
(click on the VSMA logo above to return here)

This site is primarily for Members of Veterans of Scottish Motorsport Association who can LOGIN and go to the MEMBERS HOME page.

The HISTORY OF V.S.M.A. and the PICTURE GALLERY are available for public access.

These should give you a brief glimpse of Scottish Motor Sport over the past seventy years.

If you would like to apply for membership of our Association, CLICK HERE.


Events for 2025. Details of the first two events for this year, namely:-

The Spring Run

The first VSMA Golf Outing


The Scottish Rally Championship 1990 -1999 by John Fife.

The second book on the history of the Scottish Rally Championship has now been published and is on sale – in ideal time for Christmas presents!  Full details and how to order your copy can be found HERE.

Jackie Stewart World Champion.

Eric Dymock Motor Books have released a new book on Sir Jackie Stewart which went on sale for his birthday the 11th June.

Details of the book can be found at Eric Dymock Motor Books

Murmurs On Mull 1993 – 2010 by John Fife.

Following the success of his first book “The Scottish Rally Championship 1980 – 1989”, John Fife has released “Murmurs On Mull”, the inside stories from the Tour of Mull Rally 1993 – 2010. Further details can be seen HERE