How to Use the Site

When you arrive at the VSMA site you will be presented with the “Home” page which can be seen by anyone.

To Login to the ‘Members Only’ area requires a User Name and a Password.

When you login you will be presented with your own profile page, see below instructions on how to update your cover photo, your profile photo and motors port history details.

To access the ‘members only’ pages click on the “Members Home” menu at the top of the page.

Updating Your Own Data

You can update your own profile data on your profile page which is shown when you first login. You can also reach it by selecting your own name from the ‘VSMA Members’ page after you login.

To upload a cover photo click on the + sign in the middle of the grey rectangle and follow the instructions on screen. Similarly to upload a profile photo click on the round profile photo area. Remeber to click the tick to complete the update.

Below your cover photo to the right of your name is the ‘settings wheel’ symbol. Click the symbol and a drop down list has the option ‘edit profile’. When you click ‘edit profile’ a small text box opens which allows you to enter up to 20,000 characters describing your motorsport history/career. Type in your data or cut and paste from your computer. When complete click the ‘Update Profile’ button.

If you prefer not to update your own data you can download this file Career Data

Fill in the form and send it to the Administrator.

Members Home

The first thing you will notice on reaching this page is the disappearance of the Login.  There is now a new heading on the top left-hand side – the Members Home which contains a drop-down arrow. Clicking on this arrow reveals all the sections within the Members Area.

The Members Home page will have a link to the most recent “Newsletter” published by VSMA and may also contain announcements for members.

My Account

This page shows your account details. Username cannot be changed but you can amend your name or your email address if they have been entered incorrectly.

On the left-hand side of the page are three icons. The first of these, a “Head”, takes you back to this page; the second one allows you to change your Password and the last “Padlock” can be used to prevent your Profile from being seen by others (we feel this would be an unlikely course of action).

Apart from the site Administrator, you are only person able to amend your Account.

Changing your password is self-explanatory – Following the receipt of the initial Password, it is essential for your own security, that you change this password to something that only you will remember. But make sure you take a careful note of this new password!

When you do change your password, remember to press Update Password before you leave this page.

VSMA Members

This provides a list of the current Association members and links to their profile page.

Recent amendments to the Data Protection legislation dictate that we can no longer display personal information like email address or phone number. We are making inquiries to try to find a way round this.

VSMA Past Veterans

Where details of Past Members are kept.

VSMA Products

Where details of VSMA clothing etc. are kept.

Archived News Items

Old Newsletters will be kept here.

Forthcoming Events

Details of forthcoming events will be posted here to give an early notice of what is being planned. This will include Reunions, Touring Runs and any other events we think members should know about.

Events History

This will take you to a page where you can select Reunions, Touring Runs or Other Events to see the reports on previous events.

Tales From The Past

This area contains articles we have received from members, which should be of interest to most members.

How To Use the Site

Brings you to this page.


The Logout button can be found on clicking the Members Home menu.

Clicking Logout button takes you to the main Home Page (public area) of the site.   For security reasons, including the personal data of all our members, it is essential that you leave the Members Area by logging out in this way.  This is particularly the case if you are using a public web browser.

Uploading Photographs, Articles, etc to the Site

To submit images or articles just send by email to the VSMA Administrator at

If you have many images to send by email use a service such as “WeTransfer” which can be found on the internet and is FREE.

Image JPGs should be at least 1000 pixels wide

Data and Articles should be sent in a form such as Word Documents or PDFs.

Once Images, and or Articles are sent, we will do the rest. The Administrator will obviously use his editorial discretion!

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