surely will set in,

But have a read, or doodle,

Or plan yer meals for the month

Wi 95 pot noodles


When these run oot, just look aboot

A change, it would be nice

We’ve beans and pasta by the ton

and twenty stane o’ rice.


So dinny think ye’ll wipe us oot,

Aye true, a few have died,

Bubonic, bird flu and TB

They came, they left, they tried.


Ye might be gallus, noo ma freen,

As ye jump fae cup tae cup

But when we get oor vaccine made

Yer number, will be UP.

Jimmy McInnes found that once again The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternative meanings for common words

The winners are:
1. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs.

2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.

3. Abdicate (v.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. Esplanade (v.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. Willy-nilly (adj.), impotent.

6. Negligent (adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.

7. Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.

8. Gargoyle 👎, olive-flavoured mouthwash.

9. Flatulence (n.), emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.

10. Balderdash (n.), a rapidly receding hairline.

11. Testicle (n.), a humorous question on an exam.

12. Rectitude (n.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.

13. Pokemon 👎, a Rastafarian proctologist.

14. Oyster (n.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.

15. Frisbeetarianism (n.), (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. Circumvent (n.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.

The Washington Post’s Style Invitational also asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

The winners are:

-Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

-Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

-Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.

-Inoculatte (v): To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

-Osteopornosis (n): A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)

– Karmageddon (n): It’s like, when everybody is sending off all these Really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer.

– Glibido (v): All talk and no action.

– Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.

– Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you’re eating.

And the pick of the literature:
– Ignoranus (n): A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.

That’s all folks………………. !

Stuart Parker, April 2020                                                                      Back to top



Newsletter, December, 2019

Newsletter, December 2019

Can I refer you to Andrew Cowan’s page within the Past Veterans section of the site.  The following obituary appeared in the Glasgow Herald on 30th October. and gives an excellent summary of Andrew’s life and motorsport career

Annual General Meeting – 6th December

As usual this was held in Boyd Tunnock’s establishment in Uddingston which commenced with a buffet supplied by Boyd including of course, pies, teacakes and Carmel wafers!   The turnout was up slightly at 18 members and partners.

Chairman Jimmy McInnes welcomed everyone with the announcement that he was retiring as Chairman of VSMA.  Jimmy had been Chairman since the beginning of the association in 2001.  Following the reports from Chairman Jimmy, Secretary Stuart Parker and Treasurer Bob Baillie. The meeting went on to elect the new Executive Board which was as follows:

Chairman  –  Bob Baillie

Vice-Chairman  –   Barry Crichton

 Secretary  –   Stuart Parker

Treasurer   –   Bob Baillie

Bob Baillie then took the chair and immediately thanked Jimmy McInnes for all his work and leadership over the formative. years of the association. He then proposed that Jimmy be made an Honorary Vice-President which was adopted unanimously.

Mid Bruce and Donald Gordon having stepped down from the Board saw the election of the following five members:

Ian Smillie, Jack Davidson, Duncan Paterson, Mike How and Chris Paton

they will join Hugh MacKinnon, Adele Patterson and Charlie Young who had remained as Ordinary Board members under Art 33 of the Articles of the Association.

Thereafter there was a general discussion of topics such as Reunions before the meeting closed after about 40 minutes!

Death of Member:

I am sad to inform you of the following deaths:

Betty Craig had died in 2017

Tom Prestly, Hamilton, in December 2017

Andrew Tymkewycz, Heriot, died 2018

Guenda Young, Islay, died on 15th October 2019

Angus Pattison, Glasgow, died 23rd October, 2019

Rob McKinna, West Linton, died November 2019

Andrew Cowan, Berwick-on-Tweed, died 15th October 2019

As you know the death of Andrew Cowan, our first Vice-Presidents, was felt by everyone in VSMA.  He had been a true supporter of our organisation in many ways and will certainly be missed.

There will be a Memorial service to Andrew in Duns on Saturday 1st February, 2020 at 1pm.

Here is the official notice of this important event, click below to open this notice:


New Member:

I am delighted to welcome the following to membership of the Association.  Their details can be found on clicking their name in the Members List on the website:

Darren Banks, Anstruther

Bob Shearer, Perth

Robert Kelly, Malinger, Bucks.

Member’s contact changes and New Email addresses:

Alan Muir  –  has a new address and telephone number

Tony Fleming  –

George Gibson  –

John McIntyre

Pat Hilley  –

Donald Heggie  –

Chris Edwards  –

Some more website Updates:

Ian McRae  –  updated Motor Sport history

Ronnie Martin – data update

Pete Weall upgraded his recent activities

Chris Edwards has moved to Kinross

7th V.S.M.A. Reunion 2019: 

A full report with photographs has been published on the website!   Click here  to view it now.  It turned out to be a very successful and enjoyable event – and we made a small surplus of just over £100.

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At the Golf Club……….

Ladies Captain, Mrs May, has resigned from her Golf Club, and is returning her locker key, when Mr Barnier, the Membership Secretary, sees her.

“Hello, Mrs May,” says a cheerful Mr Barnier. “I’m so sorry to hear you are no longer renewing your club membership. Please come to my office, and we can settle your account.”

“I have paid my bar bill,” says Mrs May.

“Ah yes Mrs May,” says Mr Barnier, “but there are other matters to be settled.”

In Mr Barnier’s office, Mrs May repeats that she has settled her bar bill, so wonders what else she can possibly owe the Golf Club.

“Well, Mrs May,” begins Mr Barnier, “you did agree to buy one of our new Club jackets?”

“Yes,” says Mrs May “I did agree to buy a jacket but I haven’t received it yet. As soon as you supply the jacket I will send you a cheque for the full amount.”

“That will not be possible” explains Mr Barnier. “As you are no longer a club member you will not be entitled to wear one of our jackets.”

“But you still want me to pay for it?” exclaims Mrs May.

“Yes,” says Mr Barnier, “That will be £500 for the jacket, as it has already been ordered in your size.  There is also your bar bill.”

“But I’ve already settled my bar bill,” says Mrs May.  “I told you that.”

“Indeed,” says Mr Barnier, “but as you can appreciate, we need to place our orders with the liquor suppliers in advance, to ensure our bar is properly stocked, and you regularly used to spend at least £50 a week in the bar, so we have placed orders accordingly for the coming year. You therefore owe us £2500 for that.”

“Will you still allow me to have those drinks?” asks Mrs May.

“Certainly not Mrs May,” says Mr Barnier. You are no longer a club member!”

“Next is your restaurant bill” continues Mr Barnier. “In the same manner, we have to make arrangements in advance with our catering suppliers. Your average restaurant bill was in the order of £300 a month, so we require payment of £3,600 for the next year.”

“I don’t suppose you’ll be letting me have those meals either,” says Mrs May.

“No, of course not,” says a clearly irritated Mr Barnier. “You are no longer a club member!”

Mr Barnier continues.  “Then there are the repairs to the clubhouse roof.” 

“Clubhouse roof!” exclaims Mrs May, “What has that got to do with me?”

“Well it still needs to be repaired, and the damage occurred while you were a member, and the builders are coming in next week.  Your share of the bill is £2000.”

“I see,” says Mrs May. “Is there anything else?”

“Now you mention it” says Mr Barnier, “there is Fred the barman’s pension. We would like you to pay £5 a week towards Fred’s pension when he retires next month.  He’s not well you know, so I doubt we’ll need to ask you for payment for more than about five years, so £1300 should do it. That brings your total bill to £10,000″ says Mr Barnier.

“Let me get this straight,” says Mrs May. “You want me to pay £500 for a jacket you won’t let me have, £2600 for beverages you won’t let me drink, and £3600 for food you won’t let me eat, all under a roof where I won’t be allowed to sit, while not being served by a man who is going to retire next month on a pension paid for by me?”

“Yes, it’s all perfectly clear and quite reasonable,” says Mr Barnier.  “And could I just say what a remarkable grasp of the situation you have!”

But Mr Barnier continues.  “And of course, as you were Ladies Captain, I think it would be appropriate for the members to hold a small dinner to mark your excellent and generous period of membership. There will only be 27 of them, so the bill shouldn’t be more than £4,000 or so. We can forward it to you after the event.

So I don’t get to attend that dinner myself?” asks Mrs May.

”Well of course not” says Mr Barnier. “How could you? You are not a member!”

Now we understand Brexit!

©Malcolm Parkin 2019

Advice from an Expert  –   Bill Barr

Why men shouldn’t write advice columns

Dear John,

I hope you can help me. The other day, I set off for work, leaving my husband in the house watching TV.  My car stalled, and then it broke down about a mile down the road, and I had to walk back to get my husband’s help. When I got home, I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was in our bedroom with the neighbour’s daughter!

I am 32, my husband is 34 and the neighbour’s daughter is 19.  We have been married for 10 years. When I confronted him, he broke down and admitted they had been having an affair for the past six months. He won’t go to counselling, and I’m afraid I am a wreck and need advice urgently. Can you help please?

Sincerely, Sheila.

Dear Sheila,.

A car stalling after being driven short distance can be caused by a variety of faults with the engine Start by checkin that there is no debris in the fuel line. If it is clear, check the vacuum pipes and hoses on the intake manifold and also check all grounding wires. If none of these approaches solves the problem, it could be that the fuel-pump itself is faulty, causing low delivery pressure to the injectors;

I hope this helps,


That’s all folks………………. !

Stuart Parker, December 2019                                                                      Back to top

Remember, older news items can be found in the “Archived News Items” page.  We would welcome additional photographs for any of the pages, but in particular we would love to be able to insert “mug shots” of people on their own page.  This would let other members put a face to a name.  So, if you have not already done so, dig out a recent photograph of your self and send it to me (in digital format) by email or send the original by post which I can copy and return to you.
If you would like to add anything (within reason) to the site, just send the copy to me and I will do the rest.